Autodesk Technologist with Information about Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) for watershed water quality, hydrology and hydraulics modelers (Note this blog is not associated with the EPA). You will find Blog Posts on the Subjects of SWMM5, ICM SWMM, ICM InfoWorks, InfoSWMM and InfoSewer.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Mud Flow in SWMM 5
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
LPS Output Units when the Inflow is CMS
2. If you set the internal units to LPS in Run Manager,
3. Set the output units to LPS in Output Unit Manager,
4. Add a Scale multiplier of 1000 in the Inflows DB Table then
The inflows do not have to be altered, the internal model flows will LPS, the velocity will be m/s with 6 decimal places in the RPT file and the flows will be LPS with 3 decimal places in the RPT file.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Three Flows in SWMM 5 for a Link
There are actually three flows computed or used for a link in SWMM 5:
1. The St. Venant Flow equation flow
2. The Upstream Normal Flow Manning’s equation based on the link roughness, slope, upstream cross sectional area and upstream hydraulic Radius,
3. The flow actually used in the model which is either the flow computed from St. Venant or Manning’s equation
The following three links shows how this works in a real model:
· Link 8040 almost always uses the St. Venant Equation because it is dominated by backwater and surcharge
· Link 8100 almost always uses Manning’s equation except at the beginning and end of the simulation,
· Link 1600 is an adverse slope link and it mainly uses the St. Venant equation.
· Flow = the flow actually used during the simulation
· Qdynamic = the flow computed from the St. Venant Equation
· QNormUp = Flow based on Manning's equation at the upstream end of the link.
· QNormDown = Flow based on Manning's equation at the downstream end of the link.
Link 8100 almost always uses Manning’s equation except at the beginning and end of the simulation. The beginning and end of the simulation is when the non linear terms dominant.
Orifice Open and Close Speed and the Target Setting in SWMM 5
In SWMM 5 there is an orifice parameter called setting which opens or closes the orifice opening by modifying the depth of the orifice. The setting is based either on a RTC rule of the orifice or the Flap Gate condition of the orifice and can be between 0 and 1. Closed is 0; Open is 1. The difference is that the target setting is what the setting should be based on the condition of the Flap Gate or the RTC Rules and the setting is the value actually used in the model.
The open and close speed of the orifice modifies the orifice setting by changing the orifice setting based on the open and closing speed using the equation:
New Orifice Setting = Old Orifice Setting + (Target Setting – Orifice Setting) * Time Step / Orifice Open and Close Speed
If your target setting and the current orifice setting are both 1 or 0 then the orifice Open and Close option does not change the orifice setting. New Setting equals Old Setting in that case. If the target and setting are out of phase then the Open and Close Option will function correctly. For example, if the Open and Close Speed is 1 hour then the orifice setting will open and close in a one hour period. The table shown below shows how the orifice setting changes as a function of the speed and the difference between the target and orifice settings. The setting starts out open but the target says closed – the orifice then closes over a 1 hour period. At one hour the target setting is 1 and the orifice will then open over a one hour period.
Table - Link OR1@82309b-15009b
Setting Target
Days Hours
0 00:00:00 1.00 0.00
0 00:15:00 0.74 0.00
0 00:30:00 0.50 0.00
0 00:45:00 0.25 0.00
0 01:00:00 0.00 0.00
0 01:15:00 0.25 1.00
0 01:30:00 0.50 1.00
0 01:45:00 0.75 1.00
0 02:00:00 1.00 1.00
0 02:15:00 0.75 0.00
0 02:30:00 0.50 0.00
0 02:45:00 0.25 0.00
0 03:00:00 0.00 0.00
0 03:15:00 0.00 0.00
0 03:30:00 0.00 0.00
0 03:45:00 0.00 0.00
Example rule for the opening and closing of the orifice
RULE Orifice1
THEN ORIFICE OR1@82309b-15009b SETTING = 1
ELSE ORIFICE OR1@82309b-15009b SETTING = 0
; Opens up the orifice at hour 1 of the simulation
Saturday, September 18, 2010
SWMM 5 Link Time Step Calculations
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Graphical Representation of Results in InfoSWWM
If you are using the report manager then you select the graphing by changing the From and To dates.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
SWMM 5 Interface Guide Tips for C Compilers
SWMM 5 has a Interfacing guide on for creating a VB, Delphi or command line C program to both run and printout some of the output file results from SWMM 5. The readme file is self explanatory in the file but here are a few tips for those of you who want to compile the InterFaceGuide C code in a Executable file for Windows.
