Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Innovyze Offers Free Industry-Leading GIS-Centric Water Network Transient Modeling Software to Universities Worldwide #INFOSURGE

Innovyze Free Offers Industry-Leading GIS-Centric Network Transient Water Modeling Software to Universities Worldwide #INFOSURGE

Free Student Edition of InfoSurge Aimed at Giving Students Hands-On Experience to Better Prepare Industry-Ready Workforce and Shape the Future

Broomfield, Colorado, USA, September 22, 2015

Continually ITS Fulfilling promise to raise the bar in water resources engineering education and expand the world of learning, Innovyze, a leading innovator of comprehensive business analytics software and technologies for wet infrastructure smart, today Announced the availability of Its industry-leading GIS-centric water transient network modeling software free to students and professors at Higher Education Institutions worldwide. Its special student edition of  InfoSurge , limited to five links, is designed to give comprehensive universities to simple, flexible way to use advanced, high performance modeling software in water Their classrooms and labs. It will enable students to learn and Develop Important skills in the design, planning, operation and management of sustainable water supply and distribution systems - skills That will help them stand out in the job market.

That Understands Innovyze civil engineering students need to be academically and professionally prepared for an engineering career. For students and professionals alike, there is no substitute for hands-on experience. Knowing This, more and more universities are helping students gain access to state-of-the-art and practical tools in the classroom Whenever needed. By tailoring Their undergraduate and graduate courses around Innovyze technology, engineering faculty members can be assured Their They are helping students get direct access to the powerful tools and latest advances in smart water modeling technology resources They need to succeed - not only in the classroom, but Ultimately as professional engineers.

"Innovyze  InfoSurge  software Utilizes the powerful Wave Characteristic Method, the fastest and Most Efficient algorithm for solving hydraulic transients in large and complex water distribution systems, "Said Don J. Wood, Ph.D., Hon. D.WRE, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at the University of Kentucky. "The software is Being used by water utilities and top engineering firms worldwide. Having esta training and education in mission-critical technology is a major asset in validating our students' expertise to prospective Employers as well as preparing them for rewarding careers. "

Anticipating and controlling transient response is critical to Ensuring the protection, integrity, and effective / efficient operation of water distribution systems. Transient responses can introduce Pressures of sufficient magnitude (upsurge) to burst pipes and damage equipment. The RESULTING repercussions can range from extended service outages to loss of property and life. In Addition, transient responses can produce subatmospheric Pressures (downsurge) That Could force contaminated groundwater into the distribution system at a leaky joint, crack, or break, leading to serious health Consequences. Also subatmospheric Pressures Sustained can cause cavitation and water column separation, RESULTING in severe water hammer effects as the steam cavity collapses.

The state-of-the-art, full-featured  InfoSurge  transient flow analysis solution delivers the highest rate of return in the industry by addressing every facet of pressure arises analysis and Its role in utility infrastructure management and protection. The program Utilizes the powerful Lagrangian Wave Characteristic Method-driven, with proven superior performance in Both numerical accuracy and computational efficiency of solution for transient analysis of large water distribution networks. It provides the engineer-friendly framework needed to Quickly ASSESS the effects of pump station power failures, pump startup, valve closures, rapid demand and pump speed Changes, then a Determines the efficacy of any combination of devices arises protection. Its  SurgeAnimate  module Enables users to create live animations of pipe profiles and see and experience transient model activities in real time, helping them ASSESS the effectiveness and strength of Their systems.  InfoSurge  Also Accurately simulates transient cavitation and water column separation, Evaluates Their intensity, and Their estimates potential effects on the system.

Armed With This information, engineers can more worldwide Accurately predict the development of unacceptable operating conditions, vulnerable areas and Risks Identify, Evaluate and design sound protective Measures, and devise improved operational plans and security upgrades. The simulation software's blazing speed and seamless GIS integration totally transform the task of transient analysis, making it simpler, more straightforward, and even enjoyable.

A comprehensive  Student Design and Analysis Workbook  is included With the  InfoSurge  Student Edition. In Addition to background theory, It provides step-by-step Approaches to water network model construction, transient simulation and analysis, along with a variety of Carefully selected case studies to Reinforce the hands-on nature of learning. These transient network Real-life Situations modeling enable students to familiarize Themselves With day-to-day problem-solving in engineering practice.

