Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Rawls & Brakensiek soil parameter estimates for #SWMM5 and #INFOSWMM

The original source is
and has been modified to have values in mm instead of cm

Infiltration:Parameter EstimatesIt is best to use soil property and Green-Ampt infiltration parameters derived from field and laboratory measurements of infiltration on the study watershed. Even under controlled conditions hydraulic soil property measurements are very difficult. Hysteresis effects and the extremely non-linear behavior of soil water retention make it very difficult to uniquely identify soil infiltration parameters. Hydrologic studies seldom have budgets sufficient to determine the needed parameters in the field.

Considerable prior research has been performed to relate soil infiltration parameter values to textural classification. Some highly relevant references are Rawls and Brakensiek (1983) and (1985), and Rawls et al. (1982) and (1983). Table 9 summarizes Rawls and Brakensiek soil parameter estimates as a function of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) textural classification. It is important to note that the values listed in Table 9 were derived from the geometric mean of tests on a large number of soil samples. Hydraulic conductivies for all GA based approaches are half of the saturated values listed in Table 9 (Rawls, et al., 1982). The variance of these values is large, indicating significant uncertainty or low correlation between textural classification and soil texture. However, these values are useful because they provide an initial estimate of infiltration parameters. The variances of the values in Table 9 are listed in the original papers, and are published in Maidment (1993).
Total Porosity/Saturation
Effective Porosity/Saturation
Field Capacity Saturation
Wilting Point Saturation
Residual Saturation
Bubbling Pressure Geometric Mean
Pore Size Distribution Arithmetic Mean
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (multiply by 0.5 for GA methods)
Wetting Front Suction Head (Capillary Head)
Loamy sand0.4370.4010.1250.0550.0358.690.5535.986.13
Sandy loam0.4530.4120.2070.0950.04114.660.3782.1811.01
Silt loam0.5010.4860.330.1330.01520.790.2340.6816.68
Sandy clay loam0.3980.3300.2550.1480.06828.080.3190.3021.85
Clay loam0.4640.3900.3180.1970.07525.890.2420.2020.88
Silty clay loam0.4710.4320.3660.2080.04032.560.1770.2027.30
Sandy clay0.4300.3210.3390.2390.10929.170.2230.1223.90
Silty clay0.4790.4230.3870.2500.05634.190.1500.1029.22
Table 9 - Rawls & Brakensiek soil parameter estimates.
In the table soil moistures θ, are listed for saturation (s), effective saturation (e), field capacity (f), wilting point (wp), and residual (r). These values are applicable for all approaches. These are followed by the bubbling pressure Psi.gifb (used for RE), the pore distribution index (used for RE, GAR and multi-layer GA in continuous mode), saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks (used directly for RE, halved for all GA approaches), the wetting front suction head Psi.giff (used for all GA approaches).
Standard practice in developing GSSHA models is to obtain digital soil textural classification data and use these data to develop an index map of soil types. Soil textural maps may be combined with land use or vegetation maps. Land use and vegetation can strongly influence soil hydraulic properties. The Mapping Table is used to assign initial parameters to the soil types in the index map. One or more of these parameters, typically Ksand Psi.giff or Psi.gifb, are used as calibration parameters. As discussed by Senarath et al (2000), calibration is best done using an automated calibration method, such as SCE (Duan et al, 1992), combined with long term simulations. The possible parameter values are bounded by the range found in literature values, unless other factors, such as land use or vegetation, dictate otherwise. The range of values may be narrowed by making field and laboratory measurements of parameters.

Friday, July 24, 2015

How to Make an Upstream Interface file for two InfoSWMM Runs

How to Make an Upstream Interface file for two InfoSWMM Runs

Subject:  How to Make a SWMM 5 Interface File from InfoSWMM  for  later usage
The steps are easy:
1.       Make all Downstream Links from you nodes Inactive by using the Facility Manager
2.       Change the Downstream node to an Outfall
3.      Save the flows to the OUTFLOWS file of InfoSWMM - the outfalls will be saved to the OUTFLOWS file
4.      The Outflow Flows for each New Outfall will be saved to the Text File
5.      Use the Created OUTFLOWS file as the INFLOWS file in the next run if InfoSWMM - you need to change the node back to a regular node and not an outfall node

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How to Make a SWMM 5 Interface File from InfoSWMM

How to Make a SWMM 5 Interface File from InfoSWMM

Subject:  How to Make a SWMM 5 Interface File from InfoSWMM
 The steps are easy:
1.       Make all Links Inactive by using the Facility Manager
2.      Save the flows to the OUTFLOWS file of InfoSWMM
3.      The Outlet Node of Each Subcatchment will be save to the Text File
4.      Use the Created OUTFLOWS file as the INFLOWS file in SWMM5

System Graphs in InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMMM for SWMM5 Analysis

One of the many key output graphics you can see both graphs and tables in InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM are the system processes.  You can define the processes you want to use in the Run Manager along with these hydrology options for both infiltration:
1. Green Ampt
2. Horton
3. Modified Horton 
4. CN 

and Runoff Models
1. EPA Runoff
3. NRSCS Dimensionless UH
4. NRSCS Triangular UH
5. Delmarva UH
6. Clark UH
7. Snyder UH
8. Espey UH
9. San Diego Modified Rational Method
10.  Modified Rational Method
11. Santa Barbara UH

You can see the process flows in the System Output Graphs and Reports.

