Tuesday, March 21, 2023

GW ODIC ICM Import Fields


Object FieldsImport Fields
Ground infiltration ID
Soil depth
Percolation coefficient
Baseflow coefficient
Infiltration coefficient
Percolation threshold (%)
Percolation percentage infiltrating (%)
Porosity of soil (%)
Porosity of ground (%)
Baseflow threshold level
Baseflow threshold type
Infiltration threshold level
Infiltration threshold type
Evapotranspiration type
Evapotranspiration depth
Jan evapotranspiration factor
Feb evapotranspiration factor
Mar evapotranspiration factor
Apr evapotranspiration factor
May evapotranspiration factor
Jun evapotranspiration factor
Jul evapotranspiration factor
Aug evapotranspiration factor
Sep evapotranspiration factor
Oct evapotranspiration factor
Nov evapotranspiration factor
Dec evapotranspiration factor
User number 1
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User number 10
User text 1
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