"Water utilities and engineering consulting firms around the world rely on Innovyze's best-in-class smart network modeling and design solutions to manage and operate better, safer and more sustainable and resilient wet infrastructure systems," Said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D. ., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, Dist.M.ASCE, NAE, President, COO and Chief Technical Officer of Innovyze. "Innovyze is Committed to Fostering and technical achievement in technological advancement in teaching and research Both THROUGHOUT the engineering community. At a time When universities are faced With tighter budgets, our  Student Edition Software  offers the Institutions These tools Their They need to teach students using state-of-the-art technology, helping to groom them for rewarding professional careers. It Allows students Who are interested in the field of environmental and water resources engineering to train on the sophisticated technology used by leading utilities and progressive engineering consulting companies on a daily basis. This Gives them an unbeatable competitive advantage and Helps them thrive. It Also Gives them the skills They need to meet Demands industry, sustain our water infrastructures, advance our economies, and build a better world. "

The special student edition of  InfoSurge  and Its Accompanying  Student Design and Analysis Workbook  are available to download free of charge from the website at Innovyze  http://www.innovyze.com/education/student/ .
About Innovyze Innovyze is a global leading provider of wet infrastructure business analytics software solutions designed to meet the technological needs of water / wastewater utilities, government agencies, and engineering Organizations worldwide. Its clients include the majority of the largest UK, Australasian, East Asian and North American cities, foremost utilities on all five continents, and ENR top-rated design firms. With unparalleled expertise and offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific, the Innovyze connected portfolio of best-in-class product lines EMPOWERS Thousands of engineers to competitively plan, manage, design, protect, operate and sustain highly efficient and reliable infrastructure systems, and Provides an enduring platform for customer success. For more information, call Innovyze at +1 626-568-6868, or visit  www.innovyze.com .
Innovyze Contact: Ray Rajan Director of Marketing and Client Service Manager
+1 626-568-6868

Monday, September 21, 2015

Inflow versus DWF Time Series in #InfoSWMM and #SWMM5

One of the limitations of using Dry Weather Flow (DWF) in SWMM 5 and InfoSWMM is that the same DWF pattern is repeated every 24 hours for either a Weekday or Weekend.  This pattern can be changed by multiplying by the Daily and/or Monthly pattern but the same core hourly pattern stays the same.  There is an alternative, however, and the alternative is to use a time series over a period of days or weeks that matches either your monitored data or a weekly dry weather pattern.
Here is an example of how this is used.  The base DWF pattern is over a 24 hour period (Figure 1).  The two day result is copied from the InfoSWMM report manager and applied as a multiple day pattern in the time series editor (Figure 2).  The Scenario Manager of InfoSWMM allows two runs: (1) DWF Pattern only and (2) DWF Pattern + Time Series for Two Days (Figure 3).  The Output Report Manager of InfoSWMM shows that the Inflow Time Series + DWF is twice the DWF only (Figure 4).  It shows that the the multiple day pattern is the same as the DWF pattern  for two days.
Figure 1. DWF Pattern for 24 hours at one hour intervals.
Figure 2. DWF Pattern Applied or Copied to the Time Series Editor.
Figure 3. Two Scenarios in InfoSWMM to show DWF Only and DWF + Inflow Time Series
Figure 4. The end result in the InfoSWMM Output Report Manger is twice the DWF due to the Hourly DWF Pattern + The Inflow Time Series at the Node.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Some of today’s sewers were built before bathrooms as we know them existed. It’s time to upgrade. From City Lab cites Wayne Huber

Flushing the Toilet Has Never Been Riskier

Amit Dave / REUTERS

Flushing toilets enable most Americans to make their own waste disappear as if by magic, but most would be hard-pressed to answer this simple question: When you flush, where does it go?
Septic tank owners, about 20 percent of Americans, are most likely to be able to give an accurate answer, because they’re responsible for the maintenance of their own sewage-disposal systems. A flush from one of their toilets sends wastewater to a tank buried on their property, where the waste products separate into solid and liquid layers and partially decompose. The liquid layer flows out of the tank and into a drainfield that disperses it into the soil, wherenaturally occurring microbes remove harmful bacteria, viruses, and nutrients. The solid layer stays behind in the form of sludge that must be pumped out periodically as part of routine maintenance. If the tank is properly designed and maintained, those bacteria, viruses, and nutrients stay out of groundwater and surface water that people may use for drinking water, and they never reach surface water bodies where people swim or boat.
The vast majority of the 80 percent of Americans who don’t use septic tanks are served by municipal water-treatment plants. Waste from their homes is whisked immediately off the premises, never to be seen, smelled, or considered again. Pipes carry waste from these homes to wastewater-treatment plants that, in some ways, work like a septic tank on a very large scale.
Just as in a septic tank, the solid and liquid wastes are separated first in a process known as primary treatment. Next, as in a septic tank’s drainfield, bacteria break down contaminants in a process called secondary treatment. After that, treatment with chlorine kills the remaining bacteria. Then, in some communities, special treatment technologies remove contaminants that are of special concern, such as phosphorus or nitrogen. When the process is complete, the treated waste meets regulatory standards and is released to a nearby water body—that is, if all goes well. If all doesn’t go well—perhaps the treatment plant suffers an outage or there’s more waste than the plant was designed to treat—untreated waste can be released to surface water.