1. The first step is to make a new console program in Visual Studio
2. The second step is to add the files swmm5.h, swmm5_iface.h, swmm5_iface.c, test.c to the project header and source files.
3. Next add the file swmm5.lib as an additional dependency along with the directory name.
4. If you want to save the .out and .rpt files then you must comment out the remove statements at the end of test.c
5. You need to make a batch file to both run and save the input and output files from SWMM 5,
6. The file swmm5.dll must be in the same directory as the created interface executable file,
7. It will help you see the intermediate output if you add a pause statement in the batch file to hold the fprintf statements on the screen for you to view.
Weather Underground to SWMM 5 Rainfall Time Series
DWF Scale Factor in SWMM 5 for entering Population Data
Sunday, July 4, 2010
SWMM5 Routing Time Step Summary
The minimum time step is the smallest time step used during the simulation.The average time step is the mean time step used during the simulation.The maximum time step is the maximum time used during the simulation.The percent in steady state is the percent of the total simulation time spent in steady state during the simulation.The average iterations per time step is the total number of iterations during the simulation divided by the total number of time steps or step count in this table. This will range between 2 and 4 iterations as SWMM 5.0.018 has a minimum of 2 and and a maximum of 4 iterations.The Step count is the total number of time steps during the simulation.The percent of bypassed links are the link flows that are NOT computed between time step iteration 2 and 4 because both the upstream and downstream node depths are converged in the current time step.The percent of bypassed nodes are those nodes that have been converged between time step iteration 2 and 4. The node depth is still calculated, however, between iterations 2 and 4 as long as the whole time step is not considered converged.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Explicit Iteration Hydraulic Computation and Implicit Time Step Hydraulic Computations in SWMM 5
Friday, March 19, 2010
Steady State Option in SWMM 5
Checking this option will make the simulation use the most recently computed conveyance system flows during a steady state period instead of computing a new flow routing solution. A time step is considered to be in steady state if the change in external inflow at each node is below 0.5 cfs and the relative difference between total system inflow and outflow is below 5%.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Lead and Lag Pump Options in SWMM 5
Saturday, February 27, 2010
SWMM 5 Link Iterations
In the first graph the outflow is in blue and the number of iterations at each time step is shown in red. In the second graph the bubble size is based on the number of iterations and the y axis is outflow of the network. The third graph shows the number of iterations used at each link in the model at a particular time step. The more the flow changes the more iterations are needed to keep the flow in balance.
SWMM5 Bubble Plot of Continuity Error
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
SWMM 5 Conduit Lengthening
If you use the conduit lengthening option under the dynamic tab the shorter lengths will be lengthened internally during the simulation and the results will be a smoother.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Vertical Migration of SWMM 5 Calibration Files
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Water Analogies for Divergence, Curl and Gradient
This passage uses the metaphor of water flowing over terrain to help explain some concepts from vector calculus and electromagnetic fields. Let's dig a little deeper into each of these mathematical operations and their physical implications.
The gradient is a vector operation that acts on a scalar field. It tells you the direction and rate at which the field changes most rapidly. In the water analogy, the gradient of the Earth's elevation is the direction and magnitude of the steepest downhill slope at a given point. It's the direction the water would naturally roll down.
Divergence measures the degree to which a vector field sources or sinks at a given point. In the context of water flow, the divergence of the field describes whether the water is spreading out or converging to a narrower stream as it moves downhill. A positive divergence indicates that the water is spreading out, like a water source, while a negative divergence implies it is converging, like a sink or drain.
The curl of a field measures its rotation or twisting. In the water flow example, the curl would represent the rotational motion of the water as it flows, such as the swirling of an eddy in a river.
