Showing posts with label Annotated PID Controller in SWMM5 and InfoSWMM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annotated PID Controller in SWMM5 and InfoSWMM. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2016

Annotated PID Controller in SWMM5 and InfoSWMM

How does a PID controller work in  InfoSWMM  and SWMMM 5 - this also applies to H2OMap SWMM??
double getPIDSetting(struct TAction* a, double dt)   //  at each time  step find  the PID control  changes for the  current  time step dt
// Input: a = an action object
// dt = current time step (days)
// Output: returns a new link setting
// Purpose: computes a new setting for a link subject to a PID controller.
// Note: a->kp = gain coefficient,
// a->ki = integral time (minutes)
// a->k2 = derivative time (minutes)
// a->e1 = error from previous time step
// a->e2 = error from two time steps ago
double e0, setting;
double p, i, d, update;
double tolerance = 0.0001;
// --- convert time step from days to minutes
dt *= 1440.0;
// --- determine relative error in achieving controller set point
// Or how close are we to the set point?
e0 = SetPoint - ControlValue;
if ( fabs(e0) > TINY )
if ( SetPoint != 0.0 ) e0 = e0/SetPoint;
// now alter the  value of e0
else e0 = e0/ControlValue;
// --- reset previous errors to 0 if controller gets stuck
if (fabs(e0 - a->e1) < tolerance)
a->e2 = 0.0;
a->e1 = 0.0;
// --- use the recursive form of the PID controller equation to
// determine the new setting for the controlled link
Here is a view of the p, i and d PID internal  parameters
A block diagram of a PID controller in a feedback loop
A block diagram of a PID controller in a feedback loop
p = (e0 - a->e1);
ki, id,  kp are  user  inputs  in InfoSWMM and SWMM5 or from the  EPA SWMM  5 Help  File2016-05-16_0548.png
if ( a->ki == 0.0 ) i = 0.0;
else i = e0 * dt / a->ki;
d = a->kd * (e0 - 2.0*a->e1 + a->e2) / dt;
update = a->kp * (p + i + d);
if ( fabs(update) < tolerance ) update = 0.0;
setting = Link[a->link].targetSetting + update;
// --- update previous errors
a->e2 = a->e1;
a->e1 = e0;
// --- check that new setting lies within feasible limits
// If  the link  is not a pump then the  setting must be between 0 and 1
if ( setting < 0.0 ) setting = 0.0;
if (Link[a->link].type != PUMP && setting > 1.0 ) setting = 1.0;
return setting;}

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