As treatment plants age across the United States and as the country’s population grows, these releases are becoming more problematic, contributing to the serious surface-water problems that crop up frequently in the news. Harmful algal blooms like the one that cost Toledo, Ohio, its drinking waterlast summer, fish kills like the one recently reported off Long Island, and the much-discussed dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico are all fed by phosphorus, nitrogen, and other contaminants found in the untreated sewage that, according to EPA estimates, flows out of America’s treatment plants during the23,000 to 75,000 sanitary-sewer overflows that happen per year.
The causes of these water-quality issues are complex, because the same pollutants can be washed into surface water from agricultural land, industrial sites, and fertilized lawns dotted with pet waste, but the 3 to 10 billion gallons of untreated waste released from our sewage-treatment plants per year cannot help but have an impact.Specifically, they affect the water you swim in and the water you drink.
* * *
A number of studies, including this one from 2010, have found that emergency room visits for gastrointestinal distress increase after a heavy rain. These illnesses are believed to spike after a storm because rainwater washes pathogens into lakes and rivers used for recreation and drinking water. A 2015 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives goes a step further than earlier research by pointing to a common type of municipal sewage-treatment system, combined-sewer systems, as an important factor in these illnesses.
The EPA has called overflows from combined sewer systems “the largest category of our Nation’s wastewater infrastructure that still need to be addressed,” affecting Americans in 32 states, including the District of Columbia. The agency has been working with municipal water systems to address the problem for decades and much progress has been made, but to understand why it’s taking so long, you have to consider history. You also have to consider the massive costs that come with making changes to public works that have served millions of people for more than a century.
Combined sewers collect human waste, industrial waste, and stormwater runoff into a single pipe for treatment and disposal. (In other municipalities, these waste streams are handled separately.) In dry weather, a combined sewer ordinarily carries a relatively low volume of waste, delivering it to publicly owned treatment works, or POTWs for short, that are designed to handle that flow. In plain terms, when a combined sewer system is functioning properly, you can generally trust that when you flush, the contents of the toilet bowl end up where they’re supposed to go.

Things change when it rains in communities served by combined sewers. Because a combined system must handle surges of stormwater, rainfall markedly increases the volume of waste that its equipment must handle, making this type of sewage system particularly likely to overflow into surface water. As these diagramsshow, they were designed to do this as a fail-safe for system failures that were intended to be rare but aren’t any longer. If you’re accustomed to a faint smell of sewage in the streets after a rainstorm, these diagrams will show you why.
Unfortunately, the receiving waters for these rain-induced spills are sometimes the same water bodies that are used for drinking water, and sometimes people swim there, too. And sometimes the overflow is so significant that the stormwater-and-sewage mixture backs up into the streets where people walk.
Is it any wonder that rainy weather often triggers a spike in stomach bugs and beach closures?
* * *
Given what’s at stake, why are upgrades to aging systems taking so long? Consider this map of the 772 American communities with combined-sewer systems.
Most combined systems are concentrated in the older cities of the Northeast and the Great Lakes region, but they also exist in other older cities as far-flung as Atlanta, Memphis, and San Francisco. In other words, the systems that pose risks today happen to be the ones—state-of-the-art when they were built, but not today—that are in some of the biggest cities in America, which have acombined population of approximately 40 million people.

If you’re feeling relieved to see that your hometown isn’t marked on the map, remember that fecal-coliform bacteria don’t always stay close to home. Waste spilled into the Ohio River affects everyone down the Ohio and the Mississippi, and it contributes to the ongoing woes of the Gulf of Mexico. Even if you don’t live in the Northeast, along the Ohio, in the Great Lakes region, along the Mississippi, or on the Gulf Coast, bear in mind that 40 percent of the commercial seafood caught in the continental U.S. comes from the Gulf of Mexico. In other words, when Cincinnati’s sewer system overflows into the Ohio, it intrudes into the food chain of a lot of people.
* * *
The EPA calls combined sewers “remnants of the country's early infrastructure.”The first sewers weren’t designed to handle the constant and huge stream of wastes from our toilets, because they were invented when we didn’t have any toilets. Sewers were originally built to solve the problems of cities that were flooded with their own refuse—garbage, animal manure, and human waste left in the open rather than in a privy or latrine—during every rainstorm. To prevent that flooding, the fouled stormwater was shunted out of town and into the nearest handy receptacle, which was often a lake, river, stream, or ocean.
When flush toilets became common in the mid-1800s, they were piped into these existing sewers, introducing much more human waste, as well as a large volume of water that had never been there before. In some ways, this was a design feature, not a bug, because the burst of stormwater flushed out pipes that might have otherwise gotten clogged. This flush of rainwater also diluted the waste before it hit a nearby river.
In time, though, dilution wasn’t enough to keep waterways safe and attractive, and sewage treatment plants were invented to clean up the waste stream before releasing it to water bodies. Newer cities, which were starting from scratch, generally handled stormwater separately from human and industrial wastes from the start, but cities whose sewer systems had always been combined continued to treat both waste streams together.

