Sunday, December 29, 2024

SWMM5 Delphi GUI Dprevplot.pas Summary

 Below is an overview of Dprevplot.pas, a Delphi unit from SWMM 5.2 that provides a dialog form (TPreviewPlotForm) for displaying a quick preview plot of data contained in other editors—namely the Curve editor, Time Series editor, or Transect editor. The form also supports showing cross-sectional geometry for storage units or custom shapes.

1. Purpose and Context

When the user clicks the View button in various SWMM dialogs (e.g., the Transect, Curve, or Time Series editors), SWMM needs a quick way to visualize the data (stations and elevations for transects, X-Y pairs for curves, time-value pairs for time series, etc.). TPreviewPlotForm serves this purpose:

  1. It holds a TChart (named Chart1) with 4 data series:
    • Series1: A line series (top line of an entire transect).
    • Series2: A line series (top line of just the main channel portion).
    • Series3: A line series (plots generic X-Y data for curves/time series).
    • Series4: An area series (used to “fill in” the bottom of a transect cross-section).
  2. The form can display these Series differently depending on whether it’s showing a transect cross-section, a standard X-Y curve, a time series, or a special cross-section shape.

2. Main Form: TPreviewPlotForm

2.1 Components

  • Chart1: A TChart that hosts line/area series.
  • Series1, Series2, Series3, Series4:
    • Series1 / Series2: line series used for transect top lines.
    • Series3: line series for curves, time series, or single-series X-Y plots.
    • Series4: area series for filled-in portion of a transect.
  • Buttons:
    • CopyBtn: Copy the chart image to clipboard.
    • PrintBtn: Print the chart.
    • CloseBtn: Closes the preview form.
  • Panel arrangement: Panel1 holds the chart, BtnPanel holds the buttons.

2.2 Key Routines

  1. PlotCurveData(DataGrid, Title, UseStairs, SwitchXY)

    • Reads X-Y pairs from DataGrid and places them into Series3.
    • If UseStairs = True, uses a step-plot style.
    • If SwitchXY = True, the grid’s X & Y columns are swapped.
    • Adds a chart title and axis labels from the grid’s header row.
  2. PlotTimeSeries(DataGrid, Title, D0)

    • Interprets columns (0: date, 1: time, 2: value) from DataGrid.
    • Converts date+time to “elapsed hours” from a reference date/time D0.
    • Adds those points to Series3 and sets Chart1.BottomAxis.Title.Caption to “Elapsed Time (hours).”
  3. PlotTransectData(DataGrid, Xleft, Xright, Xfactor, Yfactor, Title, Units)

    • Used for cross-section data.
    • DataGrid rows contain station (column 1) and elevation (column 2).
    • Series4 draws an area of the entire transect (filling from lowest station to highest).
    • Series1 draws the top line across the entire width.
    • If Xleft / Xright exist, Series2 highlights the portion of the transect that is the “main channel.”
    • Xfactor, Yfactor can rescale the station or elevation values.
  4. PlotStorageXsect(DataGrid, Title)

    • Interprets column 1 as depth, column 2 as cross-sectional area.
    • Draws a symmetrical shape about the center line, as if it’s a storage tank cross-section (radius derived from A/π\sqrt{A/\pi}).
    • Creates left half (negative X) and right half (positive X) about the Y-axis.
  5. PlotShapeXsect(DataGrid, Title)

    • Interprets column 1 as depth, column 2 as width ratio.
    • Plots a custom cross-section shape symmetrically about the Y-axis (like half the shape to the left, half to the right).
    • Potentially ensures a 1:1 aspect ratio by adjusting the axis scale.
  6. CopyBtnClick: calls Ugraph.CopyTo(Chart1), copying the chart image to the clipboard.

  7. PrintBtnClick: calls Ugraph.Print(Chart1, MainForm.thePrinter, Xprinter.dPrinter) to open a print dialog.

2.3 Additional Utility Methods

  • SetBottomAxisScale: If the maximum X in a plot is less than 10, tries to auto-scale the axis with finer increments.
  • StripReturns(S): Removes carriage returns (#13) from a string (used for axis titles that might contain line breaks).

3. Typical Usage

  • When the user opens a “Transect Editor” or “Curve Editor,” they might see a View button. Clicking it collects data from a TStringGrid and calls one of the Plot...() methods in TPreviewPlotForm (e.g. PlotTransectData or PlotCurveData).
  • The form then appears with the chart automatically scaled, a relevant caption, X/Y axis labels, and possibly a filled area or multiple lines.
  • The user can Copy the chart image, Print it, or Close the form.

4. Summary

Dprevplot.pas enables SWMM’s “preview plot” functionality for various editors, giving a simple, uniform way to visualize table-based data (transect cross-sections, curves, time series, etc.). With minimal user input, it sets up and displays a TChart with up to four different series (line or area) for a clear, on-demand preview:

  1. Series1 / Series2: lines for transect outlines (full cross-section vs. main channel).
  2. Series3: a generic line series for curves or time series.
  3. Series4: an area fill for the bottom or banks of a transect.

The user can then copy or print the displayed chart before closing the preview.

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