Sunday, July 28, 2013

This is how you use the batch file in SWMM 5 to make a Report

This is how you use the batch file in SWMM 5 to make a Report 
Step 1:  You make a bat file - here is a sample file that uses the swmm5.exe program 
swmm5.exe Example1.inp  D:\swmm5.0.021\bob.rpt

Step 2:  Set up the Report Data in the input file


Step 3:  Run the program 

Step 4:  Look at the RPT Output file for the node and link

  <<< Link 14 >>>
                             Flow  Velocity     Depth   Percent       TSS      Lead
  Date        Time            CFS    ft/sec      feet      Full      MG/L      UG/L
  JAN-01-1998 01:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.000       0.0     0.000     0.000
  JAN-01-1998 02:00:00      0.302     3.835     0.157      15.7    83.361    16.672
  JAN-01-1998 03:00:00      0.648     4.791     0.228      22.8    65.616    13.123
  JAN-01-1998 04:00:00      1.487     6.071     0.350      35.0    50.235    10.047
  JAN-01-1998 05:00:00      1.081     5.559     0.296      29.6    54.180    10.836
  JAN-01-1998 06:00:00      0.410     4.222     0.181      18.1    71.439    14.288
  JAN-01-1998 07:00:00      0.039     2.194     0.057       5.7   144.040    28.808
  JAN-01-1998 08:00:00      0.001     0.000     0.008       0.8     1.282     0.256
  JAN-01-1998 09:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.005       0.5     0.031     0.006
  JAN-01-1998 10:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.004       0.4     0.002     0.000
  JAN-01-1998 11:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.003       0.3     0.000     0.000
  JAN-01-1998 12:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.002       0.2     0.000     0.000
  JAN-01-1998 13:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.002       0.2     0.000     0.000

How to Save Selected Nodes and Links in InfoSWMM

Note:   How to Save Selected Nodes and Links in InfoSWMM

Step 1:  Decide what Nodes and Links you want to save.

Step 2:  You can read the flow, velocity, depth and capacity from the RPT Text File.

How to change the Maximum Infiltration in a DB Table of InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM

Note:  How to change the Maximum Infiltration in a DB Table of InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM

There are a lot of methods in InfoSWMM and H20MAP SWMM to change the infiltration data.  You have the ability to change it for

1.      an individual subcatchment using the Attribute Browser
2.      by soil type and
3.      the coverage of the soil over all of the subcatchments – this will alter the areal weighted average of the infiltration data

You have layers of infiltration data in the interface to your model data.  The infiltration parameters are defined per soil as in a real watershed and the subcatchments will use the areal weighted infiltration values of all of the soils on the subcatchment.  You get more flexibility and closer to the physical reality of the subcatchment by having layers of soil on the subcatchment rather than one set of infiltration per subcatchment.  Of course if you set up one soil type per subcatchment then you will have 100 percent coverage of the same infiltration set of parameters per subcatchment.

Method 1: An Individual Subcatchment by using the Attribute Browser

Method 2: All of the Infiltration Data in the Soil Tables using the DB Editor and the Block Edit command.

Method 3:  You can also change the overall Infiltration by changing the soil coverage of the Subcatchment using the Subcatchment Infiltration table.

How to change the background color and data view in InfoSewer and InfoSWMM

Subject:  How o change the background color and data view in InfoSewer and InfoSWMM

Tip 1:  Use the command ViewData Frame Properties > Frame > Background (change color) to change the background color

Tip 2:  Use the command ViewData Frame Properties > Data Frame > Extent to change the default view in Arc GIS.  You would use this tool if you have zoom to a small point in InfoSWMM and InfoSewer.

Steps to take and rules for Cloning Datasets in InfoSWMM and InfoSewer

Note: Steps to take and rules for Cloning Datasets in InfoSWMM and InfoSewer

Before cloning an active dataset, the user should switch to the Base Scenario.  This saves the active datasets and allows the user to clone the dataset with all edits. 

This is a brief description of how datasets are created and saved. 
·         Any data the user changes are only changed in the Active data sets while the user is working in a given scenario. 
·         The modified data are not saved into the selected custom data sets until the user selects different data sets—either by selecting a new scenario or by using the Edit Active Scenario command. 