As the older cities grew larger, their combined-treatment systems struggled to keep up, and growing populations weren’t the only factor. Time itself exacerbated their woes. In Hoboken, for example, some sewer lines date back to the Civil War. Common sense says that pipes that have been buried for a century and a half tend to leak. Over time, they also get clogged with debris or even congealed cooking oil, resulting in narrowed pipes that overflow even more easily.
When narrowed pipes are already overloaded, the added influx of stormwater when it rains becomes just too much water. Now, some cities experience overflows with less than a quarter-inch of rain, with resulting risks to human health. It is common for cities with combined-sewer systems to advise citizens to stay out of the water for days after any rainfall. And now the Environmental Health Perspectives study suggests that after a very heavy rain, those overflows may be affecting their communities’ drinking water, too.What is being done? Combined sewers have been an EPA priority for many years and, after decades of significant effort, the numbers are starting to move in the right direction, but this is not a problem that can be turned around quickly or cheaply. New York City’s combined sewers are still the single largest source of pathogens to the New York Harbor system, according to the New York Department of Environmental Protection. A single 2014 storm triggered a release into Lake Erie from Detroit, Michigan, of more than 44 million gallons of raw sewage from sanitary sewers and almost 3 billion gallons from combined sewers, and such releases from Detroit and the other cities with sewer outfalls on Lake Erie contribute to the fact that it blooms with algae every summer. Last summer, one of those algal blooms cost Toledo its drinking water for two days, and this year’s harmful algal blooms were projected to be even worse than last year’s.
As with any engineering project, the benefits of reducing overflows to zero—an effort estimated by the EPA in 2004 to cost $88.8 billion—must be weighed against its cost.
“We mustn’t forget the hugely successful effort in the 1970s and 1980s to provide secondary treatment at virtually every sewage-treatment plant in the country,” said Wayne Huber, a professor emeritus of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State University. As an example, he describes what happened in Portland, Oregon, where a system of tunnels now contains 90 percent of the city’s stormwater surges. “Portland spent about $500 million on its deep tunnels and pumping system,” Huber said. “This has reduced the number of releases into the Willamette River from maybe 50 to 100 per year to five to ten per year.”
Huber also highlights Philadelphia’s “green technology” strategy to reduce overflows to the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers. Since avoiding massive construction is often synonymous with avoiding massive expenditures, Philadelphia’s use of approaches like rain gardens and green roofs to divert stormwater from the waste stream going to its treatment plants could serve as a model for other municipalities struggling with the same problems.
Huber cautions against relying on a single approach, saying that “green technology seeks to avoid large investments in infrastructure by keeping stormwater out of the combined sewer in the first place, but in heavily urbanized areas that is seldom an option, hence the massive storage projects that we see in cities like Chicago.”
On the individual level, people concerned about wastewater can give some thought to the fertilizer, pesticides, trash, and animal waste that wash off of lawns and into sewer systems, lakes, rivers, and oceans. As citizens, they can also advocate at local, state, and federal levels for improvements. People can reduce stormwater flow by planting their own rain gardens and green roofs—and by being judicious about the way they water our lawns and wash their cars. Sometimes, doing the right thing is as simple as being careful about what goes into storm drains and toilets.
After hearing about the plume of sewage, littered with used condoms and tampons, that emanated from Philadelphia’s sewer outfalls prior to the city’s upgrade, it’s hard to look at flushing the toilet the same way. If Americans want to be able to drink tap water or swim at beaches after it rains, they have to keep trying to improve wastewater infrastructure, even if the size of the problem boggles the mind.
This post originally appeared on The Atlantic.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Qfull in #SWMM5 and #INFOSWMM for various levels of y/yFull in a Circular Pipe

Subject:  Qfull in SWMM 5 for various levels of y/yFull in a Circular Pipe 

Here is a table that shows the value of Q/Qfull for various levels of y/yFull or d/D in SWMM5.  The full flow if you loop off the top of a circular pipe at the 0.83 level would be about 1.01 times Qfull for the whole pipe. Figure 1 shows how the flows are calculated at various values, Table 1 and Figure 2 show the values of a/aFull, r/rFull and q/qFull for various values of y/yFull. 