The statement "the curl of the gradient of a scalar field is always zero" can be understood with our water analogy. When a droplet of water is placed on a landscape (which represents our scalar field), it can roll downhill (gradient) and it can spread out or converge (divergence), but it will not spontaneously start to rotate (curl). Any rotation (curl) in the water's motion requires an additional influence beyond just the shape of the landscape. It could be introduced by an external force like wind, or by irregularities in the terrain, but it's not a natural outcome of a droplet simply being placed on a slope. This is the physical interpretation of the mathematical statement "The curl of the gradient is zero."
This explanation aids in visualizing these abstract mathematical concepts, making them more tangible and understandable, especially for those who are new to these ideas or find them difficult to grasp. It also provides a more intuitive understanding of the mathematical operations involved in vector calculus and their significance in the study of fields, of both in physics and engineering.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Water Hits and Sticks: Findings Challenge a Century of Assumptions About Soil Hydrology
ScienceDaily (Jan. 23, 2010) — Researchers have discovered that some of the most fundamental assumptions about how water moves through soil in a seasonally dry climate such as the Pacific Northwest are incorrect -- and that a century of research based on those assumptions will have to be reconsidered.
A new study by scientists from Oregon State University and the Environmental Protection Agency showed -- much to the surprise of the researchers -- that soil clings tenaciously to the first precipitation after a dry summer, and holds it so tightly that it almost never mixes with other water.
The finding is so significant, researchers said, that they aren't even sure yet what it may mean. But it could affect our understanding of how pollutants move through soils, how nutrients get transported from soils to streams, how streams function and even how vegetation might respond to climate change.
The research was just published online in Nature Geoscience, a professional journal.
"Water in mountains such as the Cascade Range of Oregon and Washington basically exists in two separate worlds," said Jeff McDonnell, an OSU distinguished professor and holder of the Richardson Chair in Watershed Science in the OSU College of Forestry. "We used to believe that when new precipitation entered the soil, it mixed well with other water and eventually moved to streams. We just found out that isn't true."
"This could have enormous implications for our understanding of watershed function," he said. "It challenges about 100 years of conventional thinking."
What actually happens, the study showed, is that the small pores around plant roots fill with water that gets held there until it's eventually used up in plant transpiration back to the atmosphere. Then new water becomes available with the return of fall rains, replenishes these small localized reservoirs near the plants and repeats the process. But all the other water moving through larger pores is essentially separate and almost never intermingles with that used by plants during the dry summer.
The study found in one test, for instance, that after the first large rainstorm in October, only 4 percent of the precipitation entering the soil ended up in the stream -- 96 percent was taken up and held tightly by soil around plants to recharge soil moisture. A month later when soil moisture was fully recharged, 55 percent of precipitation went directly into streams. And as winter rains continue to pour moisture into the ground, almost all of the water that originally recharged the soil around plants remains held tightly in the soil -- it never moves or mixes.
"This tells us that we have a less complete understanding of how water moves through soils, and is affected by them, than we thought we did," said Renee Brooks, a research plant physiologist with the EPA and courtesy faculty in the OSU Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society.
"Our mathematical models of ecosystem function are based on certain assumptions about biological processes," Brooks said. "This changes some of those assumptions. Among the implications is that we may have to reconsider how other things move through soils that we are interested in, such as nutrients or pollutants."
The new findings were made possible by advances in the speed and efficiency of stable isotope analyses of water, which allowed scientists to essentially "fingerprint" water and tell where it came from and where it moved to. Never before was it possible to make so many isotopic measurements and get a better view of water origin and movement, the researchers said.
The study also points out the incredible ability of plants to take up water that is so tightly bound to the soil, with forces nothing else in nature can match.
The research was conducted in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest near Blue River, Ore., a part of the nation's Long Term Ecological Research, or LTER Program. It was supported by the EPA.
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Sunday, January 17, 2010
Runoff Example Files for SWMM 4
These files will work with any SWMM 4 version. If you look at page
we have a variety of SWMM 3 and SWMM 4 engine.
The File Runoff45.DOC is the text documentation for the SWMM 4 Runoff File.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
SWMM 5 Water Quality Example with Groundwater
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Weather Underground Data and SWMM 5
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Node Convergence in SWMM 5
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