Sunday, December 29, 2024

SWMM5 Delphi GUI Dtimeplot.pas Summary

 Below is an overview of Dtimeplot.pas, a Delphi unit from SWMM 5.2 that provides the TTimePlotForm dialog for setting up time series plots of simulation results. Users can specify multiple data series, each representing a particular object-variable combination (e.g., flow in a link, water depth at a node, runoff from a subcatchment, etc.), along with additional options like date range and axis settings. When the user is done, SWMM will generate the requested time series plot using the specified configurations.

1. Purpose and Context

In SWMM, a time series plot displays how a certain parameter (flow, depth, pollutant concentration, rainfall, etc.) evolves over time. The TTimePlotForm allows users to select:

  • Which objects (subcatchments, nodes, links, or the entire system).
  • Which variables (e.g., water depth, flow, pollutant).
  • **Whether to use elapsed or actual date/time on the X-axis.
  • The time window (start and end date/time).
  • Number of data series (up to six) in one combined plot, each assigned to either the left or right Y-axis.

When the user hits OK, the form sets up a TReportSelection structure that describes the items to plot, then calls MainForm.CreateReport(ReportSelection) to produce the time series plot.

2. Main Form: TTimePlotForm

2.1 Pages and Controls

  1. PageControl1 with two TabSheet pages:

    • TabSheet1 ("Data Series Selection"): Lists the data series to be plotted. The user can add or delete series, or move them up or down (changing the order in the plot's legend).
    • TabSheet2 ("Edit Data Series"): A page to specify which object is being plotted, which variable, and other details like axis assignment and legend label.
  2. Buttons:

    • Add (BtnAdd): Creates a new data series and switches to TabSheet2 to define it.
    • Edit (BtnEdit): Edits the currently selected series in TabSheet2.
    • Delete: Removes the currently selected series.
    • MoveUp / MoveDown: Reorders the data series in the list.
    • Accept: On TabSheet2, updates the series with the user’s input.
    • OK: Closes the form, finalizing the ReportSelection.
    • Cancel: Closes the form without changes.
    • Help: Brings up context help.
  3. SeriesListBox:

    • Lists each data series in textual form, typically: "[object type] [object ID] [variable name]".
  4. Object Type (ObjTypeCombo), Object Name (ObjNameEdit), Variable (VariableCombo):

    • The user chooses subcatchment/node/link/system and a variable.
    • If “System” is chosen, no object name is needed.
    • ObjNameEdit can be filled automatically from the currently selected object in SWMM’s data browser, via SetObject() or AddSelectedObject().
  5. Time range:

    • StartDateCombo1 / EndDateCombo1: The user picks which date/time indices from the simulation to start and stop the plot.
    • ElapsedTimeBtn or DateTimeBtn: Chooses whether to label the X-axis in elapsed hours or actual date/time.
  6. LeftAxisBtn / RightAxisBtn:

    • Decides if the series is assigned to the left or right Y-axis.
  7. LegendLabelEdit:

    • The user’s custom label for the data series in the plot’s legend (optional).

3. Data Structures

3.1 TReportSelection

  • A SWMM structure that describes how to build a plot or table. For time-series plots:
    1. ReportType := TIMESERIESPLOT.
    2. StartDateIndex, EndDateIndex: the user’s chosen date/time period.
    3. DateTimeDisplay: if True uses date/time on X-axis, otherwise uses elapsed time.
    4. Items: a list of data series descriptions (strings).
    5. ItemCount: how many data series.
    6. VariableCount: same as ItemCount for time series.
    7. Each data series is in ReportItems[], containing object type, object name, variable index, axis assignment, and an optional legend label.

3.2 The Relationship to SWMM’s Data

  • ObjTypeCombo.ItemIndex corresponds to SUBCATCHMENTS=0, NODES=1, LINKS=2, SYS=3.
  • For subcatchments, node or link variables, the Variable is adjusted by offset indices (SUBCATCHOUTVAR1, NODEOUTVAR1, LINKOUTVAR1, or SYSOUTVAR1) in the final step (OkBtnClick).
  • The user picks the date/time combos from MainForm.DateListBox.

4. Workflow

  1. Setup: Called to initialize the time range combos (StartDateCombo1, EndDateCombo1) and to set the check for elapsed vs. date/time axis.
  2. Add: Switches from TabSheet1 to TabSheet2, clearing the details for a new data series, optionally pulling in the user’s currently selected SWMM object from the data browser (AddSelectedObject).
  3. Edit: The user picks an existing series in SeriesListBox, the form loads its details into TabSheet2 for editing.
  4. Accept: The user finalizes the new or edited series data (object type, name, variable, axis, legend text). This updates SeriesListBox with a textual description, and updates an internal ReportSelection.ReportItems[SeriesIndex].
  5. OK: The user finalizes the entire plot. The form sets ReportType = TIMESERIESPLOT, date/time indices, DateTimeDisplay, ItemCount, and calls MainForm.CreateReport(ReportSelection).

5. Validation

  • If the user picks a non-system object type but the specified object name doesn’t exist in the project, an error message is shown (“There is no such object in your project.”).
  • The user can only have up to 6 data series.
  • The date/time combos must have StartDateIndex <= EndDateIndex.

6. Summary

Dtimeplot.pas provides TTimePlotForm, a specialized interface for building multi-series time series plots in SWMM. It allows the user to specify multiple object-variable pairs, their date/time coverage, and how they appear in the final plot (axis assignment, legend label, etc.). This ensures a flexible, user-friendly approach to visualizing simulation results over time.

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