Figure 2:  A/Afull vs y/Yfull for a circular pipe
Table 1.   Table  of y/yFull and Q/Qfull based on a/aFull and r/rFull


Sunday, September 6, 2015

InfoSWMM 2D Report Variables

InfoSWMM 2D Report Variables 

The Junction Graph variables for 2D Depth, 2D Speed, 2D Froude Number, 2D Unit Flow, 2D Inflow, 2D Volume and 2D Angle for a InfoSWMM 2D simulation for up to 1000 years can be plotted in the Report Manager of InfoSWMM.  This is an image of the 2D inflow over a 10 year period (A), all seven graph variables (B) for the mesh triangle associated with the 1D node (C).  The 2D inflow is + for flow out of the node to a mesh triangle and – for flow from the mesh triangle to the  1D junction. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

New LID defaults for EPA SWMM 5.1.008 - from the SWMM 5 code

  8 Types of LID's

ProcessTypesLong: array[0..7] of String =                                    //(5.1.008)

    ('Bio-Retention Cell', 'Rain Garden', 'Green Roof',
     'Infiltration Trench', 'Permeable Pavement',
     'Rain Barrel', 'Rooftop Disconnection', 'Vegetative Swale');              //(5.1.008)
   ProcessTypesMedium: array[0..7] of String =
    ('Bio-Retention', 'Rain Garden', 'Green Roof', 'Infil. Trench',
     'Perm. Pave', 'Rain Barrel', 'Roof Discon.', 'Veg. Swale');               //(5.1.008)
   ProcessTypesShort: array[0..7] of String =                                   //(5.1.008)
    ('BC', 'RG', 'GR', 'IT', 'PP', 'RB', 'RD', 'VS');                          //(5.1.008)

6 Types of LID layers

  LayerTypes: array[0..5] of String =
    ('Surface', 'Pavement', 'Soil', 'Storage', 'Drain', 'DrainMat');
   DefSurfaceLayer: array[0..4] of String =
    ('0.0',        //Berm height
     '0.1',        //Vegetation Ratio                         // RED for InfoSWMM Sustain
     '0.1',        //Roughness
     '1.0',        //Surface Slope
     '5');         //Side Slope
   DefPavementLayer: array[0..4] of String =
    ('0',          //Depth                                                     //(5.1.008)
     '0.15',       //Void Ratio
     '0',          //Impervious Ratio
     '100',        //Permeability
     '0');         //Clogging Factor
   DefSoilLayer: array[0..6] of String =
    ('0',         //Depth                                                      //(5.1.008)
     '0.5',        //Porosity
     '0.2',        //Field Capacity
     '0.1',        //Wilting Point
     '0.5',        //Sat. Hyd. Conductivity
     '10.0',       //Conductivity Coeff.
     '3.5');       //Suction Head
   DefStorageLayer: array[0..3] of String =
    ('0',         //Depth                                                      //(5.1.008)
     '0.75',       //Void Ratio
     '0.5',        //Conductivity                                         //(5.1.007)
     '0');         //Clogging Factor
   DefDrainLayer: array[0..3] of String =
    ('0',          //Flow Coefficient
     '0.5',        //Flow Exponent
     '6',          //Drain Offset
     '6');         //Drain Delay
   DefDrainMatLayer: array[0..2] of String =
    ('3',          //Thickness
     '0.5',        //Void Fraction
     '0.1');       //Roughness

