Showing posts with label SWMM5 Delphi GUI Uvertex.pas Summary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SWMM5 Delphi GUI Uvertex.pas Summary. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2024

SWMM5 Delphi GUI Uvertex.pas Summary

 Below is a high-level overview of Uvertex.pas, a Delphi unit that manages a linked list of 2D vertex coordinates forming polylines or polygons in EPA SWMM.

1. Purpose and Structure

The Uvertex.pas unit defines:

  1. TVertex record

    • Holds (X, Y) coordinates of a point.
    • Includes a Next pointer to the subsequent vertex, implementing a forward-linked list structure.
  2. TVertexList class

    • A linked list of these TVertex nodes, storing vertex coordinates that represent either:
      • A polyline, such as the geometry for a link or conduit, or
      • A polygon, such as the boundary for a subcatchment or storage shape.

2. Major Components and Methods

2.1 Vertex Management

  1. Vfirst, Vcurrent

    • Vfirst: pointer to the first vertex in the list.
    • Vcurrent: pointer to the current vertex in the list, used for insertion or traversal.
  2. Add(X, Y: Extended): PVertex

    • Allocates a new vertex, sets its (X, Y) coordinates, then inserts it after Vcurrent.
    • Updates Vcurrent to the new vertex.
  3. Delete(aVertex: PVertex): PVertex

    • Removes aVertex from the linked list.
    • Frees the memory allocated for that vertex.
    • Updates Vcurrent to the previous vertex or the new list head.
  4. Clear

    • Traverses and deletes all vertices in the list, releasing their memory.

2.2 Traversal and Positioning

  1. First / Next

    • First sets Vcurrent to the first vertex and returns it.
    • Next advances Vcurrent to the next vertex in the list and returns it.
  2. Find(X1, X2, Y1, Y2: Extended): PVertex

    • Locates the first vertex whose (X, Y) is within the rectangle [X1..X2] x [Y1..Y2].
    • Sets Vcurrent to that vertex if found.
  3. Count

    • Returns the total number of vertices in the list.
  4. Move(DX, DY: Extended)

    • Adds (DX, DY) to every vertex coordinate in the list, effectively translating the entire shape.
  5. Assign(aVlist: TVertexList)

    • Copies all vertices from another TVertexList.

2.3 Specialized Polygon Operations

While TVertexList can store polylines, it also supports polygon operations:

  1. AddPolygonVertex

    • Inserts a new vertex midway between Vcurrent and Vcurrent^.Next.
    • Assumes a closed polygon where the last vertex’s Next might circle back to Vfirst.
  2. ClearPolygon

    • Removes all vertices except for one, which is set to the shape’s centroid.
  3. PolygonCentroid(var X, Y: Extended): Boolean

    • Uses a formula (from Graphics Gems IV) to find the centroid of the polygon.
    • Returns it in (X, Y).
    • Handles edge cases with fewer vertices gracefully.
  4. PolygonArea: Extended

    • Computes the signed area of the polygon using a typical cross-product method (again from Graphics Gems IV).
    • Returns the area in positive units (absolute value).

2.4 Additional Utility Methods

  1. Reverse

    • Reverses the order of vertices in the list (end becomes start, etc.).
  2. Update(X, Y: Extended)

    • Updates the coordinates of Vcurrent without creating a new vertex.

3. Typical Usage

  1. Initializing a shape or link:

      Vlist: TVertexList;
      Vlist := TVertexList.Create;
      Vlist.Add(100, 200);
      Vlist.Add(150, 250);
      // ...
  2. Finding polygons area and centroid, used for subcatchment geometry:

      area, cx, cy: Extended;
      area := Vlist.PolygonArea;
      Vlist.PolygonCentroid(cx, cy);
  3. Editing a shape’s geometry in SWMM’s map via:

    • Inserting or deleting vertices (Add, Delete),
    • Translating the entire shape (Move),
    • Reversing the polyline flow direction (Reverse).

4. Summary

Uvertex.pas is a lightweight but crucial part of SWMM’s internal geometry handling:

  • Implements a singly linked list of (X, Y) vertices,
  • Handles geometry-related actions (insert, delete, move),
  • Provides basic polygon computations (centroid and area),
  • Powers link or subcatchment shapes in the SWMM GUI.

This allows the rest of SWMM (particularly the map form and property editor) to efficiently manage polylines (links) and polygons (subcatchments/storage) with flexible insertion, deletion, and transformations of vertices.

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