Saturday, October 21, 2023

Emojis in SQL in ICM InfoWorks - 6 Functions 🧮

6 Functions 🧮

SQL expressions can utilize a myriad of functions alongside field values and constants. Each function needs a set number of 'arguments' and yields one value.

6.1 Aggregate functions 📊

Refer to Section 10.3 for details.

6.2 Date functions 📆

    YEARPART(date) - Retrieves the year of the date.

    MONTHPART(date) - Determines the month of the date.

    DAYPART(date) - Extracts the day from the date.

    DATEPART(date) - Provides the date while removing minutes.

    TIMEPART(date) - Gives the time in minutes from the date.

    YEARMONTHPART(date) - Shows year and month as a string.

    MONTHYEARPART(date) - Displays month and year in a string format.

    MONTHNAME(date) - Returns the full month name.

    SHORTMONTHNAME(date) - Gives the abbreviated month name.

    DAYNAME(date) - Fetches the full day name.

    SHORTDAYNAME(date) - Offers the abbreviated day name.

  • NOW 🕰
    NOW() - Provides the current date and time.

    YEARSDIFF(from,to) - Calculates the year difference between two dates.

    MONTHSDIFF(from,to) - Determines the month difference between two dates.

    DAYSDIFF(from,to) - Measures the day difference between two dates.

... and many more!

6.3 List variable functions 📝

Refer to the List Variables section for more details.

6.4 Trigonometric and logarithmic functions 📐📈

Covers functions related to angles and logs. Includes functions like ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, LOG, and more.

6.5 String manipulation 🎻

Delves into manipulating strings with functions like LEN, LEFT, RIGHT, MID, SUBST, etc.

6.6 Number conversion and formatting 🔢

Functions like FIXED help in formatting numbers.

6.7 Numerical functions 🔢🔍

Includes functions such as ABS, INT, FLOOR, CEIL and more for number operations.

6.7 Conditional expression 🔄

IIF and NVL functions that help in setting conditions in SQL expressions.

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