학생 실습 경험을주는 목표로 업계 최고의 InfoWater과 InfoSWMM 무료 학생 에디션, 더 나은 업계 준비 인력을 준비하고 미래를 형성

학생 실습 경험을주는 목표로 업계 최고의 InfoWater과 InfoSWMM 무료 학생 에디션, 더 나은 업계 준비 인력을 준비하고 미래를 형성

Innovyze 호텔은 무료 수상 대학 전 세계에 GIS 중심의 물 모델링 소프트웨어

학생 실습 경험을주는 목표로 업계 최고의 InfoWater과 InfoSWMM 무료 학생 에디션, 더 나은 업계 준비 인력을 준비하고 미래를 형성

브룸 필드, 콜로라도, 미국, 2015년 8월 4일

지속적으로 수자원 공학 교육의 기준을 높이고 학습의 세계를 확대 약속을 이행, Innovyze, 비즈니스 분석 소프트웨어 및 스마트 젖은 인프라 기술의 선도적 인 글로벌 혁신는 오늘 업계 최고의 GIS 중심의 물을 발표했다 전 세계 고등 교육 기관에서 학생 및 교수에 폐수 모델링 소프트웨어 무료. 모두의이 특별한 학생 판  InfoWater 및  InfoSWMM 육십 링크에 한한다는, 자신의 교실과 실험실에서 고급, 고성능 물 모델링 소프트웨어를 사용하는 간단하고 유연한 방법으로 전 세계적으로 대학을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다. 그것은 학생들이 배우고 그들을 고용 시장에서 눈에 띄는 데 도움이됩니다 중요한 설계, 계획, 운영의 기술과 지속 가능한 물 분배 및 폐수 / 우수 수집 시스템의 관리를 개발하는 데 도움이됩니다.
Innovyze는 토목 공학의 학생들이 학업과 전문 엔지니어링 경력을 위해 준비 할 필요가 있음을 잘 알고 있습니다. 학생과 전문가, 실무 경험을 대신 할 존재하지 않는다. 이 알고, 점점 더 많은 대학은 학생들이 교실마다 그들은 그것을 필요로 어디에서 사용되는 최신 상태 및 실제적인 도구에 액세스 할 수 있도록한다. Innovyze 기술을 주위에 자신의 학부 및 대학원 과정을 맞춤으로써, 공학 교수진은 자신의 학생들이 교실에서뿐만 아니라 succeed- 할 필요가 스마트 수자원 모델링 기술의 강력한 도구 및 최신 기술에 직접 액세스 할 수 있도록하고 있습니다 보장 할 수 있지만, 궁극적으로 전문 엔지니어있다.
"Innovyze  InfoWater  과  InfoSWMM  소프트웨어가 세계 최대의 물과 폐수 유틸리티와 탑 엔지니어링 회사의 많은 표준이있다 "스콧 요스트 박사, 체육, 켄터키 대학에서 토목 공학 부교수는 말했다. "나는이 소프트웨어는 최고의 공과 대학에서 사용되는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 학생 분석 및 설계 통합 문서는  또한 우수하다. 이 미션 크리티컬 기술 훈련 및 교육을 갖는 것은 고용주에 대한 학생들의 전문성을 검증뿐만 아니라 보람있는 직업을 위해 그들을 준비에 큰 자산입니다. "
는 ArcGIS ESRI (, 레드 랜드, 캘리포니아) 꼭대기에 지어진  InfoWater 업계에서 반환의 가장 높은 속도를 제공하는 -의 혁신적인 네트워크 모델링 기술은 유틸리티 인프라 관리 및 보호의 모든 측면을 해결합니다. 이 소프트웨어는 완벽하게 강력한는 ArcGIS 설정에서 직접 정교한 예측 분석, 시스템 역학 및 최적화 기능을 통합합니다. 압력 구역 관리 및 첨단 유전자 알고리즘과 입자 떼 최적화 화재 흐름과 동적 수질 시뮬레이션, 밸브 중요도 및 에너지 비용 분석에서, 스위트는 모든 물 유틸리티 소유자 사업자가 장착되어 가장 계획, 설계, 운영 할 필요가 안전하고 그 배포 시스템 서스테인.
InfoWater는  또한 고급 스마트 네트워크 모델링, 동작, 자본 계획 및 자산 관리 확장을위한 기본 플랫폼 역할을한다. 이러한 중요한 응용 프로그램 중에는  IWLive  (실시간 운영 및 보안)  InfoWater UDF  (단방향 플러싱) CapPlan  (리스크 기반 자본 계획)  InfoMaster  및  InfoMaster 모바일  (자산 무결성 관리 및 상태 평가)  InfoWater MSX  (다중 종 모델링)  InfoWater BTX  (이벤트 / 입자 되돌아)  InfoSurge  (서지 / 과도 해석),  지속 가능성  (탄소 발자국 계산)  BalanceNet  (실시간 에너지 관리 및 운영 최적화)  PressureWatch  (실시간 네트워크 유압 무결성 모니터링)  QualWatch  (실시간 네트워크 수질 무결성 모니터링)  SCADAWatch  (실시간 비즈니스 인텔리전스 및 성능 모니터링)  DemandWatch  (물 수요 예측) 및  DemandAnalyst  (실시간 물 수요와 낮의 패턴 추정).
