Below is an overview of Dlabel.pas, a Delphi unit from SWMM 5.2 that provides a simple form (TLabelForm) for adding text labels to the study area map.
1. Purpose and Context
In SWMM, the user can place custom text labels onto the map to annotate features or provide additional information. The TLabelForm in this unit is a frameless modal dialog that allows the user to type a label, which is then placed at a specified map location.
2. The Form: TLabelForm
Key points:
- TEdit (
): A single-line edit box where the user can type the text of the label. - Dialog Behavior:
- The form is frameless, so it does not have a typical caption bar or system menu.
- It behaves like a modal dialog (the user must dismiss it before returning to the main application).
2.1 Form Layout
- In
, the code sets theEdit1
control’s left and top to 0, and then resizes the form’sClientWidth
to match the edit control’s dimensions. - As a result, the dialog basically appears just as a text box without surrounding borders.
2.2 Closing the Form
- FormClose: sets
Action := caFree
so that when the user closes the dialog, it is destroyed and removed from memory.
2.3 Key Handlers
- Edit1KeyPress:
- Enter (#13): causes
ModalResult := mrOK
, effectively closing the dialog and returning an “OK” result. - Escape (#27): causes
ModalResult := mrCancel
, canceling the label creation.
- Enter (#13): causes
This means the user can press Enter to confirm the typed label or Escape to cancel.
3. Summary of Operation
- The form and its single TEdit control are created, sized to match the TEdit’s width and height.
- The form has no border or caption to give a minimalist text-entry appearance.
User Interaction:
- The user enters text in the TEdit box.
- Pressing Enter closes the form with OK; pressing Escape closes it with Cancel.
- When returning with OK, the calling code can retrieve the text from
to place a new label on the map. - If Cancel, no label is created.
- When returning with OK, the calling code can retrieve the text from
Thus, Dlabel.pas provides a lightweight, no-frills interface for placing user-defined text labels on the SWMM map.
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