Sunday, October 22, 2023

ICM InfoWorks Emoji laden Glossary 📖

 Glossary 📖

  • Absolute Date and Time 📅: InfoWorks ICM simulations can run using absolute or relative dates and times...
  • Acute impacts ⚡: Caused by high concentrations of pollutants for a short duration...
  • Advection (solution) 🌊: Solution to movement of sediments/ pollutants in the flow...
  • Aesthetic Pollution 🎨: Usually refers to solid material washed into river banks...
  • Air entrainment 🌀: The process by which bubbles or pockets of air are caught...
  • Anaerobic process 🚫💨: A process carried out in the absence of air...
  • Ancillary structure 🏗️: A structure within a sewerage system which is not a sewer...
  • ANTEC 📊: Data which defines whether the depression storage on the catchment surface is full...
  • Antecedent conditions ☔: The wetness of a catchment before a rainfall event...
  • Areal reduction factor 📉: A factor applied to synthetic point rainfall depths...
  • Asymptotic ➡️: A line is asymptotic to a particular curve if it continually approaches...
  • Biochemical Oxygen Demand 🌱💧: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is usually expressed...
  • Boundary Shear Stress 🌊🛑: The retarding force (usually friction)...
  • CARP 🐠: Comparative Acceptable River Pollution (procedure)...
  • Catchment Runoff Data 💧: Describes the initial state of subcatchment surfaces...
  • Catchment Sediment Data 🏞️: Describes the initial mass of sediment on subcatchment surfaces...
  • Chronic Impacts 🔄: Caused by prolonged exposure to low pollution concentration...
  • Chronomids 🐛: Midge larvae very common in moderately polluted water in the UK...
  • Chemical Oxygen Demand ⚗️: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is a measure...
  • Combined Network 🌧️🚽: A sewer network which collects rainfall...
  • Combined Sewerage System 🚿🌧️: A sewerage system in which both foul sewage and storm water are carried...
  • Consented Discharges ✅: Discharges meeting the conditions imposed...
  • Consolidated Sediment 🌊: Sediment which has become impressed...
  • Continuation Pipe 🚽: Usually refers to the pipe at a tank which continues...
  • Contributing Area 🏞️: The area of the catchment which contributes...
  • Critical Dilution Factor 💧: The dilution factor of a receiving water...
  • CSO 🌧️🚽: Combined Sewer Overflow...
  • CSV 📄: CSV is one implementation of a delimited text file...
  • CSV files 📁: Comma Separated Variable file format...
  • Current Active Window 💻: The current Active Window in any Microsoft Windows application...
  • Data Flags 🚩: You can apply user-defined data flags...
  • Database Data 💾: The data stored in a standalone, workgroup, or cloud database...
  • Database Items 📦: Any item stored in the Database...
  • Depression Storage 🌧️: The depth of water retained on the ground surface...
  • Design storm 🌩️: A rainfall event of a given duration...
  • Detention Tanks 🛢️: Tanks constructed in a sewerage system...
  • Digital Converters 🔌: Equipment which translates data...
  • Dilution and Fate Model 💧: A model which accounts for the various factors...
  • Dilution Model 💧: Models the mixing and dispersion of a contaminant...
  • Diurnal Variation 🔄: (Usually related to dry weather flow) Represents the variation...
  • Domestic (foul) Inflow 🏠💧: Waste water from residential areas...
  • Dummy Pipe 🚫🚽: A non-existent pipe included in the model...
  • Efficiency Factor 💹: Factor introduced to predict the behavior...
  • Ensemble 🌐: A population of simulations...
  • Environmental Quality Objective (EQO) 🌍: Water quality objectives...
  • Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) 🌱💧: A defined maximum admissible concentration...
  • Eschericha Coli 🦠: A bacterium present in huge numbers...
  • Eutrophication 🌊🌱: Process of nutrient build-up...
  • Extreme Event ⛈️: Single occurrence of an event...
  • Faecal Contamination 💩💧: Water sample which has been exposed...
  • First foul flush 🌧️🚽: The initial associated discharge of active sediments...
  • Flow Regime 🌊: The typical variation of discharge of a waterway...
  • Flow Survey (sewers) 🚽📊: Systemized analysis of the hydraulic behavior...
  • Foul Water 💧🚽: Domestic or industrial waste water...
  • Free-space Propagation (telemetry) 📡: The transfer of data using the air...
  • Full run 🔄: A run that performs the full range of simulations...
  • Gross Solids 🌊: Solids either floating, suspended...
  • Gully Pot 🚽: A structure to permit the entry of surface runoff...
  • GUID 🆔: A Globally Unique IDentifier...
  • Herbicides 🌱☠️: Chemicals designed to kill plants...
  • Hydraulic Capacity 🌊: The maximum flow a pipe...
  • Hydraulic Performance 🚽📊: The flow conditions in a system...
  • Hydrogen Sulphide 💨: Poisonous and highly corrosive gas...
  • Hydrograph 📉: A series of values in numerical...
  • Hyetograph 🌧️📊: A series of rainfall intensity values...
