Showing posts with label Philadelphia Low Impact Development Symposium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philadelphia Low Impact Development Symposium. Show all posts

Friday, July 22, 2011

Philadelphia Low Impact Development Symposium

Philadelphia Low Impact 
Development Symposium

Greening the Urban Environment

September 25-28, 2011, Philadelphia, PA

Image courtesy of Philadelphia Water Dept.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

9:00am - 4:30pm Pre-Conference Workshops
9:00am - 12:00pm - LID 101: Basic Concepts and Applications
9:00am - 12:00pm - Extensive Green Roof Design for Civil/Stormwater Engineers
1:00pm - 4:30pm - LID 201: Design Guidelines for LID Practices
1:00pm - 4:30pm - Permeable/Pervious Pavement
Pre-Conference Workshops
9:00am - 4:30pm
Commonwealth Rooms

Monday, September 26 - Plenary Session

Mr. Howard Neukrug 
Philadelphia Water Department
We are pleased to have Commissioner Howard Neukrug of the Philadelphia Water Department as our Plenary Speaker. Commissioner Neukrug has been the driving force behind the Green City, Clean Waters approach to solutions to the city's Combined Sewer Overflow challenges. Links to the city's plan can be found here:
Joining Commissioner Neukrug in welcoming the participants will be:
  • Robert G. Traver, PhD, PE, WRE, Professor and Director, VCASE and VUSP, Conference Chair
  • Tom Davenport - Director, EPA 319 Non Point Source Monitoring Program
  • Glen Rider, Director, Bureau of Watershed Management, PA DEP
  • Shawn M. Garvin, Administrator for EPA's Mid-Atlantic Region
photo of Philadelpia
Photo Courtesy of the Philadelphia Water Department.
Monday, 8:30 am
Regency Ballroom

Chesapeake Bay Panel - "LID and the Chesapeake TMDL"

Chesapeake Bay
Moderator: Robert G. Traver, PhD, PE, WRE 
Professor and Director, VCASE and VUSP,
Conference Chair
The purpose of this panel is to discuss the role of LID in meeting the TMDL requirements for Nitrogen and Phosphorus reductions in the Chesapeake Bay. Each panelist will be asked to first make a brief overview of their thoughts on the issue. A moderated discussion will follow based upon submitted questions to the moderator. Please feel free to submit questions prior to the conference to the moderator.
(Image Source – USEPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office)
9:30 am
Regency Ballroom


Moderator: Bill Hunt, PhD, PE 
Associate Professor, NC State University
Conference Co-Chair
Present and Future Directions with LID Research
Bill Hunt, NC State University
Allen Davis, University of Maryland
Robert Traver, Villanova University
Plenary, Cont'd
10:00 am
Regency Ballroom

Technical Sessions

Track ITrack IITrack IIITrack IVTrack VTrack VITrack VIITrack VIII
SCMs ISCMs IIAssessing LIDPlan & StndCities & StreetsModels & CSOsOutreach & Codes319 & Chesapeake
Monday, September 26, 2011
10:50amLID/MARCMonitoringLID Econ IDesStand ISustain & LID IFilter/ManufOutreach I319 I
1:40pmBioret IHarscape ILID Econ IIDesStand IISustain & LID IIModels IOutreach II319 II
3:40pmBioret IIHardscape IIMetricsDesStand IIIStreets IModels IIOutreach II319 III
Tuesday, September 27
8:30am *5*NonStructPhillyVolRed IMuni Pln IDC 1CSOs 1W'shed Pln IChes Fed
10:55amBioret IIIG. Roof IVolRed IIMuni Pln IIStreets IICity Pln IOutreach IVPanel
1:45pmBioret IVG. Roof IIAttenuat'nCity Pln IIStreets IIIModels IIIRegs & Code I319 IV
3:45pmMediaG. Roof IIIExtreme LIDCity Pln IIIStreets IVModels IVRegs & Code II319 V
Wednesday, September 28
8:30am *5*O & MW. Harvest IEcologyW'shed Pln IIDC IICSOs IITransprt ICase Studies
10:55amW. Harvest IICampusClimate ChTransprt IICSOs IIIRegs & Code III319 VI

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Field Tours - 1:00 - 4:30pm
Tour A - Villanova Urban Stormwater SCM Research and Demonstration Park
Tour B - Reinventing the Neighborhood (PWD)
Tour C - Urban LIDs (PWD)
Tour D - Stroud Preserve and Stroud Water Research Center 319 NPS National Monitoring Site
Link Here  
Field Tours 
1:00pm - 4:30pm

Updated July 18, 2011

AI Deep Think on the History of EPASWMM, SWMM1, SWMM2, SWMM3, SWMM4, SWMM5 - with Citations

 Evolution of SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) versions, detailing the historical progression, major improvements, technical advancements...