Sunday, March 19, 2023

InfoSWMM ANNO.DBF File in ISDB Folder and AnnoData.DBF in ISDB Folder

AnnoData.DBF in ISDB Folder

Column HeadingDescriptionExample
IDAn identification number or code for the data.001
TypeA description or name for the data.Element Type

 InfoSWMM ANNO.DBF File in ISDB Folder

Column HeadingDescriptionExample
IDAn identification number or code for the data.001
DESCRIPTA description or name for the data.Water Level Sensor Data
IS_ONA binary value indicating whether the sensor is turned on or off.1 (on)
SRC_TYPEThe type of data source for the sensor readings.Sensor
ELM_TYPEThe type of element or device that the sensor is measuring.Water tank
OUTPUT_SRCThe destination or output source for the sensor readings.Computer database
FIELDThe name or label of the field in which the sensor readings are stored.WaterLevel
TIMEThe time stamp or date and time of the sensor reading.2022-03-20 10:30:00
FONTThe font style or family used to display the sensor reading.Arial
COLORThe color used to display the sensor reading.Blue
SIZEThe size or height of the font used to display the sensor reading.12
BOLDA binary value indicates whether the font is bold or not.0 (not bold)
ITALICA binary value indicates whether the font is italic or not.0 (not italic)
UNITThe unit or measurement associated with the sensor
PREFIXA prefix or symbol to be displayed before the sensor reading.None
SUFFIXA suffix or symbol to be displayed after the sensor reading.None
XOFFSETThe horizontal offset or position of the sensor reading.10
YOFFSETThe vertical offset or position of the sensor reading.-5
SCALETXTA binary value indicates whether the font size is scaled or not.1 (scaled)
TEXTSIZEThe size or height of the scaled font used to display the sensor reading.0.5
DECIMALThe number of decimal places used to display the sensor reading.2

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