Thursday, May 29, 2014

Overflow in InfoSewer

"Discover the unique water retention capabilities in InfoSewer 💧🛠️:

  • Unlike InfoSWMM, InfoWorks ICM, and InfoWorks CS, InfoSewer maintains its composure under pressure. During Extended Period Simulations (EPS), even when the Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) kisses the Rim Elevation, no water escapes the chamber and loading manholes. 💦🚫

  • However, keep a watchful eye on those Wet Wells! They will release water once filled to the brim. 🌊🕳️

  • One critical output parameter to monitor is 'Overflow'. Here's a quick guide:

    • Overflow Equation: Overflow = Flow in Link - Q full for the Link
    • Understanding Overflow:
      • A negative Overflow value signals an unfulfilled pipe; it's not at full capacity based on q/Qfull. 📉
      • A positive Overflow indicates a full house; the pipe has reached its max. 📈
    • Measuring Units: Overflow's units align with the units of Flow in InfoSewer.

Stay in control of your network's flow dynamics with InfoSewer's precision in water management 🔍💡."

What is Overflow in InfoSewer?

Monday, May 12, 2014

SWMM 5 Groundwater and Node Elevation Relationship Options

If you want the SWMM 5 groundwater Subcatchment routing to use the the aquifer water table elevation, the node invert elevation and the depth of water in the receiving water node then you should use values of 0, blank and blank for Surface Water Height, Channel Bottom Height and Water Table Elevation, respectively (Figure 1).  As shown in Figure 2, if the Groundwater starts out at the same elevation as the receiving water node the flow can be both negative and positive into the groundwater comparatments as the depth in the node and the infiltration for the Subcatchment change.

Figure 1. SWMM5 Groundwater Elevations
Figure 2. SWMM 5 Groundwater and Node Elevation Relationship Options

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How to Change the Spatial Coordinates in Arc Map for InfoSWMM and InfoSewer

If you have an unknown coordinate system in InfoSewer or InfoSWMM, this is one way to fix the unknown coordinate issue.

Here is how you fix the coordinate issue so you can view your model in Google Maps:
1    1.   Use export manager and save a shape file of your manhole or junction data,
2.      Next (there are a lot of ways to do this) use Arc Map Tools and define the saved shape file as Australian GDA1994 MGA 1956
3.      Now, merge your InfoSWMM Model with the newly created and newly defined Australian GDA1994 MGA 1956 shape file
4.      Next, change the project spatial reference to Australian GDA1994 MGA 1956 and zoom to your layers
5.      You now can have a  background image layer and
6.      You can see the streets next to the inlets of your model in Google Maps.
Arc Map Tools for Defining the Projection of a Shapefile

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Release of SWMM 5.1.005

Build 5.1.005 (4/23/2014)

Engine Updates:

1.  A problem with reading hydraulic results from a hot start
    file was fixed.

GUI Updates:

1.  The appearance of the Open File Dialog with preview panel
    was improved.

2.  In the property Editor for storage nodes, the Ponded Area
    property was made read-only since storage nodes are not
    allowed to pond water.

3.  Some issues with pop-up topic windows in the Help file
    being obscured by the main Help window were fixed.

AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...