Showing posts with label Wastewater and Watershed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wastewater and Watershed. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Innovyze Releases SWMMLive: Real-Time Stormwater, Wastewater and Watershed Modeling

Innovyze Releases SWMMLive: Real-Time Stormwater, Wastewater and Watershed Modeling

Revolutionary New Product Equips Wastewater Utilities with Unprecedented Capabilities for Decision-Making and Real-Time Control Optimization

Broomfield, Colorado, USA, December 17, 2013

Redrawing the boundaries of collection system modeling, Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced the worldwide release of SWMMLive for real-time operational forecasting and management of urban drainage systems. The pioneering release provides wastewater utilities timely, accurate and reliable forecasts of what will happen within a catchment, based on past and current observations of a multitude of parameters along with future rainfall predictions. It also helps them identify flood-vulnerable assets and formulate sound remediation/mitigation strategies.

The product combines the comprehensive urban drainage modeling capabilities of InfoSWMM (and H2OMAP SWMM) with sophisticated real-time operational forecasting, early warning, and emergency management. This debut reflects Innovyze’s vanguard position in the wastewater industry and its ongoing commitment to delivering pioneering smart water solutions that enhance the safety, reliability and sustainability of the world’s hydraulic infrastructure.

Advances in computer simulation and hardware have made real-time operation of stormwater, wastewater and combined systems a reality.SWMMLive allows both large and small utilities to manage their collection systems more efficiently and effectively than ever before. This powerful risk assessment and real-time decision making tool enables managers and operators to consider the influence of a full range of catchment factors in three key areas: management of flooding and reduction of unregulated discharges; optimization of storage, green alternatives and existing infrastructure, leading to savings on capital works; and optimization of pumps to lower energy costs and reduce CO2 emissions.

SWMMLive can directly import any InfoSWMM or H2OMAP SWMM project and is designed to work automatically. Once a system is configured, real-time data is continually and automatically harvested and quality checked. This data can be defined by a number of parameters, including observed and forecasted radar rainfall, online water quality measurements, and ancillary structure and pump operation time series. Simulations are carried out automatically at a user-defined frequency using the full hydrodynamic and functional capabilities of InfoSWMM (and H2OMAP SWMM), including water quality assessment, pollution prediction, urban flooding, green LID and BMP alternatives, and real-time control. Simulation frequency can change in response to user-defined conditions. For example, increased rainfall intensity can trigger a reduction in the interval between simulations.

Warnings or alerts triggered during the forecast period are instantly displayed via the rich SWMMLive user interface, allowing system operators to see at a glance which areas need attention and what actionable options might be taken. Comparison alerts can be used to highlight differences between observed and modeled results, enabling users to refine their models — creating unprecedented confidence in simulation results.

SWMMLive also allows operators to perform additional simulations that explore alternative real time control scenarios — such as the impact of switching on a pump earlier than planned — and quickly seeing the effect of these changes on the system. The wide range of capabilities in SWMMLive allow it to be used as a key tool in the decision making process, enabling operators to take action to avoid system issues, release timely alerts, and quickly deploy response teams if necessary.
“Real-time urban drainage modeling is an invaluable tool for wastewater utility planning, engineering and water quality departments,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, F.ASCE, President, COO and Chief Operating Officer of Innovyze. “However, translating these benefits to real-time operations has proven difficult. With SWMMLive, Innovyze has changed the paradigm for how and where urban drainage models can be applied. This milestone solution will help wastewater utilities worldwide harness the power of real-time data, scenario planning, and predictive modeling to transform the operation and management of their collection systems and anticipate and mitigate the effects of extreme weather-related events. It is the ultimate decision support system for operating and sustaining safe, reliable and efficient infrastructures while effectively protecting public health and our waterways.”

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