Sunday, February 8, 2015

Robert Dickinson Product Sector Leader (PSL) for Innovyze Inc.

Robert Dickinson or a Post about what I do and more importantly a guide to my many links.
Product Sector Leader (PSL) for Innovyze Inc..
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Product Sector Leader with @Innovyze for InfoSWMM and InfoSewer, 37+ years w/ SWMM3/4/5! 8 Years w/ @Innovyze! 8 years @CDMSmith 8 years w/ XPSWMM 15 years @UF
PSL: InfoSWMM , InfoSewer, H2OMAP SWMM, H2OMAP SEWER and InfoSWMM Suite, InfoSWMM 2D
Other : ICM, ICM SE, IWCS, SWMMLive, SWMM5, InfoSWMM SFEM, InfoSWMM SUSTAIN, Any Other Innovyze Product (less)
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Little Known Fact about InfoSWMM: InfoSWMM 2D uses the ICM 2D hydraulic engine
The Current InfoSWMM Version is InfoSWMM v13 SP1 which is based on EPA SWMM 5.1.007 You can read about SWMM5 on Wikipedia and InfoSWMM vs SWMM 5 on this blog post. An advantage of updating to the newer version of Info/Map/SWMM/Sewer is a newly designed help file with many more FAQ’s and the User Guide as part of the help file.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

How to Make a Break Node in SWMM5 and InfoSWMM for Force Mains with Emojis

🔍 The central issue being highlighted is ensuring Force Mains are kept full (or d/D equal to 1) when the pumps activate. Achieving this in SWMM 5 can be a challenge due to its single Q link solution, compared to the 4 or more flow points in the IWCS solution. 🔄 There have been past suggestions to add a break node at the end of force mains to ensure they remain full. However, this doesn't always work, especially when a gravity main exists at the end of the rising force main. The gravity main instantly takes up the flow from the long force main, keeping the downstream node depth minimal, which results in the force main not being fully filled – leading to customer dissatisfaction. 😤 A potential solution is to amplify the gravity main roughness, simulating the transition from the force main to the gravity main, which keeps the depth elevated and the force main filled most of the time.

📝 Here are the eight suggestions:

  1. ⚙️ Use a Flap Gate for the rising main with HW Force Main Coefficients.
  2. 🔧 Add a Break Node at the end of your longer Force Mains with a Surcharge Depth using the Insert Manhole Tool.
  3. ⛓️ The d/D values for the force main usually being less than 1 is due to the downstream node of the Force Main having a low depth. Adding a Break Node ensures it remains fuller.
  4. 🌊 Change the link AFTER the Break Node to a Gravity Main, and increase the roughness n value (2 to 3 times rougher) to simulate the transition losses.
  5. 📈 This action will boost the node's depth at the Force Main's downstream end, ensuring it remains full most of the time.
  6. 📊 As highlighted, the force main link has a single Q and three depths. The d in the d/D graph is derived from the midpoint depth or the average of the link's upstream and downstream depths.
  7. 🚰 In model reality, the force main is always full at the link's upstream end but is affected by the low downstream depth.
  8. 🌟 Increasing the roughness in the gravity main makes results align more closely with user expectations for the d/D value, offering a realistic representation.

🌩️ Use a Flap Gate for the rising main with HW Force Main Coefficients.
🌩️ Introduce a Break Node at the end of longer Force Mains with a Surcharge Depth using the Insert Manhole Tool.
🌩️ The typical d/D values for the force main are less than 1 due to the downstream node's low depth. Adding a Break Node ensures it remains fuller.
🌩️ Post the Break Node, change the link to a Gravity Main. Increase the roughness n value for a realistic transition.
🌩️ This ensures the node's depth at the Force Main's downstream end remains high.
🌩️ The force main link has one Q and three depths, with the d in the d/D graph derived from the midpoint depth.
🌩️ In model reality, the force main remains full at the link's upstream end.
🌩️ Increasing the gravity main's roughness offers results that align closely with user expectations and offer a touch of reality.

Advanced Force Main Solution and Gravity Main Attenuation in InfoSewer for better Pump, Force Main, Gravity Main Simulations

This blog is about using the Advanced Force Main Solution and Gravity Main Attenuation in InfoSewer for better Pump, Force Main, Gravity Main Simulations  Lightning
  1. Select Advanced Force Main Solution and Flow Attenuation the Run Manager
  2. The overall Continuity Error will be Better
  3. Gravity mains will be closer to the Force Main Flows
  4. Force Main Flows will be closer to the Pump flows 
  5.   Lightning Select Advanced Force Main Solution and Flow Attenuation the Run Manager  Lightning Force Main Flows will be closer to the Pump flows 
      Lightning The overall Continuity Error will be Better  Lightning Gravity mains will be closer to the Force Main Flows

Advanced Force Main Solution and Gravity Main Attenuation in InfoSewer for better Pump, Force Main, Gravity Main Simulations

Steps to Import data into InfoSewer Using GIS Gateway

Here are the steps from the beginning for importing data into InfoSewer:
Make a new InfoSewer Model and add in the layers you want to import
Initialize the InfoSewer Arc Map to the Coordinates of the Layers you have added
Look at the Attributes of the of the Layers in Arc Map by using the command Open Attribute Table in Arc GIS – right mouse click on the Arc Map Table of Contents (TOC)
Turn off the Alias names as InfoSewer GIS Gateway only read the “real” column names
Use the InfoSewer GIS Gateway Tool clip_image010
Load the Nodes 1st using the PR_ID as the Mapping Field
The map fields for the X, Y Coordinates
Import the Diameter (Diam_Tamp) and Rim Elevation (PR_COT_TAP) for the Node
Load the defined GIS Gateway Layer
If the nodes were imported there should be a log message file and the nodes will be seen on the Map and in the InfoSewer Attribute Table
Exchanging data on 'NODEIMPORT'...
Turn off the Field Aliases for the Links so we can see the actual column names
Use TT_ID as the GIS ID Mapping Field
a. Gis Data Source:  C:\Users\ … \tram_tub
b. InfoSewer Data Source Type: Pipe Tables
c. Relate Type: Tabular Join
d. Update Direction: 0:Bi-Direction
e. Exchange Options: Create New Records
f. Tabular Join – GIS ID Mapping Field: TT_ID
g. Field Mapping:
Load the Links from the GIS Gateway and you should have your links on the Map and in the Attribute Browser, I did not import the From and To Nodes and the From and To Invert as I was not certain of the Attribute Tables.

3D and 2D Bar graphs of the Process Components in InfoSWMM

The new InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM v13  graphics allow you to easily make 3D and 2D Bar graphs of the Process components in the model.  The possible processes and the output of the processes can be seen in the Routing Continuity Output Table (Figure 1).  You can make both 3D Bar Graphs (Figure 2) and 2D Bar Graphs (Figure 3) from the data an any other tabular data.
Figure 1. Continuity Flow Routing Output Table (right mouse click to see graphics options)
Figure 2.  Log Scale with 3D Bar Graphs using the Continuity Flow Routing Output Table.
Figure 3.  Log Scale with 2D Bar Graphs using the Continuity Flow Routing Output Table.
You can also make these Bar Graphs with the the Summary Tables (Figure 4).
Figure 4.  2D Bar Graphs for the Storage Summary Table.

AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...