Friday, February 27, 2015

When is Warning 02 Used in the SWMM 5 Engine?

When is Warning 02 Used in the SWMM 5 Engine?

1. If the crown elevation of the highest connecting link is greater than the maximum depth of the node, then
2. The maximum depth of the node is increased to the crown elevation of highest connecting link
3. This is an  internal engine change and is reflected in the Output HGL
4. For example, a 4 foot pipe connected to a node with a maximum depth of 2 feet will be increased to 4 feet
5. The output text file will say what the maximum depth is or 4 feet in this case
The Meaning of Warning 02

New SWMM 5, EPANET 2 and InfoSWMM Sustain Product Pages for Innovyze

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Huff Rainfall Distribution SWMM 5 Model

Huff Rainfall Distribution SWMM 5 Model
Huff Distribution Model in SWMM 5
Scenario Run :  BASE

FLOW_UNITS           LPS
START_DATE           01/01/2020
START_TIME           00:00:00
REPORT_START_DATE    01/01/2020
END_DATE             01/02/2020
END_TIME             12:00:00
SWEEP_START          01/01
SWEEP_END            12/31
DRY_DAYS             5.000000
REPORT_STEP          00:01:00
WET_STEP             01:15:00
DRY_STEP             01:15:00
ROUTING_STEP         0:01:00 
VARIABLE_STEP        0.75
MIN_SURFAREA         0
MIN_SLOPE            0

;;Type       Parameters
;;---------- ----------
CONSTANT     0.000000

;;               Rain      Time   Snow   Data      
;;Name           Type      Intrvl Catch  Source    
;;-------------- --------- ------ ------ ----------

;;                                                 Total    Pcnt.             Pcnt.    Curb     Snow    
;;Name           Raingage         Outlet           Area     Imperv   Width    Slope    Length   Pack    
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF HUFF_1ST_QUARTER OUT              1.000000 0.000000 500.000000 1.000000 0.000000                 
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF HUFF_2ND_QUARTER OUT              1.000000 0.000000 500.000000 1.000000 0.000000                 
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF HUFF_3RD_QUARTER OUT              1.000000 0.000000 500.000000 1.000000 0.000000                 
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF HUFF_4TH_QUARTER OUT              1.000000 0.000000 500.000000 1.000000 0.000000                 
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF HUFF_1ST_QUARTER OUT              1.000000 0.000000 500.000000 1.000000 0.000000                 
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF HUFF_2ND_QUARTER OUT              1.000000 0.000000 500.000000 1.000000 0.000000                 
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF HUFF_3RD_QUARTER OUT              1.000000 0.000000 500.000000 1.000000 0.000000                 
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF HUFF_4TH_QUARTER OUT              1.000000 0.000000 500.000000 1.000000 0.000000                 

;;Subcatchment   N-Imperv   N-Perv     S-Imperv   S-Perv     PctZero    RouteTo    PctRouted 
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 0.010000   0.100000   0.050000   0.050000   25.000000  OUTLET    
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.010000   0.100000   0.050000   0.050000   25.000000  OUTLET    
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.010000   0.100000   0.050000   0.050000   25.000000  OUTLET    
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.010000   0.100000   0.050000   0.050000   25.000000  OUTLET    
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 0.010000   0.100000   0.050000   0.050000   25.000000  OUTLET    
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.010000   0.100000   0.050000   0.050000   25.000000  OUTLET    
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.010000   0.100000   0.050000   0.050000   25.000000  OUTLET    
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.010000   0.100000   0.050000   0.050000   25.000000  OUTLET    

;;Subcatchment   MaxRate    MinRate    Decay      DryTime    MaxInfil  
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 5.00000    1.000000   4.000000   7.000000   0.000000  
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 5.000000   1.000000   4.000000   7.000000   0.000000  
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 5.000000   1.000000   4.000000   7.000000   0.000000  
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 5.000000   1.000000   4.000000   7.000000   0.000000  
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 10.0000    5.00000    4.000000   7.000000   0.000000  
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 10.00000   5.00000    4.000000   7.000000   0.000000  
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 10.00000   5.00000    4.000000   7.000000   0.000000  
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 10.00000   5.00000    4.000000   7.000000   0.000000  

