Sunday, December 29, 2024

SWMM5 Delphi GUI Dprofile.pas Summary

 Below is an overview of Dprofile.pas, a Delphi unit from SWMM 5.2 that provides a form (TProfileSelectionForm) for selecting and managing saved profile plots in a SWMM project. A “profile” in SWMM typically refers to a longitudinal section (i.e., a series of connected nodes and links) that the user wants to plot over time.

1. Purpose and Context

In SWMM, you can create profile plots showing how water level (hydraulic grade line) changes along a series of nodes and links. The application allows you to save these node/link sequences under a name (a “Profile Name”) for easy re-use.

The TProfileSelectionForm dialog is where users:

  1. See a list of previously saved profile names.
  2. Can rename an existing profile.
  3. Can remove a profile from the project.
  4. Finally, can select one profile to work with, returning that selection to the calling code.

2. Main Form: TProfileSelectionForm

2.1 Components

  1. ProfilesListBox: A TListBox that lists the names of all saved profiles in the project.
  2. RenameBtn: Lets the user rename the selected profile.
  3. RemoveBtn: Removes the selected profile from the list.
  4. OKBtn / CancelBtn: Confirm or dismiss the selection.
  5. A hidden TmpProfiles (TStringList) that stores the actual link sequences for each profile, paralleling the names in ProfilesListBox.Items.

2.2 Key Variables

  • HasChanged (boolean): Tracks whether any changes (rename or remove) have been made.
  • SelectedProfile (integer): The index of the profile that the user ultimately selected (or -1 if none).

2.3 Interaction with SWMM’s Project Data

  • Project.ProfileNames: A TStringList in SWMM’s Uproject global data structure that stores the user-friendly names of each profile.
  • Project.ProfileLinks: Another TStringList that stores the link sequences (one line per profile) in parallel with Project.ProfileNames.

When this form is opened, it:

  1. Copies Project.ProfileNames into ProfilesListBox.Items.
  2. Copies Project.ProfileLinks into TmpProfiles.

When the user clicks OK:

  1. The form writes any updated ProfilesListBox.Items back into Project.ProfileNames.
  2. Writes the updated TmpProfiles back into Project.ProfileLinks.
  3. Sets SelectedProfile = ProfilesListBox.ItemIndex.
  4. If anything changed (HasChanged), sets Uglobals.HasChanged := True; so the project knows it’s modified.

3. Workflow

  1. FormCreate: Initializes TmpProfiles as a new TStringList and sets HasChanged := False.
  2. FormShow:
    • Copies Project.ProfileNames into ProfilesListBox.Items.
    • Copies Project.ProfileLinks into TmpProfiles.
    • Ensures the list box has item 0 selected (if available).
  3. Renaming a Profile:
    • The user selects a profile in ProfilesListBox.
    • Clicking RenameBtn prompts the user for a new name (InputBox).
    • If the new name is unique (or the same as the old name), the profile name is updated in ProfilesListBox.Items.
    • Sets HasChanged := True.
  4. Removing a Profile:
    • The user selects a profile in ProfilesListBox.
    • Clicking RemoveBtn deletes it from both ProfilesListBox and TmpProfiles (keeping the indices aligned).
    • Adjusts ItemIndex to a valid index, if any remain.
    • Sets HasChanged := True.
  5. OKBtnClick:
    • Copies the edited ProfilesListBox.Items back into Project.ProfileNames.
    • Copies TmpProfiles back into Project.ProfileLinks.
    • SelectedProfile := ProfilesListBox.ItemIndex.
    • If HasChanged, sets Uglobals.HasChanged := True.
    • Closes with ModalResult := mrOK.

4. Summary

Dprofile.pas manages the ProfileSelectionForm where users can manage multiple saved profile views in SWMM. This dialog:

  • Displays existing profiles in a list.
  • Allows rename or remove of a profile.
  • Finally returns the selected profile index to the caller.
  • Updates SWMM’s global data (Project.ProfileNames, Project.ProfileLinks) accordingly, so that the project’s set of saved profiles is kept in sync with the user’s changes.

By offering straightforward name-based management, TProfileSelectionForm ensures users can easily re-use or modify the “profile” node sequences for repeated hydraulic profile plots in SWMM.

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