  • ICA 🎛️: Describing the subject of Instrumentation, Control, and Automation...
  • Impermeable surface 🛑💧: Surface which resists the infiltration of water...
  • Industrial Discharge 🏭💧: Outflow from an industrial unit...
  • Infiltration flows (to sewers) 🌧️🚽: Groundwater which enters sewers...
  • Infiltration flows (to the ground) 🌧️🌱: Rainfall which soaks into the ground...
  • Inflow Pollutograph 💧📊: A series of values expressing the variation...
  • Intensity/Duration/Frequency Relationship 🌧️🔄: A table or graph showing the way...
  • Intercepting sewers 🚽: A sewer collecting discharge...
  • Intrinsically Safe (IS) 🛡️: BS standard which, for sewers...
  • Land Use 🌱🏠: The land use defines a set of typical values...
  • Magnitude/Duration/Frequency 🌧️🔄: See Intensity/Duration/Frequency...
  • Micro-biological 🦠: The biological processes concerning micro-organisms...
  • Minor timestep ⏲️: Timestep inserted between run timesteps...
  • Model Group 💾📊: The model data and results...
  • Multiplexer-analog 🎛️: Instrumentation unit which sends/receives signals...
  • Native Units 📏: The default units used within InfoWorks ICM...
  • Non-visual object 🚫👁️: A database object which is associated...
  • Normalized System Inflow 🔄💧: The total inflow to a system...
  • Odour 🦠💨: Offensive smell resulting from decay...
  • Overland Flow 🌊🌱: The proportion of rainfall which flows...
  • Parshall Flume 🚽: A device for measuring flow...
  • Pathogenic 🦠☠️: Organisms which can cause disease...
  • Permeable Surface 💧🌱: A surface which allows the infiltration...
  • Pesticides ☠️: Chemicals designed to kill pests...
  • PISCES 🐠📊: Program for Intelligent Sewer Control and Evaluation...
  • Point Source 📍💧: A specific location from which pollutants...
  • Pollution Load 🌊☠️: The total mass of pollutants...
  • Precipitation 🌧️: Rain, snow, sleet, or hail...
  • Pre-processing 🔄📊: Stage in InfoWorks ICM run cycle...
  • Primary Sedimentation 🌊: The settling out of solid material...
  • Process Simulator 🔄💧: The part of the InfoWorks ICM software...
  • Prolific growth 🌱: Rapid growth of micro-organisms...
  • Propagation 🔄: The transmission of a wave...
  • Proximity to sea 🌊: How close a catchment is to the sea...
  • Pump Head 🚿: The vertical distance between the centerline...
  • Rain Gauge 🌧️📏: An instrument for collecting and measuring...
  • Rainfall Intensity 🌧️📊: The depth of rain falling in a given time...
  • Rainfall Runoff Model 🌧️💧: A mathematical representation...
  • Real Time Control (RTC) ⏲️🔄: The control of elements in real time...
  • Receiving Waters 🌊📊: A body of water into which pollutants...
  • Redox Potential 🌱🔌: The potential of a solution...
  • Reference Node 📍: Used as a reference point...
  • Relative Date and Time ⏲️: InfoWorks ICM simulations can run using relative...
  • Reproduction factor 🔄: The number of times a single organism...
  • Reverse Mode 🔄: A mode where the direction of flow...
  • Rising Main 🚿: A pressurized pipeline...
  • RTK Unit 🌍📍: Real-Time Kinematic, a satellite navigation system...
  • Runoff Path 🌊🌱: The route which overland flow takes...
  • SAG 🌍📉: Sediment Aggregation...
  • Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) 🚽🌊: Overflows from sanitary sewers...
  • Sediment Traps 🌊🔒: Devices designed to catch sediment...
  • Sewerage Area 🚽🏞️: A clearly defined area...
  • Sluice Gates 🌊🚪: A movable gate used to control water flow...
  • Solids Flux 🌊📊: The mass of solid material...
  • Solution Advection 🌊➡️: The process where solutes move with the flow...
  • Spot Sample 📍🔍: A sample taken at a specific time and place...
  • Standard Deviation 📊: A measure of how much the values...
  • Storage tanks 🛢️: Large tanks used to store water...
  • Storm Sewer 🌧️🚽: A sewer designed to carry storm water...
  • Subcatchment 🏞️📉: A clearly defined area...
  • Surface Roughness 🌱📏: The roughness of a surface...
  • Surface Water Sewer 🌧️🚽: A sewer which only carries rainfall...
  • SWMM 🌧️💻: Storm Water Management Model...
  • Synthetic Rainfall 🌧️🔄: Computer-generated rainfall data...
  • Telemetry 📡: The transmission of data...
  • Time of Concentration ⏲️📊: The time taken for rainfall to flow...
  • Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) 💧📊: The maximum amount of a pollutant...
  • Transducer 🎛️: A device which converts one form of energy...
  • Treatment Work 🌊🏭: A plant where waste water...
  • Turbidity 🌊🌀: A measure of the cloudiness...
  • TYPHOON 🌀📊: Typhoon Hydrodynamic Model...
  • Unit Hydrograph 🌊📏: A hydrograph resulting from a unit depth...
  • Urban Pollution Management (UPM) 🌆☠️: Management of pollutants in urban areas...
  • Water Framework Directive (WFD) 🌊📜: EU directive aiming to protect water quality...
  • Water Quality Model 🌊📊: Mathematical representation...
  • Weir 🌊🚪: A barrier across a river...

