Sunday, May 14, 2023

InfoSWMM to InfoSewer Workflow - Only for Client Emergencies

 🖥️🌊 InfoSWMM vs 🖥️🚽 InfoSewer:

Both are software powerhouses for modeling stormwater and wastewater infrastructure. But, they're like apples 🍎 and oranges 🍊 - similar, but not the same! You can't just drag and drop InfoSWMM data into InfoSewer. One hiccup? InfoSWMM loves its depth offsets, while InfoSewer might give you a 🤨 look.

🔧 Workaround Guide:

  1. Export to SWMM5: Convert your InfoSWMM project to the universally loved SWMM5 format.
  2. Re-Import to InfoSWMM: With your shiny SWMM5 format in hand, bring it back to InfoSWMM. But remember, keep it simple! Import as a "base scenario" only. No bells and whistles 🎶.
  3. Tweak Preferences: Inside InfoSWMM, swap to link elevation offsets and node rim elevation. Now, you're speaking InfoSewer's language 🗣️.
  4. Shapefile Export: Send your project to a shapefile 🌐 - the common tongue of GIS.
  5. InfoSewer's Turn: Bring that shapefile into InfoSewer. Voila! 🎉

Remember, this isn't a magic wand 🪄. It's more like a translator 🌐. Some nuances might get lost, so keep those detective eyes 👀 open for any post-import tweaks!

Happy modeling! 🖥️🔍📊🚀

InfoSWMM and InfoSewer are both software packages used for modeling stormwater and wastewater infrastructure, but they have different specifications and use different data structures. This means you can't simply "import" InfoSWMM data into InfoSewer without some modification. One major issue that arises is that InfoSWMM uses depth offsets, which InfoSewer may not handle in the same way.

Here's a step-by-step guide for the workaround :

Export to SWMM5: Start by exporting your InfoSWMM project to the SWMM5 format. This format is a standard that InfoSWMM, 

Import back to InfoSWMM: Once you have your project in SWMM5 format, import it back into InfoSWMM. However, make sure to only import it as a "base scenario". This means you'll only be bringing in the most basic information about the system, without any additional scenarios or analysis results.

Modify project preferences: In InfoSWMM, change your project preferences to use link elevation offsets and node rim as elevation instead of depth. This aligns the data with InfoSewer's expectations.

Export to shapefile: Next, use the export manager in InfoSWMM to export your project to a shapefile. This is a common file format used in geographic information systems (GIS) that both InfoSWMM and InfoSewer can handle.

Import to InfoSewer: Finally, import the shapefile into InfoSewer. This will bring in the InfoSWMM data in a format that InfoSewer can understand.

This process should allow you to transfer your data from InfoSWMM to InfoSewer successfully. However, it's important to note that it's a workaround and might not perfectly replicate every detail of the original system. Be prepared to do some manual checking and data cleaning after the import to ensure everything is accurate.

InfoSWMM FeatureInfoSewer EquivalentDescription
Ideal PumpsFixed Capacity PumpsInfoSWMM uses ideal pumps where outflow equals inflow. In InfoSewer, fixed capacity pumps (e.g., 100 gpm) with specified on and off depths (e.g., 2 and 1) were used.
Dry Weather Flow (DWF) NodesDWF NodesOnly a few dozen nodes in the InfoSWMM model had DWF. These should be checked when transitioning to InfoSewer.
No Wet Wells RequiredWet Wells AddedInfoSewer requires wet wells, force mains, and at least one chamber node per pump which are not present in InfoSWMM.
No Flow DividersFlow Dividers AddedFlow dividers were added in InfoSewer to meet the restrictions of adverse flow links.
Pumps with Gravity MainsRedrawn Gravity MainsInfoSewer does not allow gravity mains to connect directly to pumps. The gravity mains were redrawn to connect to the downstream chamber node.
No DWF PatternFLAT Pattern AddedInfoSWMM does not require a pattern for DWF. A FLAT pattern was added in InfoSewer to satisfy the software's rules.
Active Orphan NodesInactive Orphan NodesThree orphan nodes in InfoSWMM were made inactive in InfoSewer.
Diameter in FeetDiameter in InchesIn InfoSWMM, conduit diameters are given in feet. In InfoSewer, the diameter needs to be converted to inches using the Conduit DB Table and BlockEdit.

Please note that these changes reflect the specific requirements and restrictions of each software, and it's important to thoroughly check your model after making these changes to ensure accuracy and that the model runs successfully.

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