Monday, December 30, 2024

PYSWMM Summary

 Below is an extended summary of the code, describing its purpose, structure, and how the classes integrate with PySWMM to manage and query subcatchment data within a SWMM model.


This module provides Pythonic wrappers for interacting with subcatchments in a SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) simulation. It defines two main classes:

  1. Subcatchments – A container/iterator over all subcatchments, allowing you to list, retrieve, and check the existence of subcatchments by ID.
  2. Subcatchment – A single subcatchment object, offering property-based access to both static parameters (e.g., area, slope) and dynamic simulation results (e.g., rainfall, runoff).

Together, they bridge SWMM’s low-level C toolkit and Python, enabling users to modify or read subcatchment data in near real-time as a simulation proceeds.



  • Acts as a Python collection of all subcatchments in an open SWMM model.
  • Integrates with PySWMM’s internal _model pointer (which references the SWMM engine) to iterate through or lookup individual subcatchments.

Key Behaviors

  1. Initialization

    subcatchments = Subcatchments(simulation_object)
    • Checks if the model is open; otherwise raises a PYSWMMException.
  2. Length and Containment

    • len(subcatchments) returns the total number of subcatchments in the model.
    • "S1" in subcatchments checks if a subcatchment with ID "S1" exists.
  3. Lookup

    • subcatchments["S1"] returns a Subcatchment instance corresponding to subcatchment S1.
    • Raises a PYSWMMException if the ID is invalid.
  4. Iteration

    • for sc in subcatchments: yields Subcatchment objects one by one, in the order the subcatchments are stored in SWMM.

Example Usage

from pyswmm import Simulation, Subcatchments

with Simulation("my_model.inp") as sim:
    subcs = Subcatchments(sim)
    print(len(subcs))           # e.g., prints total number of subcatchments

    for sc in subcs:
        print(sc.subcatchmentid)   # e.g., "S1", "S2"



  • Represents one subcatchment in a SWMM model.
  • Exposes both static parameters (width, area, slope) and dynamic (time-varying) results (runoff, infiltration, etc.).


subcatchment_obj = Subcatchment(model, "S1")
  • Validates that "S1" exists in the model’s subcatchment list.

Key Properties

  1. Identifiers & Connections

    • subcatchmentid: The SWMM ID (e.g., "S1").
    • connection: A tuple indicating where runoff is sent (another subcatchment or a node). Example return: (2, 'J2'), meaning the runoff flows to a node with ID "J2."
  2. Subcatchment Parameters

    • width (effective flow width).
    • area (subcatchment area).
    • percent_impervious (fraction of area that is impervious).
    • slope (average slope).
    • curb_length (total length of curbs).

    Each parameter has both a getter and setter, allowing real-time or pre-run modifications:

    s1.area = 50.0
    current_area = s1.area
  3. Simulation Results

    • rainfall: Instantaneous rainfall on the subcatchment (in user-defined units).
    • evaporation_loss: Current evaporation rate from the subcatchment.
    • infiltration_loss: Current infiltration rate.
    • runon: Lateral inflow from other surfaces.
    • runoff: Current runoff rate leaving the subcatchment.
    • snow_depth: Current snow depth (if snowmelt is modeled).
  4. Pollutant-Related

    • buildup: Surface buildup amounts for each pollutant.
    • conc_ponded: Pollutant concentration in any ponded water.
    • pollut_quality: Pollutant concentration in subcatchment runoff.
    • runoff_total_loading: Total pollutant mass leaving the subcatchment in runoff.

    Each of these returns a dictionary keyed by pollutant ID, e.g.:

        "TSS": 12.3,
        "Lead": 0.05
  5. statistics

    • Returns rolling/cumulative subcatchment flow stats (total precipitation, runon, evap, infiltration, total runoff, and peak runoff rate).
    • Example structure:
        "precipitation": 2.15,
        "runon": 0.5,
        "evaporation": 0.1,
        "infiltration": 0.3,
        "runoff": 1.7,
        "peak_runoff_rate": 0.12

Example Usage

with Simulation("my_model.inp") as sim:
    s1 = Subcatchments(sim)["S1"]
    # Modify area
    s1.area = 20.0
    # Access time-varying results during the run
    for step in sim:
        print("Runoff at this timestep:", s1.runoff)
        print("Pollutant buildup:", s1.buildup)

Typical Workflow

  1. Open a Simulation (context-manager recommended):
    from pyswmm import Simulation, Subcatchments
    with Simulation("model.inp") as sim:
        subc_collection = Subcatchments(sim)
  2. Access a Subcatchment:
    s1 = subc_collection["S1"]
    print(s1.area, s1.percent_impervious)
    s1.slope = 0.015
  3. Iterate During a Simulation:
    for step in sim:
        current_runoff = s1.runoff
        # Possibly adjust properties or log data
  4. Utilize Pollutant Data (if water quality is enabled):
    # e.g., TSS concentration in S1's runoff
    tss_conc = s1.pollut_quality["TSS"]
  5. Close:
    • The Simulation context manager automatically finalizes the SWMM run.

Error Handling

  • A PYSWMMException is raised if:
    • The SWMM model file hasn’t been opened.
    • A subcatchment ID doesn’t exist when requested.

Key Benefits

  1. Pythonic Access:

    • Subcatchment properties (e.g., area, slope) and real-time results (e.g., runoff rate) can be read or updated via standard property syntax, making the code more readable and maintainable than direct calls to the C API.
  2. Real-Time Control:

    • Parameters can be modified mid-simulation if needed, supporting advanced scenario testing or real-time control strategies.
  3. Intuitive Iteration:

    • The Subcatchments class supports Python’s iteration protocol and membership checks, improving discoverability and dynamic analysis of subcatchments.
  4. Pollutant Loading & Quality:

    • Built-in methods return dictionaries keyed by pollutant ID, simplifying water quality analysis or post-processing tasks.


The Subcatchments and Subcatchment classes offer a high-level interface to SWMM’s subcatchment data, allowing Python developers and modelers to manipulate and observe hydrologic processes in near real-time. By exposing subcatchment parameters and simulation outputs in a straightforward, property-based manner, they further streamline typical tasks like:

  • Parameter adjustments (e.g., changing area or slope).
  • Hydrologic result retrieval (e.g., rainfall, infiltration, or runoff).
  • Pollutant water quality checks (e.g., buildup, runoff concentration).

Together, they make modeling workflows in PySWMM more intuitive, robust, and Pythonic.

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