전체는 ArcGIS 중심 도시 배수 모델링 솔루션으로서, 전 기능  InfoSWMM의  분석 및 설계 프로그램은 업계에서 복귀 최고 속도를 제공한다. 수질 평가, 오염 예측, 퇴적물 수송 및 증착, 도시 홍수, 실시간 제어 및 기록 유지 등의 관리 기능에 대한 분석 및 설계에서 - - 전형적인 하수 시스템의 모든 작업은 하나의 완벽하게 통합 된 지구 공학에서 해결 환경. 이 프로그램의 강력한 유압 및 수질 계산 엔진은 USEPA에 의해 승인 및 FEMA에 의해 인증 된 최신 SWMM 5.1.010의 향상된 버전을 기반으로합니다. 생산성 향상, 비용 절감, 높은 정확도, 더 나은 효율성 및 개선 된 디자인 번역 장점 - 이러한 기능과 더 향상된 모델링 경험과 표시 결과의 더 현실감을 제공합니다.
InfoSWMM는  또한 고급 모델링, 운영 문제, 단기, 장거리 및 자본 계획, 도시 우수 처리 및 분석, 분석 중심의 자산 관리 확장을위한 강력한 플랫폼 역할을한다. 이러한 중요한 응용 프로그램의 일부는 다음과 같습니다 InfoSWMM 2D  (이차원 표면 홍수 모델링),  CapPlan  (리스크 기반 자본 계획 및 자산 성능 모델링), InfoSWMM는 서스테인  (최적의 선택과 뚜껑의 배치 / BMPs에)를  InfoSWMM SFEM  (동적 하수 흐름 추정을 모델),  InfoMaster (GIS 중심의 분석 중심의 자산 관리) 및  RDII 분석 (강우에 의존 유입과 침투 계획 및 분석).
포괄적 인  학생 설계 및 분석 워크 북은  각 프로그램에 포함되어 있습니다. 배경 이론에 더하여, 통합 문서 단계별 물 및 폐수 네트워크 모델 구축, 시뮬레이션 및 분석 접근법 제공하며, 학습의 실질적인 특성을 강화하기 위해 엄선 된 사례의 다양한 예시된다. 실제 네트워크 모델링 상황을 표현함으로써, 통합 문서는 학생들이 공학 연습의 일상적인 문제 해결 작업을 숙지하기에 이상적이다.
"Innovyze는 엔지니어링 커뮤니티에 걸쳐 모두 교육과 연구의 기술적 성취와 기술 발전을 촉진하기 위해 최선을 다하고있다"폴 F. Boulos, 박사, BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, DIST는 말했다 Innovyze의 .M.ASCE, NAE 회장, 운영 책임자 (COO) 겸 최고 기술 책임자. "대학은 엄격한 예산에 직면 한 번에, 우리의 학생 소프트웨어 버전이 기관들은 최첨단 기술을 사용하여 학생들을 가르치고 보람 전문 경력을 위해 그들을 준비하는 데 필요한 도구를 제공합니다. 그것은 환경과 물 자원 공학 분야에 관심이있는 학생들이 매일 주요 물과 폐수 유틸리티와 진보적 인 컨설팅 엔지니어링 회사에서 사용하는 정교한 기술을 훈련 할 수 있습니다. 이것은 그들에게 매우 경쟁 우위를 제공하고 번성하도록하는 데 도움이됩니다. 또한 그들은, 우리의 물 인프라를 유지, 업계의 요구 사항을 충족 우리의 경제를 발전하고, 더 나은 세상을 구축하는 데 필요한 기술과를 준비합니다. "
가격 및 구입
특별 학생 판  InfoWater  과  InfoSWMM  자신과 함께  학생 설계 및 분석 통합 문서  에서 Innovyze 웹 사이트에서 무료로 다운로드 할 수 있습니다 http://www.innovyze.com/education/student/ .
Innovyze 정보 Innovyze 전 세계적으로 물 / 폐수 유틸리티, 정부 기관 및 엔지니어링 조직의 기술적 요구를 충족하도록 설계 젖은 인프라 비즈니스 분석 소프트웨어 솔루션을 제공하는 세계적인 선도 기업이다. 고객은 모두 5 개 대륙에서 가장 큰 영국, 호주, 동아시아와 북미의 도시, 일류 유틸리티의 대부분, 그리고 ENR 최상급 디자인 회사를 포함한다. 북미, 유럽 및 아시아 태평양 지역에서 최고의 전문 지식과 사무소, Innovyze는 수천 명의 엔지니어가 경쟁적으로 운영하고 매우 효율적이고 안정적인 인프라 시스템을 유지, 계획, 관리, 디자인을, 보호하기 위해 힘을 실어 최고 수준의 제품 라인의 포트폴리오를 연결 고객의 성공을위한 지속적인 플랫폼을 제공합니다. 자세한 내용은 +1 626-568-6868에서 Innovyze 전화, 또는 방문  www.innovyze.com을 .
Innovyze 연락처 : 라잔 레이 마케팅 이사 및 고객 서비스 관리자
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履行的不斷提高酒吧在水資源工程教育和擴大學習世界的承諾,Innovyze,業務分析軟件和技術的智能濕基礎設施的全球領先的創新者,今天宣布其業界領先的地理信息系統為中心的水供應和廢水建模軟件免費向學生和教授在世界各地的高等教育機構。兩者的這種特殊的學生版  InfoWater  和  InfoSWMM,僅限六十環節,旨在向全世界向高校提供了一個簡單,靈活的方式來使用先進的,高性能的水建模軟件,在他們的教室和實驗室。這將幫助學生學習和發展,在設計,規劃,運行重要的技能和可持續配水和廢水/雨水收集系統的管理,這將幫助他們脫穎而出的就業市場。
