Friday, July 24, 2015

How to Make an Upstream Interface file for two InfoSWMM Runs

How to Make an Upstream Interface file for two InfoSWMM Runs

Subject:  How to Make a SWMM 5 Interface File from InfoSWMM  for  later usage
The steps are easy:
1.       Make all Downstream Links from you nodes Inactive by using the Facility Manager
2.       Change the Downstream node to an Outfall
3.      Save the flows to the OUTFLOWS file of InfoSWMM - the outfalls will be saved to the OUTFLOWS file
4.      The Outflow Flows for each New Outfall will be saved to the Text File
5.      Use the Created OUTFLOWS file as the INFLOWS file in the next run if InfoSWMM - you need to change the node back to a regular node and not an outfall node

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