Sunday, May 6, 2012

Runoff Routing Options Example in SWMM 5

Subject:   Runoff Routing Options Example in SWMM 5

Runoff Routing Options Example in SWMM 5

by dickinsonre
Subject:   Runoff Routing Options Example in SWMM 5

There are six options for runoff routing in SWMM 5: 
·         All Runoff to an Outlet Node
·         All Runoff to another Subcatchment
·         All Runoff to the Pervious Area of the Subcatchment or other Subcatchment
·         All Runoff to the Impervious Area of the Subcatchment or other Subcatchment
·         Partial Runoff to the Pervious Area of the Subcatchment or other Subcatchment
·         Partial Runoff to the Impervious Area of the Subcatchment or other Subcatchment
 The attached example SWMM 5.0.022 file has three catchments in a chain, the 1stSubcatchment Routes to the Pervious area of the 2nd Subcatchment and the 2ndSubcatchment routes the runoff to the Impervious area of the 3rd Subcatchment which routes all runoff to an outlet node. 

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