Friday, October 26, 2018

The development of SWMM 5 was pursued under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement between the Water Supply and Water Resources Division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the consulting engineering firm of Camp Dresser & McKee Inc

Software availability

Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is freely downloadable from SWMM was first developed in 1971 and has undergone several major upgrades since then. In this study we are using the Version 5.0 (SWMM 5). The development of SWMM 5 was pursued under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement between the Water Supply and Water Resources Division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the consulting engineering firm of Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. The project team consisted of the following individuals: Lewis Rossman (contact information unknown) Trent Schade (contact information unknown), Daniel Sullivan (contact information unknown) from US EPA; Robert Dickinson (e-mail:, address: 9340 Pontiac Drive Tampa, Florida 33626, phone: 813-712-0664), Carl Chan (e-mail:, address: 151 North Delaware St., Suite 1520, Indianapolis, IN 46204), Edward Burgess (e-mail:, address: 8805 Governor's Hill Drive, Suite 260, Cincinnati, OH 45249) from CDM. SWMM 5 is designed to run under the Windows operating system of an IBM/Intel-compatible personal computer, the program language is C and the size is 5 MB.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

How to view an InfoSewer, InfoSWMM or InfoWater network without InfoSewer, InfoSWMM or InfoWater

How to view an InfoSewer, InfoSWMM or InfoWater network without InfoSewer, InfoSWMM or InfoWater

Use Arc Map, add the Map Subfolder from the IEDB, IWDB or ISDB folder for the network.  

You will see the network on your screen and Map.

An easy test for SWMM5 versions using the Status Report Message for Unrecognized Keywords in past SWMM5 GUI

An easy test for SWMM5 versions using the Status Report Message for Unrecognized Keywords in past SWMM5 GUI

SWMM 5.1.012 reading SWMM 5.1.013 Inp Files

SWMM 5.1.011 reading SWMM 5.1.013 Inp Files
SWMM 5.1.010 reading SWMM 5.1.013 Inp Files
SWMM 5.1.009 reading SWMM 5.1.013 Inp Files
SWMM 5.1.008 reading SWMM 5.1.013 Inp Files
SWMM 5.1.007 reading SWMM 5.1.013 Inp Files
SWMM 5.1.006 reading SWMM 5.1.013 Inp Files

New Features in Innovyze SWMM 14.6 Update 1

New Features in Innovyze SWMM 14.6 Update 1
  1. Added missing conduit type to RTC tables in DB Editor.
  1. Added the ability to use H2S in the SWMM5 Treatment Equations even though H2S is an internal variable in InfoSWMM
  1. Fixed an issue about importing OUTLET Link Tabular/Head features into InfoSWMM SA. It now imports correctly.
  1. Fixed an issue with evaporation being used with SCS Hydrology in the InfoSWMM SA Engine. Now, runoff, infiltration and evaporation are all part of the Runoff Summary.
  1. Fixed run with exact value for RDII Analyst
  1. Skipped the locking files for cache DB sync.
  1. Updated copyright year to 2018.
  1. Introduce new cache DB mechanism.
  1. A fix to the Node Treatment Equation and a fix to the Link Loading Tables. You can now use _H2S to have additional treatment equations for H2S modeling.
  1. Fixed the issue that stored graphs gets reset and the issue of empty combo box.
  1. A fix to the SWMM5 import for InfoSWMM to allow routing time steps less than 1 second. You cannot use time steps to 0.001 seconds.
  1. Add support for importing data file with Unicode encoding.
  1. A fix to the extended graphing parameters for links in the report manager.
  1. Added some key ID messages for older InfoSewer to InfoSWMM imports - it now shows the ID of the problem Pattern or UH
  1. Fixed Conduit Group Graph crash caused by cross section view.
  1. The time stamp of the detailed report node, link and subcatchment time series at the end of the rpt file were out of sync. Many users rely on this table for custom statistical features.
New Features in Innovyze SWMM 14.6  

  1. New Laurenson Runoff Hydrology
  2. Conduit Cross Section View in the Attribute Browser
  3. Profile View in the Attribute Browser
  4. Layer Scale Options for layers
  5. Expanded Transect Chart
  6. Manhole Inlet View in the Attribute Browser
  7. Map Highlight
  8. More Background Map Options

How to Extract the Engine SWMM5 Calculated Slope in InfoSWMM

How to Extract the Engine SWMM5 Calculated Slope in InfoSWMM.  
The slope is a calculated value in SWMM5. 

Please see this other blog for the slope calculations in SWMM5

Step 1 – Run the model
Step 2 –  Load the Conduit Summary Table
Step 3 – The slope for an individual link is shown in the Attribute Browser in the Output section (slope is a fraction)
Step 4  - Copy the slope (percent slope) from the Conduit Summary Table to the Conduit Information Table
Step 5  - The slope can now be used outside of the SWMM5 engine to find adverse slopes.

New Features in Innovyze SWMM 14.6 - InfoSWMM and InfoSWMM SA

New Features in Innovyze SWMM 14.6
1.  New Laurenson Runoff Hydrology
  1. New Laurenson Runoff Hydrology
2. Conduit Cross Section View in the Attribute Browser
3. Profile View on the Map
4. Manhole Inlet View in the Attribute Browser
5.  Background Mas in InfoSWMM SA
6.  Highlight an Element in a Map (InfoSWMM SA)
7.  Layer Scale on the Map in InfoSWMM SA
8.  Expanded Transect Chart with Data

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Initial condition polygon can be used to define a pond in InfoSWMM 2D

You can use an Initial condition polygon to define your pond as shown below for InfoSWMM 2D.  
There are two parts:
  1. The initial condition polygon with only area and
  2. The defined depth or elevation in the initial condition polygon.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Query Report Manager for Customized Reports in InfoSWMM and InfoSWMM SA

Here is my suggestion to closely replicate your excel table of a mixture of input and output link variables:
  1. Run the model and then make an output relate of the Conduit Summary Table
  2. Create a DB Query (a Query is needed) based on finding ALL link data, I used length > 0
  3. Use the Tool Query Report Manager
  4. Select your needed mixture of Link Variables and Link Output Data
  5. Generate your table and customize the look
  6. Copy the table to Excel for further customization

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AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...