Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to Make an Excel Fixed Width File from SWMM 5

How to Make an Excel Fixed Width File from SWMM 5

How to Make an Excel Fixed Width File from SWMM 5

by dickinsonre
How to Make an Excel Fixed Width File from SWMM 5
You can use this macro for MATLAB or some other DOS based program by using the Tools command of SWMM 5 and configuring the EXCEL file option.  If you use the EXCEL tool then your SWMM 5 input file will be opened up in EXCEL and you can use this macro to make a fixed format file for SWMM 5.  Note, SWMM 5 does not use fixed format but other programs may need it for reading,  You adjust the column widths in the macro for your program.
Here is the macro, which is placed  in Excel using these command:
  1. Copy the code above.
  2. Open Excel.
  3. Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.
  4. Click Insert-Module from the menu.
  5. Paste the code into the window that appears at right.
Option Explicit
Sub CreateFixedWidthFile(strFile As String, ws As Worksheet, s() As Integer)
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim strLine As String, strCell As String
     'get a freefile
    Dim fNum As Long
    fNum = FreeFile
     'open the textfile
    Open strFile For Output As fNum
     'loop from first to last row
     'use 2 rather than 1 to ignore header row
    For i = 1 To ws.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row
         'new line
        strLine = ""
         'loop through each field
        For j = 0 To UBound(s)
             'make sure we only take chars up to length of field (may want to output some sort of error if it is longer than field)
            strCell = Left$(ws.Cells(i, j + 1).Value, s(j))
             'add on string of spaces with length equal to the difference in length between field length and value length
            strLine = strLine & strCell & String$(s(j) - Len(strCell), Chr$(32))
        Next j
         'write the line to the file
        Print #fNum, strLine
    Next i
     'close the file
    Close #fNum
End Sub
 'for example the code could be called using:
Sub CreateFile()
    Dim sPath As String
    sPath = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("SWMM5_Fixed_EXPORT", "Text Files,*.inp")
    If LCase$(sPath) = "false" Then Exit Sub
     'specify the widths of our fields
     'the number of columns is the number specified in the line below +1
    Dim s(15) As Integer
     'starting at 0 specify the width of each column for the SWMM5 File, alter the columns if you need more columns in your data input file
    s(0) = 40
    s(1) = 20
    s(2) = 20
    s(3) = 20
    s(4) = 20
    s(5) = 20
    s(6) = 20
    s(7) = 20
    s(8) = 20
    s(9) = 20
    s(10) = 20
    s(11) = 20
    s(12) = 20
    s(13) = 20
    s(14) = 20
    s(15) = 20
     'for example to use 3 columns with field of length 5, 10 and 15 you would use:
    'dim s(2) as Integer
     'write to file the data from the activesheet
    CreateFixedWidthFile sPath, ActiveSheet, s
End Sub

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Batch Simulation in InfoSewer, InfoSWMM or InfoWater

Steps to set up a new icon for Batch Simulation in InfoSewer, InfoSWMM or InfoWater
1. Customize Arc GIS
2. Add an Icon
3. Run the command using the Icon

Sunday, December 9, 2012

InfoSewer Maximum Number of Segments Sensitivity

InfoSewer Maximum Number of Segments Sensitivity

InfoSewer Maximum Number of Segments Sensitivity

by dickinsonre
InfoSewer Maximum Number of Segments Sensitivity

The three Run manager parameters, Maximum Number of Segments, Minimum Travel Distance and the Minimum Travel Distance in InfoSewer and H2OMAP Sewer affect the shape and flow attenuation of the flow in a link.  The effect of decreasing the Minimum Travel Distance is to reduce the peak flow and spread out the flow as the number of segments increases(Figure 1).  The smaller the minimum travel distance, which has the effect of increasing the number ofsegments in a link up the limit of the parameter Maximum Number of segments, the smaller the peak and the more attenuation of the flow in InfoSewer.

There is three ways to control attenuation in InfoSewer: (1) use the flow attenuation option, (2) increase the Maximum Number of Segments per link and (3) decrease the Minimum travel distance.    You can also use all three parameters to make more segments per link for long links and only a few segments for short links.