If the user changes to a new scenario that shares some of the same data sets (e.g. same pipe, valve and pump data sets), the data in these common data sets are still not updated (saved) by changing scenarios.  The user has to actually select a different custom data set of the same type to get the data to update in the custom data set (e.g. the user must select a different pipe set to get the modified pipe data to save into the selected pipe set).  Once created, a dataset is not updated (saved) until it is no longer in use by the active scenario. 

In addition, there is a fundamental difference in between BASE dataset and other dataset(s). 

·         The other dataset(s) must be explicitly created first before they can be used. 
·         BASE dataset will "never" exist until it is switched off from the active scenario. 
·         It gets implicitly created at the first time when it is released from the active scenario.  That is why BASE dataset is never found in a "new" project which has only a base scenario.

How to Make an Internal Outfall into an External Outfall when you have more than one link connected to an Outfall in SWMM5

Subject:  How to Make an Internal Outfall into an External Outfall when you have more than one link connected to an Outfall

Step 1:  Identify the Problem "ERROR 141: Outfall J-561 has more than 1 inlet link or an outlet link." Means you have an outfall node in the middle of your model.

Step 2:  Make a new outfall.

Step 3:  Make the new Outfall  have the same invert as the old outfall 

Step 4:  Convert the older outfall  to a Junction using the Pick Axe and the Convert Type tool

Step 5:  Make a new Link connecting the old and the new Outfall

Step 6:  Convert the new Link to an  Outlet Type using the Convert Type Tool.

Step 7:  Set up the parameters for the new Outlet Link

Step 8:  For those outfalls that DO have more than one link you need to make a new Outfall.

You should be able to run the model now

The Time Base is T + T*K from the Time(T) and Storage (K) values for RDII in SWMM5

Note:  Each of the RDII UH's has a base time for the convolution of the RDII from each UH.  The Time Base is T + T*K from the Time(T) and Storage (K) values  used in the RTK data.  In this particular case:

·         The Fast UH has a time base of 22 hours,
·         The Medium UH has a time base of 430 hours, and
·         The Slow UH has a time base of 4212 hours.

If this is altered as in the  bottom image you can see the difference in the total  RDII I&I Flow

·         The Fast UH has a time base of 22 hours,
·         The Medium UH has a time base of 36 hours, and
·         The Slow UH has a time base of 52 hours.

Four cross sectional areas are used in a link of SWMM 5

Note: Four cross sectional areas are used in a link of SWMM 5. The weighted hydraulic radius (Rwtd) is a function of the Froude Number of the link and the upstream and downstream hydraulic radius.  The Rwtd value is used in the computation of the friction slope or the dq1 term in the file dynamic.c

dq1 = Time Step * RoughFactor / Rwtd^1.333 * |Velocity|

The weighted area (Awtd) is used in the dq2 term of the St. Venant equation:

            dq2 = Time Step * Awtd * (Head Downstream – Head Upstream) /  Link Length


Orifice Critical Depth for Separating Weir Flow from Orifice Flow for Bottom Outlet Orifices in SWMM 5

Note:  Orifice Critical Depth for Separating Weir Flow from Orifice Flow for Bottom Outlet Orifices

The Critical height is the opening where weir flow turns into orifice flow. It equals (Co/Cw)*(Area/Length) where Co is the orifice coeff., Cw is the weir coeff/sqrt(2g), Area is the area of the opening, and Length = circumference of the opening. For a basic sharp crested weir, Cw = 0.414.  All of the units are based on the internal SWMM 5 units of American Standard.

For a circular orifice the Critical Height is:

Critical HeightOrifice Discharge Coefficient / 0.414 * Orifice Opening / 4

For a rectangular orifice the Critical Height is:

Critical HeightOrifice Discharge Coefficient / 0.414 * (Orifice Opening*Width) / (2.0*(Orifice Opening+Width))

The Orifice Critical Depth changes dynamically as the orifice is opening and closing for a bottom outlet orifice.  The critical depth separating the orifice weir flow from orifice flow for a side outlet orifice is the height of the orifice.

Link Area Types in SWMM 5, InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM

Note:  There are 7 Link flow classification classes that are used to assign the area of the link to the upstream and downstream nodes of the link.  The classes used during the simulation of the model are shown in the Link Classification Table in the RPT Report File.  The supercritical class is the same as the subcritical assignment.  The supercritical is a class of subcritical with a Froude number over 1.

