Below is a step-by-step explanation of funcs.h
, a header file for EPA SWMM 5.2 that collects all global function prototypes used across the SWMM source code. It is primarily a forward declaration file: each group of functions deals with a specific module (e.g., project setup, input reading, reporting, climate, runoff, routing, etc.). By centralizing these prototypes, SWMM ensures that different source files can call each other's routines consistently.
1. Guard Macros
#ifndef FUNCS_H
#define FUNCS_H
#ifndef FUNCS_H
/#define FUNCS_H
: a typical include guard that prevents multiple redefinitions iffuncs.h
is included in multiple source files.
2. File Organization
The file is divided into sections by comment blocks, each grouping function prototypes by subsystem or module. For example:
- Project Methods
- Input Reader Methods
- Report Writer Methods
- Temperature/Evaporation
- Rainfall Processing
- Snowmelt Processing
- Runoff Analyzer
- Conveyance System Routing
- Output Filer
- Groundwater
- RDII (Rainfall‐Derived Infiltration/Inflow)
- Landuse
- Flow/Quality Routing
- Treatment
- Mass Balance
- Simulation Statistics
- Raingage
- Subcatchment
- Surface Pollutant
- Node
- Inflow
- Routing Interface File
- Hot Start File
- Link
- Link Cross‐Section
- Culvert/Roadway
- Force Main
- Transect
- Street
- Custom Shape
- Control Rule
- Table & Time Series
- Utility
Each grouping matches a piece of SWMM’s domain logic.
3. Project Methods
void project_open(const char *f1, const char *f2, const char *f3);
void project_close(void);
void project_readInput(void);
- Functions for opening or closing an SWMM “project,” reading input data, validating the project’s consistency, creating/finding objects, allocating or freeing memory matrices, etc.
4. Input Reader Methods
int input_countObjects(void);
int input_readData(void);
: scans the input file to count how many objects (nodes, links, etc.) are present.input_readData()
: actually reads the data from the input file (like.inp
file lines) and populates SWMM data structures.
5. Report Writer Methods
void report_writeLine(const char* line);
void report_writeSysTime(void);
void report_writeLogo(void);
void report_writeErrorMsg(int code, char* msg);
- Functions to generate or format textual output for SWMM’s report file (the
file). They might write lines of text, system times, warnings/errors, or final summary tables (rain stats, RDII stats, flow error, etc.).
6. Temperature/Evaporation Methods
int climate_readParams(char* tok[], int ntoks);
DateTime climate_getNextEvapDate(void);
- Used to handle climate data (temps, evaporation) from user input.
- Might open an external climate file, parse monthly or time-series data, store and retrieve daily evaporation rates, or track next date/time evaporation changes.
7. Rainfall Processing Methods
void rain_open(void);
void rain_close(void);
- Opens/closes or sets up SWMM’s internal rainfall processing system. Could handle interface files or time-series for each
8. Snowmelt Processing Methods
int snow_readMeltParams(char* tok[], int ntoks);
double snow_getSnowMelt(int subcatch, double rainfall, double snowfall,
double tStep, double netPrecip[]);
- SWMM can model snow accumulation and melt. These functions read snowmelt parameters, track and update snowpack states, and compute daily melt rates or infiltration from snow cover.
9. Runoff Analyzer Methods
int runoff_open(void);
void runoff_execute(void);
void runoff_close(void);
- These handle the runoff portion of SWMM, including subcatchment runoff simulation.
typically runs an iteration or loop over all subcatchments, computing runoff flows.
10. Conveyance System Routing Methods
int routing_open(void);
double routing_getRoutingStep(int routingModel, double fixedStep);
void routing_execute(int routingModel, double routingStep);
void routing_close(int routingModel);
- For the hydraulic part of SWMM (i.e., flow routing).
- If the model chooses a certain routing method (steady flow, kinematic wave, dynamic wave), these calls handle the next time step’s flow updates.
11. Output Filer Methods
int output_open(void);
void output_end(void);
void output_close(void);
void output_saveResults(double reportTime);
- Manage the binary output file that SWMM can produce, storing results at each reporting time step.
- Reading/writing times, subcatch/node/link results, etc.
12. Groundwater Methods
int gwater_readAquiferParams(int aquifer, char* tok[], int ntoks);
double gwater_getVolume(int subcatch);
- SWMM can model groundwater infiltration from aquifers.
- Functions for reading aquifer and groundwater parameters, computing infiltration at each step, etc.
13. RDII Methods
int rdii_readRdiiInflow(char* tok[], int ntoks);
void rdii_getRdiiFlow(int index, int* node, double* q);
- Rainfall‐Derived Infiltration/Inflow (RDII) computations.
- Reading parameters, storing them, then retrieving infiltration flows for a node.
14. Landuse Methods
int landuse_readParams(int landuse, char* tok[], int ntoks);
double landuse_getWashoffLoad(int landuse, int p, double area,
TLandFactor landFactor[], double runoff, double vOutflow);
- SWMM’s built‐in pollutant buildup and washoff logic.
- Tracks pollutant accumulation on land surfaces and their removal in runoff events.
15. Flow/Quality Routing Methods
void flowrout_init(int routingModel);
void flowrout_close(int routingModel);
double flowrout_getRoutingStep(int routingModel, double fixedStep);
int flowrout_execute(int links[], int routingModel, double tStep);
- More detailed hydraulic and quality routing.
- Possibly references submodules for dynamic wave, kin. wave, etc.
16. Treatment Methods
int treatmnt_open(void);
void treatmnt_treat(int node, double q, double v, double tStep);
- Allows user-specified treatment functions at nodes.
- For instance, a node might have a formula describing how pollutants are removed from inflow.
