InfoSWMM v11 and H2OMAP SWMM v10 have new import and export features for HEC-RAS interaction. The echange commands are in the exchange menu (Table 1) and you can import HEC-RAS geometry
Table 1. Exchange commands in InfoSWMM and/or H2OMAP SWMM
Figure 1. Import HEC-RAS command imports Geometry Files which will have the extension go1, go2 etc.
Figure 2. The imported Transects can be viewed and edited in the Operations Tab of the InfoSWMM Browser.
Figure 3. The imported Transects can be used as a SWMM 5 Irregular Channel Transect.
Figure 4. Export HEC-RAS command exports a geometry file containing the active Transects in InfoSWMM.
Figure 5. Export HEC-RAS allows you to choose a directory and a name for the exported geometry file.
River Reach= CHO
Type RM Length L Ch R = 1 ,5.065 ,471.716902,515.260000,471.
River Mile 5.065
#Sta/Elev= 68
0 214.4 11
174 208.0 275
307 199.9 313
366 208.6 413
441 203.4 447
506 208.1 550
575 205.8 585
644 205.9 651
723 207.8 724
816 209.3 920
1076 209.5 1079
1225 210.6 1358
1443 211.4 1472
1796 212.2 1868
#Mann= 3 , 1 , 0
0 0.1 0
Bank Sta=274.500000,365.500000
Table 2. The exported HEC-RAS Geometry File from InfoSWMM
Autodesk Technologist with Information about Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) for watershed water quality, hydrology and hydraulics modelers (Note this blog is not associated with the EPA). You will find Blog Posts on the Subjects of SWMM5, ICM SWMM, ICM InfoWorks, InfoSWMM and InfoSewer.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM Import and Export of HEC-RAS Geometry Data
Sunday, November 27, 2011
H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer Water Quality Options
Subject: H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer Water Quality Options
Subject: H2OMAP Sewer and In
You can model 8 options in H2OMAP Sewer and
Figure 1. Water Quality Simulation Choices in H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer.
Figure 2. Water Quality Simulation Choices in the Scenario Explorer of H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer
The SWMM 5, 1D Components in InfoSWMM 2D
Note: The SWMM 5 1D Components in InfoSWMM 2D
Note: The SWMM 5 1D Component
InfoSWMM 2D uses standard SWMM 5 components to connect the 1D Nodes to the 2D Mesh. A bottom outlet orifice at the maximum depth of the node drains to a SWMM 5 Outfall at the fixed elevation equal to the Node Rim Elevation. Flow can go into or out of the Outfall from the 1D element from or to the 2D Mesh. InfoSWMM 2D
The HYDQUA.inp is very similar to the Excel Tab formatted file of SWMM 5 with a few additional sections and added features:
1st Difference: The Flood Node Data Section tell the 2D engine which Node has a 1D-2D connection and which 2D mesh element the 1D Node drains to when it is flooded.
10309D 848
80408 131
2nd Difference: Outfall Nodes are created for the 2D Mesh Element connected to the 1D Node, the outfalls are Fixed Outfalls and the fixed head is the Node Rim Elevation of the 1D node listed in the Flooded Node Section
10208 89.900000 FREE NO
10208A 89.900000
10208B 89.900000
10208C 89.900000
10208D 89.900000
10208E 89.900000
10309D_OUTFALL 101.
80408_OUTFALL 120.
3rd Difference: Bottom Outlet Orifices are created to connect the 1D node to the 2D Mesh Element Outfall with the Flood Discharge Coefficient entered by the user and a crest height equal to the maximum depth of the node
OR1@82309B-15009B 82309B
OR1@82309D-82308D 82309D
10309D_ORIFICE 10309D
80408_ORIFICE 80408
Friday, November 25, 2011
How to Compare the Output Manager Statistics in H2OMAP SWMM to the SWMM 5 Output Text File
Subject: How to Compare the Output Manager Statistics in H2OMAP SWMM to the SWMM 5 Output Text File
Subject: How to Compare the Output Manager
The value of the total inflow in the text output file is the integrated total for the whole simulation including all time steps. This is the total volume that is shown in Map Display for Nodes and Links or in the Summary Tables for Nodes and Links. If you graph the flow or depths in Output Report Manager and use the FieldStatistics tool it will only show you the statistics for the SAVED time steps. However, if you multiply the Sum (Total) Value by the saved interval in seconds you will have another estimate of the total node of link statistic. For example, a Sum Total of L/s times seconds yields liters which divided by 1,000 yields ML.
Figure 2. Map Display of the total link volume in the model run comes from the Node Inflow Summary Table in the Text Report File
Node Inflow Summary
Node Type
dickinsonre | August 4, 2013 at 7:28 am | Tags: Blogger, H2oMAP SWMM, IFTTT, InfoSWMM,swmm5 | Categories: H2OMAP SWMM, InfoSWMM, swmm5 | URL:
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Comparison of the H2OMAP SWMM Hazen Williams Force Main Solution to a Steady State HW Solution
Note: Comparison of the H2OMAP SWMM Hazen Williams Force Main Solution to a Steady State HW Solution
Note: Comparison of the H2OMAP SWMM Hazen Williams
In this example, we compare the force main head loss in four links in H20Map SWMM to the head loss in a steady state HazenWilliams s
Table 1. Steady State comparison
Figure 1. H2OMAP SWMM Wet Well, Pump, Force Main and Gravity Main Network
Figure 2. Constant Pump Flows
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