Link Area Assignment
      0      Dry conduit
1/2 Upstream and 1/2 Downstream Node
      1      Upstream end is dry
1/2 Downstream Node
      2      Downstream end is dry
1/2 Upstream Node
      3      Sub-critical flow
1/2 Upstream and 1/2 Downstream Node
      4      Super-critical flow
1/2 Upstream and 1/2 Downstream Node
      5      Free-fall at upstream end
1/2 Downstream Node
      6      Free-fall at downstream end
1/2 Upstream Node

SWMM 5 Pump Curve Head/Flow Curves (1)

Subject:  The Pump flow is based on the lookup table you enter for the pump (Figure 1).  At each iteration during each time step of the solution SWMM 5 will look up the flow for thepump based on the current control variable across the pump.  The control variable for the pump can be one of four variables:

1.   The volume of the upstream wet well,
2.   The depth of water at the upstream node or inlet node without interpolation between data points,
3.   The downstream water surface elevation across the pump minus the upstream water surface elevation, and
4.   The depth of water at the upstream node or inlet node with interpolation between data points.

The pump summary table in the rpt file will tell you how often the pump was used, the maximum flow, the average flow, the total volume of the pump, the power usage and the percent of the time off the entered pump curve.  You can also plot the pump flow versus the inlet depth to see how often the pump was off the pump curve (Figure 2).

Figure 1:  Plot of Head and Flow for Pump PUMP1@82309e-15009e over time along with the input and output table for the pump.

Figure 2:  Plot of Head versus Flow for Pump PUMP1@82309e-15009e

เครื่องคิดเลข EPA แห่งชาติ Stormwater

เครื่องคิดเลข EPA แห่งชาติ Stormwater

ได้รับการปล่อยตัวในวันนี้โดย EPA (ดร. ลูอิส Rossman) เป็นสหรัฐอเมริกาทั่วประเทศ Stormwater เครื่องคิดเลข

เป็นเครื่องมือใหม่บนพื้นฐานของ SWMM ที่อาจจะเป็นที่สนใจนี่คือ จะให้ผู้สร้างแบบจำลองที่ไม่ได้ด้วยวิธีที่ง่ายและรวดเร็วอย่างจริงจังประเมินปริมาณน้ำที่ไหลบ่า stormwater จากคุณสมบัติของพวกเขา สำหรับผู้เชี่ยวชาญ SWMM คุณก็มีวิธีง่ายๆในการดาวน์โหลดข้อมูลปริมาณน้ำฝนในระยะยาวและอัตราการ ET รายเดือนสำหรับการใช้งานในรูปแบบของคุณ SWMM 

ของ EPA เครื่องคิดเลข Stormwater แห่งชาติขณะนี้มีให้สาธารณะ wswrd / WQ / รุ่น / SWC / 

เครื่องคิดเลขของ EPA แห่งชาติ Stormwater เป็นโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์ที่คาดการณ์ปริมาณน้ำฝนประจำปีและความถี่ของการไหลบ่ามาจากเว็บไซต์ที่เฉพาะเจาะจงที่ใดก็ได้ในประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา ประมาณการจะขึ้นอยู่กับสภาพดินในท้องถิ่นสิ่งปกคลุมดินและมีการบันทึกปริมาณน้ำฝนประวัติศาสตร์  เครื่องคิดเลขเข้าถึงฐานข้อมูลหลายแห่งชาติที่ให้ดินภูมิประเทศเหนือศีรษะและข้อมูลการระเหยสำหรับเว็บไซต์ที่ได้รับการแต่งตั้ง ผู้ใช้อุปกรณ์ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับที่ดินครอบคลุมของเว็บไซต์และเลือกชนิดของการพัฒนาผลกระทบต่ำ (ฝา) ควบคุมพวกเขาต้องการที่จะใช้
ลิว Rossman 
สหรัฐฯ สำนักงานคุ้มครองสิ่งแวดล้อม
Cincinnati, OH 45268
EPA แห่งชาติการเชื่อมต่อผู้ใช้งานเครื่องคิดเลข Stormwater กราฟิก