“Innovyze  InfoWater  和  InfoSWMM  軟件已經成為許多世界上最大的水和污水處理企業和頂級工程公司標準,”斯科特·約斯特博士,PE,土木工程在肯塔基大學的副教授說。“我可以看到這個軟件正在使用的最好的工科學校。該  學生分析和設計工作簿  也是極好的。有培訓和教育在這一關鍵技術是在驗證我們的學生的專業知識,未來的雇主,以及為他們準備一個有價值的職業生涯的一個重要的資產。“
內置之上的ArcGIS(ESRI的,雷德蘭茲 ,CA),InfoWater的創新網絡的建模技術解決公用基礎設施的管理和保護的各個方面-提供的回報在同行業中的最高速度。該軟件直接無縫強大的ArcGIS環境內集成了精密的 ​​預測分析,系統動力學和優化功能。從火流和動態水質模擬,閥門關鍵性和能源成本分析,壓力區的管理和先進的遺傳算法和粒子群算法,該套件配備了所有的水公用事業業主運營商需要最佳的規劃,設計,運營,安全,延續自己的配送系統。
InfoWater  還作為先進的智能網絡建模,操作,資本規劃和資產管理擴展基部平台。在這些關鍵應用程序   IWLive(實時操作和安全); InfoWater  UDF(單向沖洗);  CapPlan(基於風險的資本規劃); InfoMaster  和  InfoMaster移動  (資產完整性管理和狀態評估);  InfoWater MSX(多品種造型);  InfoWater  BTX(活動/顆粒回溯);   InfoSurge(浪湧/瞬態分析); 可持續發展  (碳足跡計算);   BalanceNet(實時能源管理和運營優化);  PressureWatch(實時網水力完整性監控);  QualWatch(網絡實時水質完整性監控);  SCADAWatch(實時商業智能和性能監控);  DemandWatch(需水預測); 和   DemandAnalyst(實時水的需求和晝夜模式估算)。
作為一個完整的ArcGIS為中心的城市排水建模解決方案,功能齊全  InfoSWMM  分析和設計計劃提供的回報在同行業中的最高速度。一個典型的下水道系統的所有業務-從分析,設計到管理功能,如水質評價,污染預測,泥沙輸移和沉積,城市洪水,實時控制和記錄保存-在一個單一的,完全集成的地球工程得到解決環境。該方案的強大的水力和水質計算引擎是基於最新的SWMM 5.1.010,這是由美國環保署認可,並通過聯邦緊急事務管理局認證的增強版本。這些功能多提供增強的模擬體驗,顯示效果更加逼真-優勢轉化為提高工作效率,降低了成本,更高的精度,更高的效率,並改善設計。
InfoSWMM  也可作為一個強大的平台,先進的建模,業務問題,短期的,長期的和資本規劃,城市雨水處理和分析,分析驅動的資產管理擴展。其中的一些關鍵應用包括InfoSWMM  2D(二維表面洪水建模  ),CapPlan(基於風險的資本規劃和資產性能建模),InfoSWMM 延  (選優和蓋的位置/骨形成蛋白 ),InfoSWMM SFEM(動態下水道流估計模型   ),InfoMaster(地理信息系統為中心的分析為主導的資產管理),和 RDII分析員  (降雨依賴的流入和滲透計劃和分析)。
全面的  學生設計與分析工作手冊  還包括為每個程序。除了 ​​背景理論,工作簿提供一步一步的接近供水和污水管網建模,仿真和分析,並說明了各種精心挑選的案例研究,以加強學習的動手性質。由代表現實生活中的網絡建模的情況下,工作簿是理想的學生,在工程實踐中的一天到一天的解決問題的工作熟悉。
“Innovyze致力於促進技術成果和科技進步,無論是在教學和研究,在整個工程界,”保羅•F Boulos,博士,BCEEM,Hon.D.WRE,Dist.D.NE,DIST說.M.ASCE,NAE,總裁,首席運營官兼首席技術官Innovyze的。“在大學時都面臨著緊縮的預算之際,我們的學生軟件版提供了這些機構,他們需要使用先進設備,最先進的技術教給他們的學生和他們準備收穫職業生涯的工具。它可以讓學生誰感興趣的環境和水資源工程領域培養在每天使用的領先的水和污水處理事業和進步的工程諮詢公司的尖端技術。這讓他們無以倫比的競爭優勢,並幫助他們茁壯成長。它也準備他們,他們需要滿足行業需求,維持我們的水利基礎設施,推動我們的經濟,並建立一個更美好的世界的能力“。
特殊學生版  InfoWater  和  InfoSWMM  連同他們的  學生設計與分析工作簿  是免費提供給從Innovyze網站中下載的  http://www.innovyze.com/education/student/。
關於Innovyze Innovyze是專為滿足水/污水處理企業,政府機構和工程組織在全球範圍內技術需求的濕基礎設施業務分析軟件解決方案的全球領先供應商。其客戶包括大部分的最大的英國,澳洲,東亞和北美城市,最重要的公共事業上的五大洲,並ENR頂級設計公司。公司在北美,歐洲和亞太地區無與倫比的專業知識和辦事處,Innovyze連接組合的最好的一流的產品線授權數千名工程師,以有競爭力的規劃,管理,設計,維護,運營和維持高效,可靠的基礎設施系統,並為客戶的成功創造了持久的平台。欲了解更多信息,請致電Innovyze +1 626-568-6868,或訪問  www.innovyze.com。
+1 626-568-6868

Today is day 356 or 97.5 percent of the year 2024

English: Today is day 356 or 97.5 percent of the year 2024 Mandarin Chinese: 今天是2024年的第356天,即97.5% Hindi: आज 2024 का 356वां दिन या 97.5 प्रत...