;;               Invert     Outfall    Stage/Table      Tide
;;Name           Elev.      Type       Time Series      Gate
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ----
OUT              0.000000   FREE                        NO


;;Name           Date       Time       Value     
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS 01/01/2020 0:00       0         
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            1:12       2.625     
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            2:24       4.791666667
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            3:36       6.458333333
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            4:48       6.958333333
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            6:00       5         
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            7:12       3.541666667
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            8:24       2.291666667
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            9:36       1.583333333
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            10:48      1.333333333
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            12:00      1.041666667
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            13:12      1.041666667
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            14:24      0.75      
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            15:36      0.708333333
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            16:48      0.625     
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            18:00      0.583333333
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            19:12      0.583333333
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            20:24      0.541666667
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            21:36      0.5       
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            22:48      0.458333333
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER_24_HOURS            24:00      0.25      

HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS 01/01/2020 0:00       0         
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            1:12       0.625     
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            2:24       0.666666667
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            3:36       1.625     
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            4:48       2.291666667
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            6:00       3.458333333
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            7:12       4.041666667
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            8:24       4.791666667
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            9:36       4.375     
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            10:48      4.375     
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            12:00      3.958333333
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            13:12      3.333333333
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            14:24      2.291666667
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            15:36      1.666666667
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            16:48      1.25      
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            18:00      0.75      
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            19:12      0.583333333
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            20:24      0.5       
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            21:36      0.458333333
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            22:48      0.333333333
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER_24_HOURS            24:00      0.291666667

HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS 01/01/2020 0:00       0         
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            1:12       0.833333333
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            2:24       0.833333333
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            3:36       1.333333333
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            4:48       1.166666667
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            6:00       0.916666667
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            7:12       0.75      
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            8:24       0.625     
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            9:36       1.041666667
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            10:48      1.458333333
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            12:00      2.708333333
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            13:12      4.791666667
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            14:24      5.833333333
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            15:36      6.458333333
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            16:48      4.166666667
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            18:00      3.541666667
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            19:12      2.5       
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            20:24      1.25      
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            21:36      0.833333333
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            22:48      0.416666667
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER_24_HOURS            24:00      0.208333333

HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS 01/01/2020 0:00       0         
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            1:12       0.833333333
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            2:24       0.833333333
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            3:36       0.625     
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            4:48       0.625     
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            6:00       0.625     
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            7:12       0.625     
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            8:24       0.625     
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            9:36       0.833333333
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            10:48      0.833333333
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            12:00      1.25      
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            13:12      1.25      
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            14:24      1.25      
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            15:36      1.875     
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            16:48      2.5       
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            18:00      3.541666667
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            19:12      4.583333333
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            20:24      8.125     
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            21:36      7.5       
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            22:48      2.291666667
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER_24_HOURS            24:00      1.041666667



DIMENSIONS -0.561 -0.214 1.050 0.950
Units      None

;;Node           X-Coord            Y-Coord           
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
OUT              0.327              0.464             

;;Link           X-Coord            Y-Coord           
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------

