Subject: InfoSWMM Report Mana
You can also use the mixed graph feature to plot the pump flow and the downstream flows on the same graph. If you click on the Report command then you can also use aField Statistics command to see the Statistics for each Link and Pump. The right mouse button for the Report also allows you to make a scatter plot and graph the flows in theforcemains versus the flows in the pumps.
Autodesk Technologist with Information about Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) for watershed water quality, hydrology and hydraulics modelers (Note this blog is not associated with the EPA). You will find Blog Posts on the Subjects of SWMM5, ICM SWMM, ICM InfoWorks, InfoSWMM and InfoSewer.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
InfoSWMM Report Manager and Field Statistics
How to use the Report Feature of the HGL Plot in InfoSWMM
Subject: How to use the Report Feature of the HGL Plot in InfoSWMM
Subject: How to use the Report Feature of the HGL Plot in InfoSWMM
The report feature of the HGL plot helps you understand in more detail the pump flows, forcemain flows and node heads.
Step 1. Load the Domain in the HGL Plot using Report
Step 2. Click on the Report Command to Show the HGL Data in Tabular Format
Step 3. Format the Results Table from the HGL Plot to see the data better.
Step 4. Now we have the heads, flows and velocities for the pumps, nodes and force main links in our Domain around the pump of interest at time steps of 2 seconds, We can now see how the flows, heads and velocities change downstream from the pump.
Step 5. Force Mains, Nodes and Pumps in our Table
Step 6. The pump turns on and the flow moves downstream to the force mains – the heads in the nodes increase to balance the flow at each node. As you can see there is a 1 to 2 GPM decrease due to attenuation as the flow from the pump moves into the force mains.
Step 7. The pump turns off and flows downstream decrease. You can get negative flow if the downstream head is higher than the upstream head of the link.
Step 8. Use Advanced Labeling and the HGL Plot Stepping Interval to see all of the data in your Plot.
How to Use Domain Manager in InfoSWMM to Reduce the Output File Size
Subject: How to Use Domain Manager in InfoSWMM to Reduce the Output File Size
Subject: How to Use Domain Manager in InfoS
If you want to save the output at a small report time step (2 seconds in this case) and you have a long simulation or large model then the reading of the graphicalo results may not be as speedy as you want. You can save ONLY the DOMAIN to the output binary file however to make this smaller and faster to react.
Step 1. Define your Reporting Time Step and Your Routing Time Step. In this case we are routing at 1 second but saving the DOMAIN results every 2 seconds.
Step 2. Clear your existing DOMAIN and Create a DOMAIN based on the area you are most interested in during the simulation.
Step 3. Use the Advanced Tab in Run Manager and select Domain as the Output Scope – this will save only the Domain to the output binary file.
Step 4. Run the simulation using Run Manager and then look at the output. You are restricted to 8800 graph points but the number of points in the Report Table is unlimited.
Step 5. You can use the Data Plot Option (right mouse click) to see a subset of the larger than 8800 data points.
InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM Pump Summary Table
Subject: InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM Pump Summary Table
Subject: InfoSWMM Pump Summa
The Pump Summary Table in Report Manager tells you how often the pumps turn on (Start-Up Count), the percent of the simulation time it was used (Percent Utilized) and the maximum, minimum and average flow for the pumps.
You can also see flows in the downstream links from the pumps in the force mains along with the pumps.
If you use the Mixed Graph Control you see the Pump flows and Link Flows on the same Graph
You can control the replay of the HGL Plot by altering the stepping time in Graph Settings
How to Set Up Hot Start Files in InfoSWMM for a Fixed Boundary Outfall
Subject: How to Set Up Hot Start Files in InfoSWMM for a Fixed Boundary Outfall
Subject: How to Set Up Hot Start Files in I
If you have a fixed boundary outfall
1st Step: Turn off the DWF inflow so that ONLY the flow from outfall enters the network. Use the Process Models in Run Manager to turn off and turn on the Dry Weather flow.
2nd Step: Run the simulation first SAVING a Hot Start File using zero initial node depths and link flows.
3rd Step: Save and Use Hot Start Files until the initial and final volume in your Network stays the same.
