Monday, December 30, 2024

PYSWMM Summary

 Below is an extended summary of the code, describing its structure, primary functionalities, and how each class interacts with SWMM’s LID (Low Impact Development) data.

Purpose and Context

This code defines Python classes (Surface, Pavement, Storage, Soil, and WaterBalance) that provide a user-friendly interface to SWMM’s LID components. Each class focuses on a specific layer (or conceptual grouping) of a Low Impact Development unit—such as bioretention cells, permeable pavements, or green roofs—and exposes numeric properties (inflows, outflows, evaporations, infiltration rates, etc.) by querying PySWMM’s low-level toolkit functions (getLidUResult and getLidUFluxRates).

By wrapping SWMM’s C-based toolkit calls into clear, Pythonic property getters, modelers can easily monitor real-time hydraulic processes within each LID layer.

Structure and Key Components

1. _flux_rate Helper Function

def _flux_rate(model, subcatchment, lid_index, layer):
    return model.getLidUFluxRates(subcatchment, lid_index, layer)
  • A private utility that retrieves net inflow/outflow (flux) for a particular LID unit layer.
  • Supports surface, soil, storage, and pavement layers as enumerated by LidLayers.

2. Surface Class

  • Represents the surface layer of an LID unit (e.g., ponded water on top of a biocell or permeable pavement).
  • Properties:
    • depth: Current depth of water on the surface.
    • inflow: Rate of precipitation + runon flowing into this LID unit.
    • infiltration: Rate at which water is infiltrating from the surface layer downward.
    • evaporation: Water lost to evaporation from the surface.
    • outflow: Overflow or surface water leaving the LID.
    • flux_rate: Net flux (inflow - outflow) from the surface layer in the previous time step.

3. Pavement Class

  • Focuses on the porous pavement layer in certain LID designs.
  • Properties:
    • depth: Depth of water within the pavement voids.
    • evaporation: Pavement water lost via evaporation.
    • percolation: Water percolating out of the pavement layer down into the underlying layer.
    • flux_rate: Net flux from the pavement layer.

4. Storage Class

  • Applies to the storage layer, which might represent a storage zone underneath surface layers (e.g., gravel storage in permeable pavement or an underdrain storage chamber).
  • Properties:
    • depth: Current depth of water in the storage layer.
    • inflow: Water entering this storage layer from above.
    • exfiltration: Water exfiltrating into native soil.
    • evaporation: Water lost via evaporation from the storage zone.
    • drain: Flow leaving through an underdrain or outlet.
    • flux_rate: Net inflow-outflow rate from the storage layer.

5. Soil Class

  • Represents the soil layer for LIDs such as bioretention cells or green roofs.
  • Properties:
    • moisture: The current soil moisture content.
    • evaporation: Evaporation from soil.
    • percolation: Percolation (downward flow) from the soil layer.
    • flux_rate: Net flux of water into/out of the soil layer.

6. WaterBalance Class

  • Provides overall LID water balance metrics, representing totals across the entire LID unit.
  • Properties:
    • inflow: Total inflow received by the LID (surface and subsurface combined).
    • evaporation: Total evaporation from all layers.
    • infiltration: Total infiltration to the native soil.
    • surface_flow: Total surface runoff leaving the LID.
    • drain_flow: Flow exiting the LID through an underdrain.
    • initial_volume, final_volume: Stored water volume at the start and end of a time step.

Typical Usage

  1. Accessing LID Data

    • These classes are generally instantiated within a broader LIDUnit context in PySWMM. For example:
      surf = Surface(model, lidunit_object)
      current_depth = surf.depth
    • Each class needs references to the SWMM model object (model) and the specific LID unit and subcatchment (lidunit).
  2. Retrieving Real-Time Values

    • Within a simulation loop, a user might query Surface infiltration or Soil moisture at each time step to make control decisions or track performance.
      for step in sim:
          print(surf.infiltration, soil.moisture)
  3. Analyzing End-of-Simulation Results

    • Users may also retrieve final state or total inflow/outflow totals after running the simulation, aiding in post-processing or reporting.

Key Advantages

  1. High-Level Abstraction:

    • By naming each property (surface.inflow, pavement.depth) rather than relying on numeric indices, the code is more readable and user-friendly.
  2. Modular LID Layers:

    • Splitting each layer (Surface, Pavement, Storage, Soil) into its own class clarifies the distinct processes involved and simplifies maintenance.
  3. Consistent Access Patterns:

    • All classes follow a similar pattern: @property getters that call getLidUResult or _flux_rate under the hood, ensuring a uniform interface across different layers.
  4. Real-Time or Post-Run Data:

    • The properties can be queried on-the-fly during a time-stepped simulation or after the simulation completes for a detailed water balance assessment.


In summary, these classes (Surface, Pavement, Storage, Soil, and WaterBalance) encapsulate SWMM’s LID layer data into convenient, Python-based APIs. By doing so, they empower engineers and researchers to more easily inspect and manage the complex hydrologic and hydraulic processes occurring within a Low Impact Development practice during a SWMM simulation.

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