Sunday, March 19, 2023

InfoSWMM WQOPT.DBF File in ISDB Folder

InfoSWMM WQOPT.DBF File in ISDB Folder

Column HeadingDescriptionExample
IDAn identification number or code for the data.001
POLLUTANTThe name or label of the pollutant being modeled.Total Nitrogen
WQ_MODELThe type or model of the water quality simulation.CE-QUAL-W2
WQ_TEMPThe water temperature used in the simulation.18 degrees Celsius
RR_COEFFThe reaction rate coefficient used in the simulation.0.05
WQ_PHThe pH value used in the simulation.7.5
ION_CONSTThe ion concentration used in the simulation.0.001
SLFD_FLUXThe flux of the pollutant in the sediment layer used in the simulation.0.1
SLFD_LOSSThe loss of the pollutant in the sediment layer used in the simulation.0.05
SLFD_SOLUThe solubility of the pollutant in the sediment layer used in the simulation.0.001
RELA_SATURThe relative saturation of the pollutant in the sediment layer used in the simulation.0.5
ACID_REACTThe acid reaction coefficient used in the simulation.0.01
ALKALINITYThe alkalinity value used in the simulation.100 mg/L
MAT_TYPEThe type or category of material being modeled.Bed Sediment
TRACE_NODEThe name or label of the trace node used in the simulation.Node 1
PTSETVELThe point velocity used in the simulation.0.5 m/s
LMTFLWVELThe limited flow velocity used in the simulation.1.0 m/s

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