Tuesday, February 2, 2016

How Depression Storage works for #SWMM5 #HYDROLOGY in #INFOSWMM #iNFOWORKS_ICM #H2OMAP_SWMM

Here is how depression storage works on the pervious area of a Subcatchment:

1. Rainfall starts on a Subcatchment without any existing storage,

2. The Rainfall is added to the Storage Depth of the Subcatchment,

3. Infiltration and Evaporation occur if the Storage Depth is positive with the limit that more than the Storage Depth cannot be infiltrated or evaporated per time step

4. The new Storage depth after Infiltration and Evaporation is computed

5. If the new Storage depth is greater than the Depression Storage, then you have Runoff

6. The new Storage depth after Runoff is computed

7. Repeat with a new time step

a. Infiltration then occurs at all times there is a positive Storage Depth

b. Runoff only occurs when the Storage Depth is greater than the Depression Storage

How Depression Storage works for in
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