ICM InfoWorks Emoji - Scenarios: A Deep Dive 🌍🔍

 Scenarios: A Deep Dive 🌍🔍

In the world of network modeling, scenarios serve as a powerful tool, allowing users to explore multiple variations of a network without the hassle of creating separate branched networks. Imagine having the ability to visualize how different parameters, like pipe sizes or materials, could impact simulations - that's the beauty of scenarios! 🛠️🌐

Navigating the World of Scenarios 🚀🗺️ Though scenarios branch out from a base network, they're unique in that they don't stand alone in the Explorer Window. Instead, they're snugly nested within the base network. You can dive into them by opening the base network and then choosing your desired scenario from the super handy Scenarios Toolbar. 🛠️🔧

Remember, any tweaks or changes you make to the base network will ripple through to the scenarios. 🌊 But, there's a catch! 🎣 If you make changes to a specific field in a scenario, making it differ from its base, then any subsequent tweaks in the base won't reflect in that scenario. It's like they have their own protective bubble! However, if you align the scenario field value back with the base, the connection is restored, and they're in sync again. 🔄💡

Objects that exist in the base network but not in the current scenario appear ghostly, fading into a grey hue on the scenario GeoPlan window. For those who love options, you can choose to display these 'phantom objects' or keep them hidden. 🌫️👻

The InfoWorks ICM Scenarios Toolbar: Your Swiss Army Knife 🪓🔍 This toolbar is packed with features! You can:

  • Peek at excluded objects in a grid format. 👀
  • Restore a bunch of excluded objects to a scenario in one go. 🔄
  • Bring back a select group of excluded objects to a scenario. You can handpick these using the Excluded object select tool or from the Selection menu. 📋✨

A Glimpse into Scenario Creation 🎨🔍 Let's say a new neighborhood is popping up in a town, and you need to figure out how to link it to the existing sewer system. Instead of starting from scratch, scenarios can be your canvas, allowing you to visualize and model different connection options. 🏘️🔗

