Sunday, December 29, 2024

SWMM5 Delphi GUI Dlegend.pas Summary

 Below is an overview of Dlegend.pas, a Delphi unit from SWMM 5.2 that provides a form (TLegendForm) for editing a map legend. The legend is used to display intervals (ranges) of a particular hydraulic/hydrologic variable in color-coded form on the SWMM map.

1. Purpose and Context

This unit creates a Legend Editor dialog that allows the user to:

  1. Define up to 5 intervals for a selected map variable (e.g., subcatchment runoff, node depth, or link flow).
  2. Assign a color to each interval.
  3. Optionally auto-generate intervals from the current min/max of the selected variable.
  4. Pick a color ramp from predefined gradient schemes or manually choose individual colors.
  5. Decide whether the legend appears with or without a frame on the map.

Because only 5 intervals are supported, the code references a constant MAXINTERVALS = 5 (though it’s effectively 5 minus 1 for distinct interval boundaries, plus one color for the top range).

2. Main Form Elements: TLegendForm

2.1 Color Boxes (Shapes)

  • Box0Box4: five TShape components that represent the color assigned to each interval boundary and the final interval.
  • A Hiliter shape that can highlight whichever color box the user clicks.

2.2 Interval Edit Controls

  • Edit1Edit5: five TEdit fields in which the user can type numeric values that define the boundaries between intervals (e.g., 0, 2, 5, 10 …).

2.3 Other Controls and Buttons

  • BtnAutoScale: automatically set interval boundaries based on the current min/max values of the selected map variable.
  • BtnColorRamp: open a “Color Ramp” dialog (from Dcolramp.pas) to pick from a predefined set of color gradients.
  • BtnReverse: reverse the order of the colors currently shown.
  • CheckFramed: toggles whether the legend is displayed in a framed box.
  • Standard OK, Cancel, and Help buttons.

3. Workflow and Data Flow

3.1 Input Data

SetData(...) is called externally to initialize the form:

  1. VarName and VarUnits: text labels for the map variable being legended (e.g., “Depth,” “inches”).
  2. Digits: number of decimal digits to display.
  3. TimePeriod: which time period (e.g., simulation timestep) this legend applies to (for min/max retrieval).
  4. Legend: a TMapLegend record that holds:
    • Intervals[]: up to 5 interval boundary values.
    • Nintervals: how many intervals are actually in use.
    • Ltype: which object category (subcatchments, nodes, or links) the legend is for.
  5. An array of TColor for each color box.
  6. A boolean that indicates whether the legend is framed (CheckFramed.Checked).

Inside SetData, the code:

  • Sets up the color boxes (Box0Box4) to use the provided colors.
  • Fills each Edit# with the corresponding numeric boundary from Legend.Intervals[] (or blank if MISSING).
  • Records the relevant legend variable info in local fields (LegendType, LegendVarIndex, etc.).

3.2 Editing the Legend

The user can:

  1. Manually edit the numeric boundary in each Edit# to define intervals.
  2. Click a color box (BoxMouseDown) to change its color via the standard ColorDialog1.
  3. Use BtnAutoScale to compute intervals from the project’s min/max of the selected variable at the chosen time step.
  4. Use BtnColorRamp to pick a standard color gradient, which updates the shape colors.
  5. Use BtnReverse to invert the current color sequence.

3.3 Validation and OK/Cancel

  • BtnOKClick calls ValidateInput:
    1. Ensures each non-blank Edit# is a valid float.
    2. Checks that the user doesn’t leave all intervals blank.
    3. Sets Modified := True if something changed.
  • If validation fails, the form remains open. Otherwise, it closes with mrOK.

3.4 Saving the Legend

GetData is called after the user presses OK to retrieve:

  1. Interval Values: The form merges any blank entries, thus “compressing” the intervals so that only non-blank ones remain.
  2. Colors: The color for each non-blank interval boundary is taken from the color box above it, and the final color from the last box.
  3. Framed: whether CheckFramed was checked.

Those updates are stored in the Legend record and the color array, which the calling code can use to redraw the map legend.

4. Notable Procedures

4.1 BtnAutoScaleClick

  • Retrieves the min and max of the selected variable (depending on LegendType—subcatchment, node, or link) from the Uoutput routines.
  • Divides the range into equal increments if feasible, placing the resulting values into Edit1..Edit5.
  • If the range is invalid (Xmax = MISSING), a warning is displayed.

4.2 BtnColorRampClick

  • Displays TColorRampForm (from Dcolramp.pas), allowing a user to pick from a set of built-in color schemes (e.g., rainbow, heatmap, etc.).
  • Copies the chosen ramp colors into Box0..Box4.

4.3 BtnReverseClick

  • Reverses the order of the colors in the boxes (box0 ↔ box4, box1 ↔ box3, etc.).

4.4 BoxMouseDown

  • When the user clicks on a shape (e.g., Box3), the code visually highlights it (Hiliter) and opens a ColorDialog.
  • On choosing a new color, that color is assigned to the shape’s Brush.Color.

5. Summary

  • Dlegend.pas provides a compact “Legend Editor” form that handles up to 5 intervals and color boxes for a SWMM map variable.
  • Users can manually define or auto-generate intervals, choose a color ramp, or pick each color individually.
  • The final result is stored in a TMapLegend record and a color array, allowing the map to be rendered with a custom legend that suits the user’s data range and color preferences.

This feature helps visualize results effectively, making it simpler to interpret and diagnose modeling outcomes within SWMM.

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