Note: How to Use the Arc Map Editor in InfoSWMM
Step 1 is to use the Edit Feature for example the Subcatchment layer to bring up the Arc Map Editor Tool.
Step 2 is to use the Reshape Feature tool or Vertex tools to bring together mis matched Subcatchment Boundaries
Step 3 is to use save the edits and then Update the DB from the Map to recalculate the area of the Subcatchments
Subject: InfoSWMM and Arc GIS for Create Graphs Using Network Data and Model Results
An important advantage of using InfoSWMM is the ability to use all of the Arc GIS layer and programming tools. For example, you can graph the model results in Bar, Pie, Scatter, Bubble or other types of Graphs once the model data and model result layers are Joined together. The image below shows a thematic mapping for Node Flooding, Conduit Force Main Type and a Pie and Bar Chart of Node Flooding Time and the Q Full in the links, respectively.
The Structure of InfoSWMM in Arc Map
Subject: InfoSWMM and Arc GIS Layer Properties for Surcharge and Flooded Time
An important advantage of using InfoSWMM is the ability to use all of the Arc GIS layer and programming tools. For example, you can graph the model results for the flooded and surcharged time in a node using a Bar/Column plot to show the surcharge time in the node and the flooded time in the node. A flooded node is always considered to be surcharged but a surcharged node does not always flood. The surcharge level is any water surface elevation above the highest connecting crown elevation but the flooded time is a water surface elevation at or exceeded the rim elevation of the node.