Showing posts with label InfoSewer DMNODE.DBF and DMLINK.DBF Files in the IEDB Folder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label InfoSewer DMNODE.DBF and DMLINK.DBF Files in the IEDB Folder. Show all posts

Sunday, March 19, 2023

InfoSewer DMNODE.DBF and DMLINK.DBF Files in the IEDB Folder

 InfoSewer DMNODE.DBF and DMLINK.DBF Files in the IEDB Folder

Column HeadingDescriptionExample
IDAn identification number or code for the data.001
TypeA description or name for the data.Element Type

Reasons for ICM SWMM inside of ICM alongside of ICM InfoWorks Networks

ICM SWMM vs. SWMM5 ICM SWMM directly uses the EPA SWMM5 engine, making it functionally equivalent to SWMM5 in terms of calculations and perf...