Monday, December 30, 2024

SWMM5 Delphi GUI Uutils.pas Summary

 Below is a high-level summary of the Uutils.pas unit, which provides general-purpose helper routines used throughout EPA SWMM. These functions cover a broad range of features, from string and file manipulation to graphics routines and mathematical helpers.

1. Purpose & Overview

The Uutils.pas unit acts as a utility library, giving other SWMM modules access to reusable functions for:

  • String parsing and tokenizing
  • Numerical conversions (e.g., string to float)
  • File operations (e.g., retrieving file sizes, temporary filenames)
  • Graphics and drawing (e.g., adjusting bitmaps, text rotation)
  • Measurement system queries (e.g., checking Windows locale, decimal separator)
  • Basic geometry (e.g., checking if a point is on a line)
  • Miscellaneous housekeeping operations

2. Key Procedures and Functions

Below is a sampling of the major routines, grouped by purpose:

2.1. String & Number Utilities

  1. GetSingle / GetExtended

    • Converts a string into a floating-point (Single/Extended) with built-in error checks.
  2. IsValidNumber

    • Verifies if a user-supplied string is a valid numerical value; displays an error message if not.
  3. ConvertDate

    • Converts date strings with different separators into a standard mm/dd/yyyy format (or tries to).
  4. CompareStrVals

    • Compares two string values that might represent numbers. If both parse as numbers, it compares numerically; otherwise, it does a lexicographical comparison.
  5. Tokenize

    • Splits a string into tokens, respecting quoted sections and ignoring text after semicolons (';'). Often used for parsing SWMM input lines.

2.2. File & Folder Operations

  1. GetFileSize

    • Returns the size of a given file without needing to open it.
  2. WinExecAndWait

    • Launches an external program (via a command line) and optionally waits for it to finish.
  3. GetTempFile, GetTempFolder

    • Creates or returns temporary filenames / temporary directory paths.
  4. GetAppDataDir

    • Provides a default application-specific directory in the user’s “AppData” folder, creating it if needed.
  5. HasAttr, IsReadOnly

    • Checks file/directory attributes (e.g., read-only).

2.3. Graphics & Drawing

  1. AdjustBitmap

    • Modifies each pixel of a bitmap to achieve a “watermark” (brightened) or grayscale effect.
  2. Cls

    • Clears (fills) a rectangle on a canvas with a given color.
  3. DrawTextCentered

    • Draws text centered within a specified rectangle on a canvas.
  4. TextOutRotate

    • Draws rotated text at a specified angle on a canvas.

2.4. Math & Geometry

  1. AutoScale

    • Auto-scales a numerical range [Zmin, Zmax] into “nice” intervals.
  2. CompareSingles

    • Compare function for sorting single-precision floats.
  3. LatLongToMeters

    • Converts lat/long coordinates into approximate meters (assuming a spherical Earth).
  4. PtOnLine

    • Checks whether a point is on a line segment (within a given tolerance).
  5. RoundToScale

    • Rounds a value to a “nice” scale factor.

2.5. Miscellaneous

  1. GetTimeString

    • Converts a time in seconds into an “Hrs:Mins:Secs” string.
  2. SortStringGrid

    • Sorts the rows of a Delphi TStringGrid control by a specific column, either numerically or lexicographically, in ascending or descending order.
  3. GetDecimalChar

    • Retrieves the current system decimal separator from the OS locale settings.
  4. MsgDlg

    • Overloaded functions that produce a message dialog (akin to MessageDlg) centered on the active form.

3. Typical Use Cases

  • Parsing Input Lines:
    Tokenize is frequently used in SWMM’s input reading logic to separate tokens from a line (including quoted strings).

  • Formatting & Checking Values:
    GetSingle and IsValidNumber ensure that user-entered or file-read strings are indeed valid floats.

  • Displaying Overlays / Watermarks:
    AdjustBitmap can lighten or grayscale map layers behind the main map display.

  • Sorting Grids:
    SortStringGrid is used when displaying tabular data in the UI, letting users reorder rows by column.

  • Launching External Tools:
    WinExecAndWait is used to call external executables from within SWMM (e.g., user-registered “Tools”).

4. Integration and Dependencies

  • Uutils.pas is mostly independent of other SWMM units but uses standard Delphi units like SysUtils, Windows, and Graphics.
  • The code is used throughout the SWMM source where standard operations are needed (file checks, number conversions, geometry checks, etc.).
  • Some of these routines (e.g., AutoScale, LatLongToMeters) reflect EPA SWMM’s inherent focus on hydraulic/hydrologic computations.

5. Conclusion

Uutils.pas is a generic utility library that keeps SWMM code lean by centralizing many common tasks:

  • Reading & writing strings/numbers
  • Performing geometry or math operations
  • Manipulating UI elements (bitmaps, string grids)
  • Managing file properties and external processes

This design helps maintain clear and reusable code across the entire SWMM application.

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