InfoSewer Flow Attenuation Sensitivity

InfoSewer Flow Attenuation Sensitivity 

InfoSewer Flow Attenuation Sensitivity

by dickinsonre
InfoSewer Flow Attenuation Sensitivity 

The three Run manager parameters, Maximum Number of Segments, Minimum Travel Distance and the Minimum Travel Distance in InfoSewer and H2OMAP Sewer affect the shape and flow attenuation of the flow in a link.  The effect of using the flow attenuation is to reduce the peak flow and spread out the flow compared to the No Flag option (Figure 1). 

Figure 1.  Effect of the Flow Attenuation Option in infoSewer and H2OMAP Sewer

Saturday, December 8, 2012

How To Make HTML Code for Excel Spreadsheets

How To Make HTML Code for Excel Spreadsheets
Tabelizer Program for Converting Speadsheets to HTML Code
Copy your Speadsheet to this link and then tabelize it and copy the html and css code to a blog or other online comments box,  

Titles Y Y Y
Options Y Y Y
Files Y Y Y
Raingages Y Y Y
Temperature Y Y Y
Evaporation Y Y Y
Subcatchments Y Y Y
Infiltration Subareas Y Y Y
3 Types of Infiltration Per Subcatchment Y Y N
Aquifers Y Y Y
Groundwater Y Y Y
Snowmelt Y Y Y
Junctions Y Y Y
Outfalls Y Y Y
Storages Y Y Y
Dividers Y Y Y
Conduits Y Y Y
Pumps Y Y Y
Orifices Y Y Y
Weirs Y Y Y
Outlets Y Y Y
Cross Section Shapes Y Y Y
Dual Drainage Outlets Y Y N
1D - 2D Connections Y N N
HEC-22 Inlets Y Y N
Transects Y Y Y
Losses Y Y Y
Controls Y Y Y
Pollutants Y Y Y
Landuses Y Y Y
Buildup Y Y Y
Washoff Y Y Y
Coverage Y Y Y
Inflow Y Y Y
Patterns Y Y Y
Unit Hydrographs Y Y Y
Loading Y Y Y
Treatment Y Y Y
Curves Y Y Y
Time Series Y Y Y
Reports Y Y P
Coordinates Y Y Y
Vertices Y Y Y
Polygons Y Y Y
Labels Y Y Y
Symbols Y Y Y
Backdrop Y Y Y
Tags Y Y Y
Profiles Y Y Y
Map Y Y Y
LID Controls Y Y Y
LID Usage Y Y Y
LID Reports Y Y P
LID Graphs Y Y N
Calibration Data Y Y P
Scatter Graphs Y Y Y
Mixed Graphs Y Y N
SWMM 5 Engine Up to Date Y Y Y

Friday, December 7, 2012

Global Dry Weather Flow Reduction in InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM

Global Dry Weather Flow Reduction in InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM

A cool tip to reduce the overall dry weather flow in InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM without changing the mean dry weather flow is to do the following:

1.       Make a Reduction or Increase Flow Pattern in the Operations tab of the Attribute Browser (2),
2.      For example, if we want to have 85 percent of the flow use a value of 0.85
3.      In the Node DWF DB Table (2) use the pattern just created (3)
4.      All of the flows in the DWF table and during your simulation will be reduced by 15 percent.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

InfoSWMM 2D Report Variables

InfoSWMM 2D Report Variables

InfoSWMM 2D Report Variables

by dickinsonre
InfoSWMM 2D Report Variables

The Junction Graph variables for 2D Depth, 2D Speed, 2D Froude Number, 2D Unit Flow, 2D Inflow, 2D Volume and 2D Angle for a InfoSWMM 2D simulation for up to 1000 years can be plotted in the Report Manager of InfoSWMM.  This is an image of the 2D inflow over a 10 year period (A), all seven graph variables (B) for the mesh triangle associated with the 1D node (C).  The 2D inflow is + for flow out of the node to a mesh triangle and – for flow from the mesh triangle to the  1D junction.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Grupo de Apoyo para usuarios de SWMM (SWMM in Spanish/ SWMM en Español)