ईपीए राष्ट्रीय stormwater कैलक्यूलेटर

ईपीए राष्ट्रीय stormwater कैलक्यूलेटर

एक संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका राष्ट्रव्यापी stormwater कैलक्यूलेटर है ईपीए (डॉ. लुईस Rossman) द्वारा आज जारी 

यहाँ ब्याज की हो सकती है कि SWMM के आधार पर एक नया उपकरण, है. यह कड़ाई से उनके गुणों से तूफानी जल अपवाह मात्रा में अनुमान लगाने के लिए एक त्वरित और आसान तरीका के साथ गैर मॉडलर प्रदान करता है. आप SWMM विशेषज्ञों के लिए, यह आपके SWMM मॉडल में इस्तेमाल के लिए लंबे समय तक वर्षा के आंकड़ों और मासिक एट दरों डाउनलोड करने के लिए एक आसान तरीका प्रदान करता है. 

ईपीए के राष्ट्रीय stormwater कैलक्यूलेटर अब जनता के लिए उपलब्ध है wswrd / wq / मॉडल / एसडब्ल्यूसी / 

ईपीए के राष्ट्रीय stormwater कैलक्यूलेटर वार्षिक वर्षा जल की मात्रा और कहीं भी संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में एक विशिष्ट साइट से अपवाह की आवृत्ति का अनुमान है कि एक डेस्कटॉप अनुप्रयोग है. अनुमान स्थानीय मिट्टी की स्थिति, भूमि कवर, और ऐतिहासिक वर्षा रिकॉर्ड पर आधारित हैं.  कैलक्यूलेटर कई राष्ट्रीय मिट्टी प्रदान कि डेटाबेस, स्थलाकृति, वर्षा, और चुने साइट के लिए वाष्पीकरण जानकारी तक पहुँचता है. उपयोगकर्ता साइट की भूमि को कवर के बारे में जानकारी की आपूर्ति और वे का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं पर नियंत्रण कम प्रभाव विकास (ढक्कन) के प्रकार का चयन करता है.
ल्यू Rossman 
जल आपूर्ति और जल संसाधन डिवीजन 
नेशनल जोखिम प्रबंधन अनुसंधान प्रयोगशाला 
अमेरिका पर्यावरण संरक्षण एजेंसी 
सिनसिनाटी, ओह 45268
ईपीए राष्ट्रीय stormwater कैलक्यूलेटर ग्राफिकल यूजर इंटरफेस

EPA Nationale Regenwasser Rechner

EPA Nationale Regenwasser Rechner

Heute von der EPA (Dr Lewis Rossman) ist ein USA Nationwide Stormwater Calculator 

Hier ist ein neues Tool, basierend auf SWPÄ, die von Interesse sein können. Es bietet nicht-Modellierer mit einer schnellen und einfachen Weg, um rigoros schätzen Regenabflüsse Volumina von deren Eigenschaften. Für Sie SWPÄ Experten bietet es einen einfachen Weg, um langfristig Niederschlagsdaten und monatliche Raten ET für den Einsatz in Ihrem SWPÄ Modelle herunterzuladen. 

EPA National Regenwasser Rechner ist nun der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich wswrd / wq / models / swc / 

EPA National Regenwasser Rechner ist eine Desktop-Anwendung, die den jährlichen Betrag von Regenwasser und die Häufigkeit der Abfluss aus einem bestimmten Platz überall in den Vereinigten Staaten schätzt. Die Schätzungen basieren auf lokalen Bodenverhältnisse, Bodenbedeckung und historischen Niederschläge Aufzeichnungen.  Der Rechner greift auf mehreren nationalen Datenbanken, die Erde zu schaffen, Topographie, Niederschlag und Verdunstung Informationen für den gewählten Ort. Der Benutzer liefert Informationen über die Website der Bodenbedeckung und wählt die Arten von geringen Auswirkungen Entwicklung (LID) steuert sie verwenden möchten.
Lew Rossman 
Wasserversorgung und Water Resources Abteilung 
Nationale Risk Management Research Laboratory 
US Environmental Protection Agency 
Cincinnati, OH 45268
EPA Nationale Regenwasser Rechner Graphical User Interface

AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...