17. Mass Balance Methods
int massbal_open(void);
void massbal_close(void);
void massbal_report(void);
double massbal_getFlowError(void);
- SWMM tracks water volume and pollutant mass to ensure there’s no large “missing” or “created” mass.
- These methods update mass balance each time step, final error reporting, etc.
18. Simulation Statistics Methods
int stats_open(void);
void stats_close(void);
void stats_report(void);
void stats_updateFlowStats(double tStep, DateTime aDate);
- Summaries of flow, depth, infiltration, flooding, etc., plus tracking maximum node depths or maximum flows.
- Writes out final stats in the
19. Raingage Methods
int gage_readParams(int gage, char* tok[], int ntoks);
void gage_updatePastRain(int j, int tStep);
double gage_getPastRain(int gage, int hrs);
- Each rain gage object can store time‐series or interface file rainfall data.
helps track past rainfall totals for certain hours (like 24‐hr accumulations).
20. Subcatchment Methods
int subcatch_readParams(int subcatch, char* tok[], int ntoks);
void subcatch_getRunon(int subcatch);
double subcatch_getRunoff(int subcatch, double tStep);
- Subcatchment infiltration, runoff generation.
is where the subcatch’s infiltration and runoff are computed each time step.
21. Surface Pollutant Buildup/Washoff Methods
void surfqual_initState(int subcatch);
void surfqual_getWashoff(int subcatch, double runoff, double tStep);
- Ties into the
module. - Tracks how pollutants accumulate on the surface and are removed by runoff.
22. Conveyance System Node Methods
int node_readParams(int node, int type, int subIndex, char* tok[], int ntoks);
double node_getSurfArea(int node, double depth);
- For SWMM’s network nodes.
routines handle node geometry, inflows, computing overflow, surface area for ponding, etc.
23. Conveyance System Inflow Methods
int inflow_readExtInflow(char* tok[], int ntoks);
double inflow_getExtInflow(TExtInflow* inflow, DateTime aDate);
- Deals with external inflows or dry-weather flows assigned to nodes.
- E.g., reading from user input or time series.
24. Routing Interface File Methods
int iface_readFileParams(char* tok[], int ntoks);
double iface_getIfaceQual(int index, int pollut);
- If SWMM uses routing interface files to pass flows/quality between sub-systems, these handle that data.
25. Hot Start File Methods
int hotstart_open(void);
void hotstart_close(void);
- SWMM can save or read a hotstart (internal state file) to skip spin‐up on re‐runs.
26. Conveyance System Link Methods
int link_readParams(int link, int type, int subIndex, char* tok[], int ntoks);
double link_getLossRate(int link, int routeModel, double q, double tstep);
- For pipes, pumps, weirs, or outlets.
- Reading link geometry, computing flows, infiltration or evaporation loss from pipes, etc.
27. Link Cross-Section Methods
int xsect_isOpen(int type);
double xsect_getAofY(TXsect* xsect, double y);
- For specialized cross‐section geometry calculations: area, radius, top width, etc., given a water depth
28. Culvert/Roadway Methods
double culvert_getInflow(int link, double q, double h);
double roadway_getInflow(int link, double dir, double hcrest, double h1, double h2);
- SWMM can model culverts or roadway overflows.
- These functions compute how much flow can pass given heads and crest geometry.
29. Force Main Methods
double forcemain_getEquivN(int j, int k);
double forcemain_getFricSlope(int j, double v, double hrad);
- For pressurized pipes using Hazen-Williams or Darcy-Weisbach equations.
30. Cross-Section Transect Methods
int transect_create(int n);
void transect_delete(void);
int transect_readParams(int* count, char* tok[], int ntoks);
- For irregular channel cross-sections described by transect data.
31. Street Cross-Section Methods
int street_create(int nStreets);
int street_readParams(char* tok[], int ntoks);
- SWMM 5.2 can model streets as separate cross-sections, used with inlet node logic.
32. Custom Shape Cross-Section Methods
int shape_validate(TShape *shape, TTable *curve);
- For user-defined cross‐section shapes (like a parametric shape plus a curve describing geometry).
33. Control Rule Methods
int controls_create(int n);
int controls_evaluate(DateTime currentTime, DateTime elapsedTime, double tStep);
- SWMM’s rule-based controls to adjust link settings (like orifices or pumps) based on conditions.
- E.g., “IF Node depth > 5 THEN Pump = ON.”
34. Table & Time Series Methods
int table_readCurve(char* tok[], int ntoks);
double table_tseriesLookup(TTable* table, double t, char extend);
- For look‐up tables (like rating curves) or time series that SWMM uses in many contexts.
- Insert, validate, search by interpolation, etc.
35. Utility Methods
double UCF(int quantity);
int findmatch(char *s, char *keyword[]);
int match(char *str, char *substr);
DateTime getDateTime(double elapsedMsec);
char* addAbsolutePath(char *fname);
- Various helper routines:
: unit conversion factors for different quantities.getInt/getFloat/getDouble(...)
: parse numeric from strings.findmatch(...)
: compare strings to a list of keywords.addAbsolutePath(...)
: prefix a filename with the application’s directory.
36. Summary
In short, funcs.h
is a master header:
- Declares function prototypes from various SWMM modules (subcatchment, node, routing, infiltration, etc.).
- Ensures consistent linkage across multiple
files. - Allows large pieces of code to remain in separate C source modules, referencing each other via a single header of forward declarations.
It covers all major processes: project reading/validation, runoff & routing computations, pollutant buildup/washoff, mass balance tracking, reporting, time‐series/table lookups, and so forth—the entire scope of SWMM’s architecture.
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