There is a Google Group for Hispanic SWMM5 users around the world that has a lot of good discussions and more importantly help for your SWMM5 modeling.   You can easily join if you use GMAIL or Google+   The link is!forum/swmm-espanol

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map

Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map

Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map Atrribute Display

by dickinsonre
Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map

Here is a typical view of  a siphon in InfoSewer, the rising links have a d/D of 1 and the dropping links typically have a d/D value less than 1.  The q/Q for the rising links is based on the slope and the dropping links typically have a q/Q less than 1 as the full flow is high due to the steep slopes.  You can show both the d/D and q/Q values in an Arc Map Display by using the following code.  I find it easier to first plot one variable using the InfoSewer Map Display followed by editing the TOC Properties for Pipes to show more than one variable at a time in the Label properties.

Function FindLabel ([D_OVER_D],  [Q_OVER_Q] )
If IsNull([D_OVER_D]) then Exit Function
FindLabel ="" &  FormatNumber([D_OVER_D],3) & "  d/D "  & "" &  FormatNumber([Q_OVER_Q],3) & " q/Q"
End Function

Saturday, November 24, 2012

SWMM 4 and SWMM 5 St. Venant Solutions Contrasted

SWMM 4 and SWMM 5 St. Venant Solutions Contrasted

SWMM 4 and SWMM 5 St. Venant Solutions Contrasted

by dickinsonre
SWMM 4 and SWMM 5 St. Venant Solutions Contrasted

1. Compute at time t+delta t the values of dQ/dt for the Links and dH/dt for the Nodes from the properties at time t
2 Iterate at least 2 times until either all nodes and links are converged or a maximum of 8 iterations are reached
3. Use the values of Q and H at time t+delta t for the new time step

The SWMM5 Solution for Flow and Depth at each time step.  The new depth and new flow is always based on the old depth and old flow and normally converges fast as the flow is gradually varied.   The solution is iterative and implicitly uses the new depth and flow at each iteration.

The SWMM4 Solution for Flow and Depth is solved Explicitly at each time step.  The new depth and new flow is always based on the old depth and old flow and and a half and full time step during the time step.

The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution for ISOL=0

The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution for ISOL=0

The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution for ISOL=0

by dickinsonre
The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution for ISOL=0

The attached PDF file is a copy of the Extran 3 solution in the  SWMM 4 manual explaining the ISOL=0 solution in SWMM 4 / Extran 4.  The current SWMM 5 solution in its dynamic wave solution is an adaptive time step iterative solution of the ISOL=0 solution in SWMM 4.

The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution

The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution

The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution

by dickinsonre
The SWMM 4 Dynamic Wave Solution
The attached PDF file is a copy of Appendix C of the SWMM 4 manual explaining the three St Venant solutions in SWMM 4 / Extran 4.  The current SWMM 5 solution in its dynamic wave solution is an adaptive time step iterative solution of the ISOL Zero solution in SWMM 4.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Continuous Simulation using SWMM 5 LID and Groundwater Features in a Linked 1D/2D Network using InfoSWMM 2D for a 50 Year Period

Continuous Simulation using SWMM 5 LID and Groundwater Features in a Linked 1D/2D Network using InfoSWMM 2D for a 50 Year Period

Continuous Simulation using SWMM 5 LID and Groundwater Features in a Linked 1D/2D Network using InfoSWMM 2D for a 50 Year Period

by dickinsonre
Continuous Simulation using SWMM 5 LID and Groundwater Features in a Linked 1D/2D Network using InfoSWMM 2D for a 50 Year Period
A poster at the recent ECI conference on the Past, Present and Future of Watershed modeling.

