Saturday, October 21, 2023

Emojis - 🌊🌱 Sediment Dynamics in InfoWorks ICM 🌱🌊

 🌊🌱 Sediment Dynamics in InfoWorks ICM 🌱🌊

When it comes to Water Quality Simulations, sediment plays a pivotal role. Here's a detailed breakdown:

🛤️ Sediment in Conduits 🛤️ In InfoWorks ICM, sediment behavior in pipes is bifurcated into two primary layers:

  1. Passive Layer: This remains static throughout any simulation.
  2. Active Layer: This layer can undergo erosion, transportation, and deposition during a water quality simulation.

Should the sum of these layers exceed 80% of the conduit's height, further deposition is halted.

🛠️ You can adjust the interaction between sediment depth and hydraulic calculations through the QM Parameters Dialog during run setup.

🔍 Pipe Sediment in InfoWorks ICM 🔍

  1. Passive Layer:

    • Acts as a fixed constraint within the pipe.
    • Depth is adjusted using "Sediment Depth" for each conduit or through the "Pipe Sediment Data".
  2. Active Layer:

    • Comprises mobile sediment.
    • Constituted by one or two sediment fractions: Sediment Fraction 1 (SF1) and Sediment Fraction 2 (SF2).
    • Parameters for sediment include D50 (average particle size) and Specific Gravity (density).

To adjust the passive layer, you can either redefine values in the "Sediment Depth" field or utilize the "Pipe Sediment Data".

🌊 River Reach Bed Sediment 🌊 The river bed's sediment is categorized into three distinct layers:

  1. Active Layer: Found on the river bed's surface.
  2. Deposited Layer: Located below the active layer.
  3. Parent Layer: Found beneath the deposited layer, representing the original river bed.

🍃 Active Layer:

  • The thickness is a function of the d50 or d90 bed material size.
  • As sediment accumulates, a corresponding volume is transferred to the layer below.

🌾 Deposited Layer:

  • Contains material previously situated in the active layer.
  • Can diminish to zero when all its content is transferred to the active layer.

🌍 Parent Layer:

  • Represents the riverbed and is defined by the Sediment Gradings.
  • Erosion can occur, transferring material to the active layer, but no material is added back.

In essence, understanding sediment dynamics in InfoWorks ICM is crucial for accurate water quality simulations, given its intricate interactions and implications for water flow and quality. 🌊🔍📊

Emojis - 📖🌊 Water Quality Simulations (InfoWorks) 🌊📖 for ICM InfoWorks and ICM SWMM

 📖🌊 Water Quality Simulations (InfoWorks) 🌊📖

When diving into water quality simulations within an InfoWorks 1D network, the primary objective is to emulate the sediment accumulation in the network and track the movement of sediment and contaminants through the drainage system during a precipitation event. 🌧️🔬

For insights on 2D network water quality modelling, refer to the 📑 "2D Water Quality Simulations" section.

The success of pollutant modelling hinges on a robust set of starting conditions. Thus, it's pivotal to conduct an initialisation simulation for a substantial period before the main water quality event simulation. 🔄📆 The terminal state of this initialisation becomes the starting point for the main model. To get a deeper dive into initial conditions, see the "Initial Conditions" section.

Typically, the simulation setting up the model's initial state will mirror a dry weather flow scenario, but sometimes it might encapsulate a rain event. 🌦️

📌 Stages to Execute a Water Quality Simulation 📌

  1. Setting Up Data 📊

    • Configure water quality-specific parameters for the network.
    • Incorporate pollutant details for Trade and Wastewater Events.
    • Implement Pollutographs to signify pollutant inputs tied with inflow or level hydrographs.
    • Choose the build-up/washoff model for simulations, considering whether to use Innovyze or SWMM models.
    • Ensure sediment features, especially diameter (d50) and specific gravity, for each sediment fraction are defined.
  2. Setting Initial Conditions - Initialisation Run 🔄

    • Establish the network's starting state, either through a dry weather flow simulation or a buildup period for surface sediment. This is crucial for the subsequent modelling runs.
    • Execute an initialisation run, which often is a dry weather flow run.
  3. Carrying Out Simulations - Modelling Runs 🌧️

    • Post the configuration of the initial state, actual modelling runs can commence.
    • For these runs, you'll need to incorporate one or more rainfall events and ensure all other parameters remain consistent with the initial run.
  4. Viewing Results 👀

    • Analyze water quality outcomes similarly to a regular hydraulic simulation. There are extra results fields available explicitly for water quality simulations.