;;Subcatchment   X-Coord            Y-Coord           
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.041             0.882             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.036             0.882             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.035             0.882             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.035             0.882             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.003             0.891             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 0.029              0.892             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 0.133              0.884             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 0.186              0.868             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 0.228              0.827             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 0.233              0.776             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 0.223              0.685             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 0.205              0.641             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 0.163              0.607             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF 0.078              0.590             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.010             0.565             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.075             0.563             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.121             0.738             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.084             0.866             
LOWHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.084             0.866             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.371              0.887             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.376              0.887             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.377              0.887             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.377              0.887             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.409              0.896             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.441              0.897             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.545              0.889             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.598              0.873             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.640              0.832             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.645              0.781             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.635              0.690             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.617              0.646             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.575              0.612             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.490              0.595             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.402              0.570             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.337              0.568             
LOWHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF 0.291              0.743             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.703              0.678             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.708              0.678             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.709              0.678             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.709              0.678             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.741              0.687             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.773              0.688             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.877              0.680             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.930              0.664             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.972              0.623             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.977              0.572             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.967              0.481             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.949              0.437             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.907              0.403             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.822              0.386             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.734              0.361             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.669              0.359             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.623              0.534             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.660              0.662             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.660              0.662             
LOWHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.703              0.678             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.695              0.332             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.696              0.332             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.696              0.332             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.728              0.341             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.760              0.342             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.864              0.334             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.917              0.318             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.959              0.277             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.964              0.226             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.954              0.135             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.936              0.091             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.894              0.057             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.809              0.040             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.721              0.015             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.656              0.013             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.610              0.188             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.647              0.316             
LOWHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.647              0.316             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.408             0.791             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.403             0.791             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.402             0.791             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.402             0.791             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.370             0.800             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.338             0.801             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.234             0.793             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.181             0.777             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.139             0.736             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.134             0.685             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.144             0.594             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.162             0.550             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.204             0.516             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.289             0.499             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.377             0.474             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.442             0.472             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.488             0.647             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.451             0.775             
HIGHHORTON_1STQUARTERHUFF -0.451             0.775             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.367             0.439             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.362             0.439             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.361             0.439             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.361             0.439             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.329             0.448             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.297             0.449             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.193             0.441             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.140             0.425             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.098             0.384             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.093             0.333             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.103             0.242             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.121             0.198             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.163             0.164             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.248             0.147             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.336             0.122             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.401             0.120             
HIGHHORTON_2NDQUARTERHUFF -0.447             0.295             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.144             0.220             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.139             0.220             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.138             0.220             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.138             0.220             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.106             0.229             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.074             0.230             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.030              0.222             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.083              0.206             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.125              0.165             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.130              0.114             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.120              0.023             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.102              -0.021            
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF 0.060              -0.055            
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.025             -0.072            
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.113             -0.097            
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.178             -0.099            
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.224             0.076             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.187             0.204             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.187             0.204             
HIGHHORTON_3RDQUARTERHUFF -0.144             0.220             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.248              0.158             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.249              0.158             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.249              0.158             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.281              0.167             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.313              0.168             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.417              0.160             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.470              0.144             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.512              0.103             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.517              0.052             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.507              -0.039            
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.489              -0.083            
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.447              -0.117            
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.362              -0.134            
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.274              -0.159            
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.209              -0.161            
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.163              0.014             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.200              0.142             
HIGHHORTON_4THQUARTERHUFF 0.200              0.142             

;;Gage           X-Coord            Y-Coord           
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
HUFF_1ST_QUARTER -0.002             0.672             
HUFF_2ND_QUARTER 0.494              0.739             
HUFF_3RD_QUARTER 0.815              0.521             
HUFF_4TH_QUARTER 0.808              0.288             

Sunday, February 22, 2015

EPA SWMM-CAT Climate Adjustment Tool to InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM

How to make Centered Twitter Embeds on Blogger

This is how you get the code for an Embedded Tweet from your Twitter Feed

1. Click on the Four Dots
2. Choose to Embed your Tweet
3. Copy the HTML Code
4. Make a new Blog or use an old blog and paste the HTML Code from Step 3

This is how you get the code for an Embedded  Tweet

This is the key line for centering the embedded tweet (use the HTML Tab)

" "

Here is an example of how it looks in the HTML Tab

Innovyze and Robert Dickinson on Social Media - A Video Guide for Wordpress, Blogspot, Twitter, LinkedIn and Ning

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Innovyze Releases SWMMLive Generation V5.5, Powering Real-Time Stormwater, Wastewater and Watershed Modeling

Innovyze Press Release
 Insider BlogLinkedInTwitterYouTubeYouTube
Innovyze Releases SWMMLive Generation V5.5, Powering Real-Time Stormwater, Wastewater and Watershed Modeling
Latest Release Features Comprehensive Exporting and Reporting Tools and Significant Usability Enhancements
Broomfield, Colorado, USA, February 17, 2015 — Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced the worldwide release of the V5.5 Generation of its SWMMLive for real-time operational forecasting, modeling and management of urban drainage systems. The latest release features significant customer-requested functionality that gives wastewater utilities an unsurpassed tool for identifying flood-vulnerable assets and formulating sound and cost-effective remediation/mitigation strategies.