The Structure of InfoSWMM in Arc Map

The Structure of InfoSWMM in Arc Map

How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files, Alternate Method

How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files, Alternate Method

How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files, Alternate Method

by dickinsonre
How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files, Alternate Method

An InfoSWMM model can be newly created from a CSV file but it helps to have an idea of the maximum extents before you initialize the Arc Map project.  Use the ArcGIS default and Edit the extents of your future imported network (Figure 1).  Import the CSV files (Figure 2) and define the imported variables (Figure 3) followed by an Update Map from DB (Figure 4) which will draw your imported nodes and links on the Arc Map screen.  The updated Map should be within the extents of your defined spatial reference (Figure 5).  It is important to have the proper spatial reference for your imported data in Arc Map.  If you do not have the proper extents then when you update the Map from DB you will have a warning message "The coordinates or measures are out of bounds". 

Figure 1.  Import a background shape file and initialize your InfoSWMM map to the coordinates of the shapefile.

Figure 2.  Import a CSV file for both pipes and nodes using the Import Manager of InfoSWMM

Figure 3.  Set up the Field Mapping between the CSV parameters and the Node and Link Parameters of InfosWMM.

Figure 4.  Update the Map from the DB tables you just imported using the command Force All Network.
Figure 5.  The imported model has the same coordinates as the original imported shapefile.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files

How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files

How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files

by dickinsonre
How to Create an InfoSWMM model from CSV Files

An InfoSWMM model can be newly created from a CSV file but it helps to have a background map or shapefile to initialize the Arc Map project.  BEFORE initializing yourInfoSWMM map Add a data layer using the Arc Map command Add Data.   Create a new InfoSWMM project using the same spatial reference as your added shapefile (Figure 1).  Import the CSV files (Figure 2) and define the imported variables (Figure 3) followed by an Update Map from DB (Figure 4) which will draw your imported nodes and links on the Arc Map screen.  The updated Map will have the same coordinates as the background shapefile (Figure 5).  It is important to have the proper spatial reference for your imported data in Arc Map.

Figure 1.  Import a background shape file and initialize your InfoSWMM map to the coordinates of the shapefile.

Figure 2.  Import a CSV file for both pipes and nodes using the Import Manager of InfoSWMM

Figure 3.  Set up the Field Mapping between the CSV parameters and the Node and Link Parameters of InfosWMM.

Figure 4.  Update the Map from the DB tables you just imported using the command Force All Network.

Figure 5.  The imported model has the same coordinates as the original imported shapefile.


How to Search My Blogs by concentrating on one blog for Information about SWMM5, InfoSWMM and InfoSewer

How to Search My Blogs by concentrating on one Blog:   I have spent a lot of time in the last week redoing all of my tags, names and websites.   You can search SWMM5.NET or SWMM5.ORG for information on infoswmm, infosewer and of course SWMM 5  Hopefully, this makes them a bit more organized – there are a total of 900 posts as of today, but each post now has labels and multiple tags

The site  has a built in Google Custom Search Engine which as even more flexibility

How to Save Node and Link Relates in H2OMAP SWMM to Shapefiles

How to Save Node and Link Summary Tables in H2OMAP SWMM to Shapefiles

How to Save Node and Link Summary Tables in H2OMAP SWMM to Shapefiles

by dickinsonre
How to Save Node and Link Summary Tables in H2OMAP SWMM to Shapefiles
The export manager of H2OMAP SWMM is very flexible, you can export shape, MIF and CSV files but you have to do some copy and pasting to allow the program to export ALL of the node and pipe summary tables.  The export manager will export any node or pipe information in the DB hydraulic and information tables.  If you copy and paste, for example, the output pipe summary table to the Pipe information tables (Figure 1) then you can use the Export Manager (Figure 2) to save the shape file with tables(Figure 4) and view the shape file in Arc Map (Figure 4).  The TOC properties in Arc Map can be used to show the maximum d over D or maximum Q over Qfull values in Arc Map using this VBScript.
Function FindLabel ( [DOVEMAXD] )
  FindLabel = "" & FormatNumber([DOVEMAXD],2) & ""
End Function
Figure 1.  Copy and Paste the Pipe Summary information from the Output Tables to the Pipe Information  Tables.
Figure 2.  Select a link Shapefile using the Export Manager
Figure 3.  Save the Link Information and other data to a shape file.
Figure 4.  The created shapefile added to Arc Map and displayed using the Layer Properties of Arc Map

AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...