Sunday, November 10, 2013

What are the Options for LID Inflow and Outflow In SWMM 5?

What are the Options for LID Inflow and Outflow in SWMM 5?

The Runoff Surfaces in SWMM 5 are:
1.      Pervious area with either Green Ampt, Horton or CN Infiltration
2.     Impervious area without Depression Storage or Initial Losses
3.     Impervious area with Depression Storage or Initial Losses

Outflow Options for the Runoff in SWMM 5 are:
1.      Pervious from Impervious
2.     Impervious from Pervious
3.     The Subcatchment Node Outlet Or Another Subcatchment based on the Outlet Name

The LID inflow in SWMM 5 can be from:
1.      The pervious area
2.     The pervious area plus a fraction of the impervious area
3.     The Rainfall on the LID Area
4.     A LID can cover the entire Subcatchment and can get all of the Flow from another Subcatchment as well as the Rainfall on the Subcatchment

The LID outflow in SWMM 5 can be to:
1.      The outlet of the Subcatchment
2.     The pervious area of the Subcatchment

Note: These options also apply to InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM 

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