SWMMLive combines the comprehensive urban drainage modeling capabilities of industry-leading InfoSWMM(and H2OMAP SWMM), with sophisticated real-time operational forecasting, early warning, and emergency management. This powerful risk assessment and real-time decision making tool allows utilities of all sizes to operate and manage their collection systems more efficiently and effectively than ever before. It enables managers and operators to consider the influence of a full range of catchment factors in three key areas: management of flooding and reduction of unregulated discharges; optimization of storage, green alternatives and existing infrastructure, leading to savings on capital works; and optimization of pumps to lower energy costs and reduce CO2 emissions.

SWMMLive can directly import any InfoSWMM or H2OMAP SWMM project, and is designed to work automatically. Once a system is configured, real-time data is continually and automatically harvested and quality checked. This data can be defined by a number of parameters, including observed and forecasted radar rainfall, online water quality measurements, and ancillary structure and pump operation time series. Simulations are run automatically at a user-defined frequency using the full hydrodynamic and advanced technological capabilities of InfoSWMM(and H2OMAP SWMM), including water quality assessment, pollution prediction, urban flooding, green LID and BMP alternatives, and real-time control. Simulation frequency can change in response to user-defined conditions. For example, increased rainfall intensity can trigger a reduction of the interval between simulations.

Warnings or alerts triggered during the forecast period are instantly displayed via the rich SWMMLive user interface, allowing system operators to see at a glance which areas need attention and what actionable options might be taken. Comparison alerts can be used to highlight differences between observed and modeled results, enabling users to refine their models — and creating unprecedented confidence in simulation results.

SWMMLive also allows operators to perform simulations that explore alternative real time control scenarios — such as the impact of switching on a pump earlier than planned — and quickly seeing the effect of these changes on the system. The wide range of capabilities in SWMMLive make it a key tool in the decision making process, enabling operators to take action to avoid system issues, release timely alerts, and quickly deploy response teams if necessary.

V5.5 introduces the ability to automatically export graphs and maps to image files, making it possible to to create Post Event Reports displaying results from automatic simulations within a specified time range for a selection of locations. Post Event Reports allow operators to assess the accuracy of forecasts against the latest observed data, ensuring complete confidence in the simulation run results.

The new version also introduces a range of usability enhancements that make creating and monitoring real-time forecasts easier than ever. They include a new Alert Count window showing the number of instances of each alert, a new Custom Graph window providing effortless graphing for predetermined network objects, user security roles revisions, a self-maintaining Innovyze Live Server run log and additional keyboard shortcuts and grid tooltips within the SWMMLive Configuration ManagerSWMMLive V5.5 even allows simulation runs to be triggered by third party, external tools.

For a complete listing of new features and capabilities in SWMMLive V5.5, visit the “What’s New” section in the online help.

“Since its initial release, SWMMLive has become a leading operational forecasting and real-time modeling solution for users of InfoSWMMH2OMAP SWMM and the EPA SWMM 5.1 simulation engine,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, NAE, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, F.ASCE, President, COO and Chief Operating Officer of Innovyze. “The advances in this latest release confirm the product’s standing as the ultimate decision support system for operating and sustaining safe, reliable and efficient infrastructures and enabling wastewater utilities worldwide to harness the power of real-time data.”

Monday, February 16, 2015

How to set an internal boundary condition in SWMM 5, InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM

How to set an internal boundary condition in SWMM 5, InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM
  1. Make the internal boundary node a storage node
  2. Set the Storage node initial depth
  3. Give it a large storage area
  4. Set the offset depth of the link below the storage node to the Storage Node initial depth
  5. The Node depth will be at the initial depth at the start of the simulation
Internal Boundary Node in SWMM 5 at a fixed depth.                Internal Boundary Node in SWMM 5 at a fixed depth.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tweets about the EPA SWMM-CAT Climate Change Add-On to EPA SWMM5

Saturday, February 14, 2015

How to Use Trace Upstream, Domain Manager and Facility Manager in InfoSewer to Find the CE

