Monday, October 23, 2023

Emoji SWMM5 Infiltration Variables

 🔍🌐 Enumerated Constants (InfilType):

Enum ValueDescription
HORTON🌦️🌱 Horton infiltration
MOD_HORTON🌧️☔ Modified Horton infiltration
GREEN_AMPT💧🌊 Green-Ampt infiltration
MOD_GREEN_AMPT🌀🌪️ Modified Green-Ampt infiltration
CURVE_NUMBER📈📊 SCS Curve Number infiltration

🌦️🌱 Horton Infiltration (THorton):

f0double⏱️ Initial infiltration rate (ft/sec)
fmindouble📉 Minimum infiltration rate (ft/sec)
Fmaxdouble📈 Maximum total infiltration (ft)
decaydouble⏳ Decay coefficient of infiltration rate (1/sec)
regendouble🔄 Regeneration coefficient of infiltration rate (1/sec)
tpdouble🕐 Present time on infiltration curve (sec)
Fedouble🌱 Cumulative infiltration (ft)

💧🌊 Green-Ampt Infiltration (TGrnAmpt):

Sdouble🧽 Average capillary suction (ft)
Ksdouble🚰 Saturated conductivity (ft/sec)
IMDmaxdouble🌵 Maximum soil moisture deficit (ft/ft)
IMDdouble🌧️ Current initial soil moisture deficit
Fdouble🚿 Current cumulative infiltrated volume (ft)
Fudouble🌊 Current upper zone infiltrated volume (ft)
Ludouble📏 Depth of upper soil zone (ft)
Tdouble⏳ Time until start of next rain event (sec)
Satchar💧 Saturation flag

📈📊 Curve Number Infiltration (TCurveNum):

Smaxdouble🗻 Maximum infiltration capacity (ft)
regendouble🔄 Infiltration capacity regeneration constant (1/sec)
Tmaxdouble⌛ Maximum inter-event time (sec)
Sdouble📊 Current infiltration capacity (ft)
Fdouble🚰 Current cumulative infiltration (ft)
Pdouble☔ Current cumulative precipitation (ft)
Tdouble⏲️ Current inter-event time (sec)
Sedouble🌱 Current event infiltration capacity (ft)
fdouble📉 Previous infiltration rate (ft/sec)

I hope this makes your tables even more enjoyable! 😊🎉🎈🌟

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