Sunday, December 29, 2024

SWMM5 Delphi GUI Fstats.pas Summary

 Below is a high-level summary of Fstats.pas, the Delphi unit that implements the TStatsReportForm in SWMM. This form is used to produce a statistical analysis report of user-specified events (e.g., peaks, totals, durations) taken from simulation results.

1. Purpose

Fstats.pas defines TStatsReportForm, an MDI child form that:

  1. Takes a TStatsSelection record (from Dstats.pas) describing which object, variable, and analysis type (peak, mean, etc.) to study.
  2. Uses Ustats.GetStats to compute the event-based statistics (peak values, durations, volumes, etc.), returning:
    • A list of individual events (EventList).
    • Summary results in a TStatsResults record.
  3. Displays the results in a PageControl with these pages:
    • StatsPage: textual summary of overall event stats (mean, min, max, etc.).
    • TablePage: rank-ordered table of events.
    • HistogramPage: histogram plot of event values.
    • FrequencyPlotPage: exceedance frequency plot of event values.

2. Components and Displays

  1. StatsPage (StatsMemo):

    • Lists key summary information:
      • Object name, Variable name, Units
      • Number of events, min/max/mean values, standard deviation, skewness
      • Period of record and event threshold criteria
    • This text is built from templates in StatsText.
  2. TablePage (EventTable):

    • A rank-ordered list of all events, each with date/time, value, duration, frequency, etc.
    • Includes sortable columns (headers that user can click).
    • Event data come from the EventList.
  3. HistogramPage (HistoChart):

    • A bar chart (TBarSeries) of event values, grouped into bins.
    • Code calculates bin widths, min & max event values, etc.
  4. FrequencyPlotPage (FreqChart):

    • An exceedance frequency chart (TAreaSeries), showing event value on x-axis vs. log-based exceedance freq. on y-axis.

3. Key Methods

  1. CreateReport(StatsSelection):

    • Stores the selected statistical options in a local variable (Stats).
    • Sets up object & variable names, units, and the display caption.
    • (Later, RefreshReport actually runs the analysis.)
  2. RefreshReport:

    • Clears any existing events from EventList.
    • Calls Ustats.GetStats to compute new event data & summary results.
    • Fills in StatsPage (text), TablePage (grid), HistogramPage (bar chart), FrequencyPlotPage (exceedance chart).
  3. RefreshStatsPage / RefreshTablePage / RefreshHistoPage / RefreshFreqPage:

    • Each routine populates one of the 4 pages with the newly computed data.
  4. CopyTo / Print:

    • Allows user to copy or print the currently visible page.
    • For the histogram & frequency pages, uses graph copy/print logic (see Ugraph).
    • For the summary page, copies the text from StatsMemo.
    • For the table page, copies or prints the rank-ordered event table.
  5. SelectAll:

    • Selects all rows/columns in the event table (for e.g. copying to clipboard).

4. Overall Flow

A TStatsSelection describing the event-based analysis is passed to CreateReport, which sets up references to the object/variable and calls RefreshReport. That method invokes Ustats to compute statistics and fill EventList & Results. The results then populate four pages (text summary, event table, histogram, frequency plot). The form supports copying/printing either the text/table pages or the chart pages, and provides “select all” for the event table.

In summary, Fstats.pas manages the creation and display of a statistics report on events (like storm events or flow events) in SWMM, showing both textual summaries and graphical charts of the event data.

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