4th Step: Check the Initial and Final Stored Volume in the output text file
5th Step: Check to see if you nodes are stable by using a Junction Group Graph
6th Step: Now Run the Simulation with flows turned an and the network will start out with the Boundary Condition depths and stable flows
How to Set a Flap Gate in InfoSWMM
Note: How to Set a Flap Gate in InfoSWMM
You can set a flap gate in InfoSWM
Saturday, July 9, 2011
H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer DB Queries to find Loading Manholes
Subject: H2OMAP Sewer and InfoSewer DB Queries to find Loading Manholes
Subject: H2OMAP Sewer and In
This Database Query (DB) will find all loading Manholes
Figure 1. DB Query to find Manholes with Load1 and Load2 greater than 0.0
Figure 2. Query Report for the DB Query
Monday, July 4, 2011
How to Model a Vacuum Sewer in SWMM 5
Subject: How to Model a Vacuum Sewer in SWMM 5
You can model a vacuum sewer as a gravity pipe connected to a storage node connected to an outlet connected to various pipes in a sawtooth pattern connected to a collection tank with a pump that pumps to a force main.
1. Gravity Pipe,
2. Storage Node,
3. An Outlet function that works as a function of the depth in the storage node
4. Series of Pipes in a Sawtooth Pattern,
5. Collection tank,
6. Pump
7. Force Main |
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
SWMM 5 Arrow Direction Question
Subject: SWMM 5 Arrow Direction Question
Subject: SWMM 5 Arrow Direct
A question often asked is what happens to the flow in a SWMM 5 link if the downstream and upstream node names are entered in reverse. The flow will be exactly the same as if the nodes were entered in the right order but the flow in the link will be negative. As long as the inflow to the model is at the same node in both alternate models the node depth, the link upstream depths and upstream cross sectional areas will be the same. For example, the flow out of Nodes 80408A and 80408 will be the same but the flow out of 80408 will be negative and the flow out of 80408A will be positive.
SWMM 5 and InfoSWMM Time Step Guide
Subject: SWMM 5 and InfoSWMM Time Step Guide
Subject: SWMM 5, H2OMap SWMM and InfoSWMM Time Step Guide
If you use a variable time step in SWMM 5
The Time Step Guide in seconds is Link Length / [Velocity + sqrt(g*Maximum Depth)] with the assumption that the velocity at maximum depth is about the value of the wave celerity for closed links or sqrt(g*Maximum Depth). Normally (unless pumps are involved) the average time step used during the simulation is a good gauge of the time to use for the simulation. For example, in this model run the time step used is 13 seconds which is about the conduit lengthening time step of 20 seconds * adjustment factor of 0.75
Siphon Simulation in SWMM 5 and InfoSWMM
Subject: Siphon Simulation in SWMM 5 and InfoSWMM
Subject: Siphon Simulation
A Siphon is simulated in SWMM 5 and InfoSWMM using the basic node and link data and downstream boundary condition:
1. Inflow can be time series, dry weather flow pattern, wet weather inflow or Subcatchment Runoff,
2. The boundary condition can be either a free outfall, fixed or time series,
3. The node invert, node maximum depth and node surcharge depth are defined by the user or network,
4. The link lengths, diameters, link offset depths upstream and downstream are defined by the user of the network,
5. The node depths, link flows, link depths and link cross sectional areas are calculated at each time based on the node continuity equation and the link momentum and continuity equation. The link flows are a function of the friction loss, head difference across the link and the difference in the cross sectional areas of the link.
Friday, July 1, 2011
3 Types of Subcatchment Flow in SWMM 5
Subject: 3 Types of Subcatchment Flow in SWMM 5
Subject: 3 Types of Subcatch
1. Impervious area with depression storage in which the runoff from the precipitation is delayed due to the depression storage. Evaporation occurs based on the depth of water in the subarea of the Subcatchment.
2. Impervious area without depression storage in which the runoff from precipitation is NOT delayed. Evaporation does occur based on the depth of water in the subarea of the Subcatchment.
3. Pervious area with depression storage in which the runoff from the precipitation is delayed due to the depression storage. Evaporation and Infiltration occurs based on the depth of water in the subarea of the Subcatchment.
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