Saturday, January 11, 2014

Additional SWMM4 and SWMM5 files on Box

What is the Blog about?   It describes the background of some files uploaded to Box from the history of SWMM 4 and SWMM 5.  I have uploaded many more additional files to the Box site for SWMM 5  These files are the files we used to test SWMM 4 in the late 1980's and also that we imported into SWMM 5 for SWMM 5 Testing between 2003 and 2005.  There are over 500 files so some of them might be in the beta version of SWMM 5 but hopefully someone in the future can use these for their various projects or a future SWMM 6 or just to learn from small examples of SWMM 5 files.

Folder Names on Box

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