📚 Discussion & Conclusions 📚 Determining which method to use for inlet simulations is crucial. If water is flowing smoothly along a road, a flow efficiency relationship is recommended. However, if there's ponding at the inlet, a head discharge relationship becomes vital. 🚧🌊

For sag inlets, oscillations may be observed as they transition between weir and orifice equations. This can potentially destabilize models, especially if the transition occurs at shallow depths. 💧🔄

References: 📖

  • "Urban Drainage Design Manual", focusing on Pavement Drainage and Drainage Inlet Design.
  • The Highways Agency's "Design Manual for Roads and Bridges".
  • City of Fort Worth's "Storm Water Management Design Manual". 🌐

Remember, consistent data and an understanding of the network's characteristics are vital for achieving accurate and meaningful water quality simulations! 💧🔍🌍

Emojis Inlet 📖🔍 7. Discussion 🔍📖 on ICM InfoWorks

 📖🔍 7. Discussion 🔍📖

The pivotal query surrounding inlets is: "Which method is the best fit?" 🤔💧. In scenarios where water is streaming unobstructed along a roadway, bypassing an inlet, the recommendation leans towards employing a flow efficiency relationship. 🚗💦. If the inlet aligns with one of the standard categories from HEC22, then the pertinent standard equation is the way to go. If not, it's suggested to lay out a user-defined flow/efficiency relationship. 📊📝. On the flip side, when water accumulates at the inlet's location, rendering it relatively static and not flowing past the inlet dynamically, a head discharge relationship should be the order of the day. 🌀🕳.

A noticeable element in some equations is the depth-at-inlet component. 📉💧. Its magnitude is majorly swayed by the base flow depth, which, by default stance, stands at 5% of the pipe's stature. 🚰📌. A piece of advice that resonates is to trim this default to the slightest extent necessary to uphold model stability – a factor that's bound to differ across cases. ⚖️🔧.

Highlighting the SAG grate and SAG combination inlets, an oscillation is foreseeable as they transition from the weir to the orifice equation. 🔄🌊. This metamorphosis is vividly showcased in some illustrations in Appendix A. 📘🔗. A word of caution: models have a tendency to go haywire at this juncture, predominantly if this shift from weir to orifice flow materializes at a shallow depth. ⚠️🔄.

📚 References 📚

  1. 📘 Urban Drainage Design Manual, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 22, Second Edition, Section 4, Pavement Drainage’, with a spotlight on Section 4.4, Drainage Inlet Design.
  2. 🚧 The Highways Agency. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Section 3, Spacing of Road Gullies. Report HA 102/00. November 2000.
  3. 🏙 City of Fort Worth, Storm Water Management Design Manual. March 2006. Link here 🌐.

Emojis - ICM InfoWorks - 🌊💡 2D Inlet Node Parameters Explained 💡🌊

 🌊💡 2D Inlet Node Parameters Explained 💡🌊

🛣️ On the Roadway: As we've previously discussed, when you're diving into continuous inlets, you're going to want some specific details from that roadway! For your Inlet input type titled 'Params', here's what you'll need:

🔗 Continuous Grate Inlet: Get both the inflow and the velocity🌪️. 🔗 Continuous Curb-Opening Inlet: Just the inflow will do!🌊. 🔗 Continuous UPC Grate Inlet: You'll need the inflow and the half road width (denoted as x)📏.

🚧 When using a 1D model for your inlet, the road's flow, or Q, comes from the overland conduits that connect to the inlet's upstream end. But with 2D inlets, you must specify a Cross slope to calculate that inflow.

📚 Doing the Math: Let's break down the equations!

Qinflow = A . v (Equation 22📝) is where:

  • v is the velocity in the mesh element containing the inlet node 🌪️.

A = 0.5 . T .d (Equation 23📝) is determined by:

  • d being the depth in the mesh element containing the inlet node 🌊.

T = d/Sx (Equation 24📝) is where:

  • Sx is your cross slope, provided by you, the user! ⛷️.

🔶 UPC Grate Needs: For this, a Half road width value is essential for a 2D inlet.

🕳️ Sag Inlets: These inlets are first modeled as weirs, but after reaching a specific depth, they transition to being modeled as orifices. You'll need a user-defined depth value for all sag inlet types. The equations used here are inspired by the FHWA HEC 22 Urban Drainage Manual.

🔳 Grate Inlet Needs: Your Node Property Sheet will ask for:

  • Width of grate📏.
  • Length of grate📐.
  • Clear opening area of grate⬛.

A clogging factor might also be in the picture, representing a reduction in the grate's width.

🔵 Curb-opening Inlet: Your Node Property Sheet should include:

  • Length of curb opening📏.
  • Lateral width of gutter depression🔍.
  • Height of the curb opening📊.

🌈 Combination Inlet: For this, you'll need:

  • Width of grate📏.
  • Length of grate📐.
  • Clear opening area of grate⬛.
  • Height of the curb opening📊.
  • Length of the curb opening📈.

A clogging factor may come into play again, indicating a potential reduction in the grate's width.

By understanding and utilizing these parameters, you can ensure optimal performance and accurate modeling of your inlets! 🎉📚🌊.

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