Here's a little structure breakdown to help you visualize how scenarios are built and interact:

  1. Scenarios sprout from a base network. Any tweaks to the base will cascade down to the scenarios. 💧🌱
  2. You can clone scenarios. This is just like a classic Copy/Paste operation on a computer. The copied scenarios are independent and free from the influence of the original. 🖥️📋
  3. If two scenarios have the same parent, they're like siblings - unique and independent. Tweaks to one won't affect the other. 👫

Crafting Your Scenario 🎨✏️ To breathe life into a new scenario:

  1. Hit the Create Scenario button on the Scenarios toolbar or venture into the Network menu.
  2. If you've imported subcatchment data or created it on the Subcatchment Grid Window, your subcatchment might not have boundary details. Fear not! You can either conjure up dummy boundaries or use the Thiessen Polygon method. 🧙📏
  3. To sketch out dummy boundaries, simply choose 'Subcatchment > Create dummy boundaries' from the Model menu. InfoWorks ICM will then craft circular boundaries for subcatchments lacking boundary info. 🔄🔵
  4. If you're keen on the Thiessen Polygon method, start by sketching a bounding polygon. Within its confines, subcatchment boundaries will take shape. You can even limit the boundary creation to a select group of nodes! 🎨✨

Scenario Management: Renaming, Deleting, and More! 🔄🗑️✏️ Whether you need to give your scenario a fresh name, delete it, or even promote it to the status of the base network, the process is simple and intuitive. The Scenarios toolbar and Network menu are your go-to destinations for all these tasks. And if you ever find yourself in doubt, the handy Manage Scenarios dialog is there to guide you through. 💼🔧

Scenario Comparison: Spotting the Differences 🧐🔍 Ever wanted to pinpoint the differences between two scenarios or see how a scenario varies from the base network? The Manage Scenarios dialog has got you covered. With just a few clicks, you can generate a detailed report highlighting all the differences. 📊📈

Elevating a Scenario 🌟🚀 If you've crafted a scenario that's pure gold and want it to take the throne as the base network, you can! Use the Reintegrate button, and watch your chosen scenario rise to prominence. Alternatively, you can also duplicate a scenario to create a new base network, which can be especially handy when you want to branch out and explore new possibilities. 🌌🔭

Finishing Touches: Editing Scenario Notes 📝💭 Whether you want to jot down some insights or make changes to existing notes, the Manage Scenarios dialog is your notebook. Dive in, make your edits, save, and you're all set! 📖✍️

Emoji - ICM InfoWorks - Crafting the Perfect Subcatchment Boundaries 🌍🖊️🔍

 Crafting the Perfect Subcatchment Boundaries 🌍🖊️🔍

Introduction to Subcatchment Crafting 🌟📚
Subcatchments are essential elements in hydrological modeling, and creating them accurately ensures efficient water flow predictions. Within InfoWorks ICM, these areas can be meticulously crafted either by sketching polygons directly on the GeoPlan Window or by importing them. Think of these polygons as tailored dresses fitting perfectly on the landscape, ensuring every drop of water is accounted for. 🌧️🗺️

The Art of Digitising Subcatchments 🎨✍️
To bring a subcatchment to life, simply draw a polygon right on your map, wrapping it around one or multiple nodes. A golden rule to remember: ensure your subcatchment's borders are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, perfectly aligning with its neighboring subcatchments. 🧩🌐

And for those who've got their subcatchment data from external sources, fear not! InfoWorks ICM's Open Data Import Centre is your gateway to bring those subcatchments onboard. 🚪📤

But What If My Subcatchment Lacks Boundaries? 🤔🔲
Occasionally, you might find yourself with a subcatchment missing its boundary info. But fret not! InfoWorks ICM offers two nifty solutions: crafting dummy boundaries or employing the renowned Thiessen Polygon method.

Crafting Those Dummy Boundaries 🎈🔘
Here's how you create those placeholder boundaries:

  1. Navigate to the Model menu and opt for Subcatchment > Create dummy boundaries.
  2. Voilà! Circular boundaries emerge for all subcatchments missing their boundary tales. These circles aren't just random; their area reflects the subcatchment's total area as listed on your grid or property sheet.
  3. Now, these dummy boundaries are ready for edits just like any regular subcatchment boundary.

