As I move from one PC to another and want to go back and recompile an earlier version of SWMM5 in a newer version of Visual Studio, I often have file issues. Here is how I cope using the earlier version of SWMM 5 :
- Use Visual Studio 2012 and make a SWMM 5.1011 directory with two sub directories, C and Delphi Code and the model files needed to run your networks,
- Copy the C and H files to the SWMM5 Sub folder D:\SWMMandSoftware\SWMM5.1.011\SWMM5_Code from the SWMM5 engine zip folder
- Rename the vcxproj files so they correspond to the version of SWMM5, SWMM55101_VC2012-DLL.vcxproj in the D:\SWMMandSoftware\SWMM5.1.011\SWMM5_Code\swmm51011_engine folder
- You should be able to compile the Debug or Release versions, the SWMM5.DLL file will be made in the debug or release D:\SWMMandSoftware\SWMM5.1.011\SWMM5_Code\swmm51011_engine\Release You can change this location later for testing.