Sunday, December 29, 2024

SWMM5 Delphi GUI Objprops.txt Summary

 The Objprops.txt file contains constant definitions for various project objects, properties, and options used in EPA SWMM5 (Storm Water Management Model). These constants are imported into the Uproject.pas unit and are used to define the properties of various objects in the SWMM model, such as raingages, subcatchments, junctions, links, pumps, orifices, and more.

Key Components of Objprops.txt:

  1. Labels for Project Objects:

    • ObjectLabels: An array defining the labels for different project objects like Title, Rain Gage, Subcatchment, Junction, Link, Pump, Weir, etc.
  2. Labels for Project Options:

    • OptionLabels: An array containing labels for various project options such as COMPATIBILITY, REPORT_CONTROLS, FLOW_UNITS, INFILTRATION, FLOW_ROUTING, and more. These options govern the configuration of the simulation and are used to fine-tune the modeling of runoff and drainage.
  3. Raingage Data Source Options:

    • RaingageOptions: Defines the data source options for raingages, which can either be TIMESERIES or FILE.
    • RainUnits: Specifies the units for rainfall measurements, either IN (inches) or MM (millimeters).
  4. Flow Units:

    • FlowUnitsOptions: Specifies different flow units for the simulation, including CFS (cubic feet per second), GPM (gallons per minute), MGD (million gallons per day), CMS (cubic meters per second), LPS (liters per second), and MLD (million liters per day).
  5. Link Offsets:

    • LinkOffsetsOptions: Defines the possible choices for link offsets, which can be DEPTH or ELEVATION.
  6. Infiltration Model Options:

    • InfilOptions: Specifies the different infiltration models available for the simulation, such as HORTON, GREEN_AMPT, CURVE_NUMBER, and more.
  7. Temperature Keywords:

    • TempKeywords: Defines keywords for temperature-related options like WINDSPEED, SNOWMELT, and ADC (air dry coefficient).
  8. Evaporation and Snowpack Data Options:

    • EvapOptions: Defines evaporation data sources such as CONSTANT, TIMESERIES, FILE, etc.
    • SnowpackOptions: Defines snowpack-related options like PLOWABLE, IMPERVIOUS, and PERVIOUS.
  9. Routing Methods and Force Main Equation Options:

    • RoutingOptions: Specifies different flow routing methods such as STEADY, KINWAVE, and DYNWAVE.
    • DynWaveOptions: Defines the dynamic wave options like EULER, PICARD, and HYBRID.
    • ForceMainEqnOptions: Specifies choices for force main equations (H-W and D-W).
  10. Pump Curve Types:

  • PumpTypes: Defines different pump curve types like TYPE1, TYPE2, TYPE3, and TYPE4.
  1. Weir Types and Shapes:
  • WeirTypes: Defines various weir types like TRANSVERSE, SIDEFLOW, V-NOTCH, etc.
  • WeirShapes: Specifies weir shapes such as RECT_OPEN, TRAPEZOIDAL, etc.
  1. Curve Type Options:
  • CurveTypeOptions: Defines curve types used in the simulation, including CONTROL, DIVERSION, PUMP1, PUMP2, RATING, and others.
  1. Divider Options:
  • DividerOptions: Specifies the types of dividers, including CUTOFF, TABULAR, WEIR, and OVERFLOW.
  1. Miscellaneous Keywords:
  • Defines various options for simulation configuration, such as OFF, ON, NO, YES, NONE, ALL, etc.
  1. Project Object Property Lists:
  • RaingageProps, SubcatchProps, JunctionProps, etc., are arrays defining properties for each type of project object (raingage, subcatchment, junction, outfall, etc.). These properties are used for input and output in the model.
  1. Hints for Object Properties:
  • RaingageHint, SubcatchHint, JunctionHint, etc., provide descriptions or instructions for each property, helping users understand how to configure them properly.


The Objprops.txt file is a key configuration file for EPA SWMM5, containing the definitions and options for project objects, simulation parameters, and various configurations. It includes the types of objects in the simulation (e.g., raingages, subcatchments, nodes), their properties, and the possible values or choices for these properties (e.g., flow units, routing methods, infiltration models). This file also provides hints for configuring object properties and options, making it easier for users to set up and understand the model's behavior.

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