System Process tables

System Process Graphs and Run Manger for Process Flow Selection

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Innovyze Tweets from My Twitter Widget

Innovyze Tweets from My Twitter Widget

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

H2S Modeling in an InfoSWMM Pond

The control of odorous gases and the corrosion of sewers are the two most important problems in operating wastewater collection systems.  H2S is the most commonly known and prevalent odorous gas associated with domestic wastewater collection and treatment systems.  InfoSewer. InfoSWMM, H2OMap SWMM or H2OMAP Sewer suite gives wastewater engineers a powerful Operations and Maintenance (O&M) tool to readily model and analyze entire sewer collection systems for sulfide generation and corrosion potential under varying conditions anticipated throughout the life of their systems. H2S  predicts sulfide buildup in sewer collection systems for gravity sewers, force mains, and wet wells using the Pomeroy-Parkhurst equations. This unique and powerful tool enables wastewater utilities to pinpoint odor and corrosion problems, develop effective monitoring programs, alert plant operators and sewer maintenance workers to potential danger and the need to observe safety practices, and evaluate and implement effective control system such as aeration, chlorination, and mechanical cleaning.
Modeling of hydrogen sulfide using H2S Detector requires minimal input data from the user. The required data include:
Lightning average daily temperature for the region (in degrees C).
Lightning reaction rate coefficient (per day) which was described above in relation to BOD modeling.
Lightning pH of the wastewater. The normal pH range of municipal wastewater is 6.0 to 8.0.
Lightning effective sulfide flux coefficient  for sulfide generation by the slime layer in gravity sewers (meter/hour). For conservative analysis (i.e., observed sulfide buildup generally less than predicted), the suggested values of this parameter is 0.00032.
Lightning a dimensionless coefficient to account for sulfide losses by oxidation and escape to atmosphere. For conservative analysis (i.e., observed sulfide buildup generally less than predicted), the suggested values of this parameter is 0.64. For moderately conservative analysis a value of 0.96 is suggested.
Lightning logarithmic ionization constant for hydrogen sulfide (unit less), a function of temperature and specific electrical conductance of the waste water. Its value generally varies from 6.67 (at a temperature of 40oC and specific electrical conductance of 50, 000 micromhos/cm) to 7.74 (at a temperature of 10oC and specific electrical conductance of 0 micromhos/cm).
Lightning percent of total sulfides that occur in the soluble (dissolved) form for the wastewater, most frequently known to vary from 70 to 90 percent.
The default values used by the model for these inputs are shown in the following dialog box. In addition to the listed data, the user has to supply initial concentration of total sulfides and ultimate BOD of  the wastewater. These two variables could be assigned using the quality tab available at the top of the attribute browser, for one source node at a time, or using the " Group Edit on Domain" feature that enables simultaneous assignment of the two variables for all source nodes in the domain.
InfoSWMM or H2OMap SWMM S and BOD5 Parameters
InfoSWMM or H2OMap SWMM S and BOD5 Parameters
How the H2S concentration changes with an increase in Pond Area.
How the H2S concentration changes with an increase in Pond Area.

An Important Tweet from @InnovyzePatrick about the Innovyze Blogs and Forums

Have questions about @Innovyze Software? Visit our Blog & Forums
— Patrick Moore (@InnovyzePatrick) July 15, 2015

Simulation Task Manager in InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM

Several factors can effect the processing time needed to run simulations of sewer networks including computer hardware, simulation timestep, reporting timestep, size of the network, length of simulation, sophistication of the simulation (e.g. controls, 2D) etc. Even though our products utilize the most robust solution engines possible, simulations can take a while to complete. Simulation Task Manager allows you to disconnect the simulation of modeling scenarios from other modeling work so that you can be more productive while simulations are running.

Simulation Task Manager allows you to:
  1. Start, pause and delete scheduled simulations 
  2. View summary and detailed information about each scheduled simulation 
  3. Continue to process simulation tasks without the model open that scheduled the simulation
Using Simulation Task Manager will greatly enhance your ability to be productive when working with simulations that take a long time to complete. This technical advancement once again shows the dedication of Innovyze(R) Inc. to providing the best and most advanced tools possible to modeling professionals.

Please note: This help file applies to both InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM which share the same underlying engine and graphics.

lnnovyze lnfoSWMM® is an Esri ArcMap Extension and H20MAP SWMM® is a standalone program, both of which use the same USEPA SWMM5 engine. They also work from a set of Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) that reside in the Windows Program Files folder. As a common method to process files, the DLL'S work with various Graphic User Interface(GUI) components so several applications may utilize the same functionality. Therefore, while the GUls for lnfoSWMM and H20MAP SWMM are different, both programs use the same Database drivers and Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) to produce results. This ensures you receive identical output across lnfoSWMM and H20MAP SWMM because the underlying Database, Computational Engine and Results DLL program files are identical.

Copyright © Innovyze 2015. All rights reserved. 

Innovyze Help File Updated August 1, 2015 

InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM are based on EPA SWMM 5.1.010 

More Questions? Further Help Can be Found by Emailing us at

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Advanced Tab in InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM - how do I control the Size of my Output File?

The Advanced Tab in InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM 

3/ Save Domain saves only the saved Domain at each report time step for InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM
— Robert Dickinson (@InnovyzeRobert) July 8, 2015

4/ Save Selection Set saves only a previous Domain at each report time step for InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM
— Robert Dickinson (@InnovyzeRobert) July 8, 2015

AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...