InfoSewer does not have table of node continuity errors only an overall continuity error balance.  If you have a continuity error then you can use the process of divide and conquer to find the location of the continuity error.  Start at the Outlets and using the Trace Upstream command, Domain Manager and Facility Manager take out whole sections of the network until you isolate the section of the network with the continuity error  (Figure 1 and Figure 2).
Figure 1. The Mass Balance Calculation in InfoSewer/H2OMap Sewer.
Figure 2.  Control the Continuity Error with the Run Control Options in Run Manager.
Figure 2.  Control the Continuity Error with the Run Control Options in Run Manager.
 Here are the steps you can take:
Step 1.   Use Trace Upstream Network to find the and place in a Domain the Upstream Network (Figure 3).
Step 2.   Once the upstream domain is created use the Domain Manager to add in any extra links without nodes (Figure 4)
Step 3.   Make the Domain Inactive using Facility Manger (Figure 5)
Step 4.    Run the network and check the overall continuity error (Figure 6)
Step 5.   Continue and repeat until you isolate the area that is the main source of the Continuity Error (CE).
Figure 3.  Trace Upstream Network and Place it in a Domain
Figure 3. Trace Upstream Network and Place it in a Domain
Figure 4.  Use Domain Manager to take out links without nodes
Figure 4.  Use Domain Manager to take out links without nodes
Figure 5.  Use Facility Manager to Make the Domain Inactive
Figure 5.  Use Facility Manager to Make the Domain Inactive

Figure 6.  Find and Isolate the Area with the CE.
Figure 6. Find and Isolate the Area with the CE.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Vertical Roughness Differentiation in InfoSWMM for a Link

The Vertical Roughness Threshold allows the user of InfoSWMM or H2OMap SWMM to have a simple differentiation of roughness in a link. The Threshold depth which is entered as a fraction of the total link depth allows the simulation of lower or higher roughness at the bottom of the link compared to the top of the link. The lower or higher roughness is entered as the Vertical Roughness value in the InfoSWMM Attribute Table of DB Table for the link hydraulic data.

1. The Vertical Roughness Threshold is a fraction and the Threshold depth calculated from this fraction will be the Vertical Roughness Threshold Fraction * Maximum depth. If the Maximum depth is 3 meters and the Vertical Roughness Threshold is 0.5 then the dividing depth is 1.5 meter (Figure 1 and Figure 2).
2. If the depth in the link is higher than the Threshold depth it will use the link manning roughness n value. If the depth is in the link during the simulation is less than the Threshold depth it will use the Vertical Roughness n value (Figure 2).
3. For example in Figure 3, I am showing the Base Scenario (Blue line), a Scenario with a larger Vertical Roughness n value (Green Line) and a Scenario with a smaller Vertical Roughness n value (Red Line). The larger the Vertical Roughness n value the larger the simulated depth in the link for the same flow input.
Figure 1.  The Vertical Roughness Threshold and Vertical Roughness Manning’s n value in the Attribute Browser of InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM.
Figure 2. The Meaning of the Dividing Depth or the Vertical Roughness Threshold Fraction * Maximum depth.
Figure 3.  A Three Scenario Comparison of the Effect of Vertical Roughness.  The Vertical Roughness can be either rougher or less rougher than the default link Manning’s n.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Water is good; it benefits all things and does not compete with them.(Lao-tzu)

I saw this website on LinkedIn and was interested in the use of Chinese and Japanese characters for water.
“The present research is supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS). The project began its research activities on November 2014. The logo selected is quite simple but meaningful. It consists on the map of Bolivia and inside the map it is the kanji for the word Shuǐ (Chinese) or Mizu (Japanese) that means water. The kanji looks like a drop water. It was decided to use the symbol of water, as everything relates somehow to water. Water is the most vital element for life, but it can also become the most destructive force.”
"Water is good; it benefits all things and does not compete with them." (Lao-tzu)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Robert Dickinson Product Sector Leader (PSL) for Innovyze Inc.

Robert Dickinson or a Post about what I do and more importantly a guide to my many links.
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Product Sector Leader with @Innovyze for InfoSWMM and InfoSewer, 37+ years w/ SWMM3/4/5! 8 Years w/ @Innovyze! 8 years @CDMSmith 8 years w/ XPSWMM 15 years @UF
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Little Known Fact about InfoSWMM: InfoSWMM 2D uses the ICM 2D hydraulic engine
The Current InfoSWMM Version is InfoSWMM v13 SP1 which is based on EPA SWMM 5.1.007 You can read about SWMM5 on Wikipedia and InfoSWMM vs SWMM 5 on this blog post. An advantage of updating to the newer version of Info/Map/SWMM/Sewer is a newly designed help file with many more FAQ’s and the User Guide as part of the help file.

AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...