Thiessen Polygons: The Boundary Wizards 🧙‍♂️🔺
Thiessen Polygons are the unsung heroes when it comes to generating subcatchment boundaries. To kick off this magic:

  1. Sketch a bounding polygon, defining the realm within which subcatchment boundaries will blossom.
  2. If you're feeling adventurous, limit the boundary creation by selecting specific nodes.
  3. Ready to replace old subcatchment boundaries? No problem! You've got the power to do so.
  4. Once you're set, it's time to summon those boundaries with the "Subcatchment > Create within selected polygon" from the Model menu.

Conclusion: Crafting with Precision 🌟📏
Creating subcatchments in InfoWorks ICM is more than just a technical process; it's an art. Whether you're sketching them manually, importing, or using advanced methods like Thiessen polygons, the aim remains the same: precision. With the right boundaries, every raindrop, every flow, and every water event can be predicted, analyzed, and managed efficiently. Happy modeling! 🌊📊🎉

Emojis for ICM InfoWorks - Diving Deep into Ground Infiltration Modelling 🌍💧🌱

 Diving Deep into Ground Infiltration Modelling 🌍💧🌱

Ground Infiltration Model Overview 📚✨
At the heart of InfoWorks ICM, we find a sophisticated double reservoir model that paints a vivid picture of both rainfall-induced infiltration and groundwater infiltration. Representing the very essence of the earth's layers, these reservoirs symbolize soil storage and ground storage respectively. But what about those dry days or tidal influences? No worries! Dry weather infiltration and tidal infiltration are also included, leaving their mark on the groundwater table. 🌦️🌵🌊

Though the model might seem simplified at first glance, it's rooted in the intricate dance of bulk mass balance equations and flow equations. This blend captures the nuances of the physical world around us. However, a little calibration magic might be needed to truly capture the essence. 🧙‍♂️🔧

Rain, Runoff and the Ground Beneath 🌧️🏞️
Rainfall doesn't just wet the ground; it's the starting point of a journey. There are three pivotal pillars when it comes to rainfall runoff:

  1. Initial loss (a.k.a depression storage 🥤),
  2. The volume of runoff 🌊, and
  3. Routing that runoff 🌐.

As rain kisses the earth, it's first stored in surface depressions, which might evaporate over time. But once these depressions have had their fill, the game changes. The overflow now takes two paths: some rushes as runoff, and the rest seeps into the soil storage reservoir. 🌍💦

Now, here's where things get interesting. When our soil reservoir is saturated to its brink, it sends water deeper down. Some of this water might sneak directly into our drainage network, while the rest feeds the groundwater storage reservoir. But remember, the water in the soil isn't just chilling – it's also facing evaporation, albeit at a snail's pace. 🐌🌱

Groundwater – The Silent Mover 🌊🔍
Our groundwater storage reservoir is a hub of activity. Once it's filled to a certain point, it starts losing water as baseflow. And when the groundwater level rises even more, infiltration kicks in. One of the gems of this model is its calibration ability: the groundwater storage level can be aligned with the real-world groundwater table. This sets the stage for realistic infiltration levels, especially when tied to the node that a particular subcatchment drains into. 📈🌍

For those locales where tides play a dominant role in infiltration, there's room for customization. Users can define a time-varying profile for the groundwater storage level. When this is in place, it takes precedence, guiding groundwater infiltration based on its rhythmic undulations. 🌊🔄

Breaking Down the Equations 🧮📝
InfoWorks ICM is more than just concepts; it's grounded in robust mathematical equations. From modelling the initial storage of rainwater in depressions to the complex dynamics of the soil and ground reservoirs, each step is quantified. These equations, rooted in real-world physics, help model everything from the percolation of water to the losses from evaporation and baseflow. And for those who love to dive into the nitty-gritty, there are detailed equations for each step, ensuring that the model is both comprehensive and precise. 📊🔍

The Takeaway 📌🌟
Ground infiltration is a complex yet fascinating dance of water, soil, and the forces of nature. InfoWorks ICM, with its blend of concepts, models, and equations, offers a window into this world, ensuring that we can model, predict, and understand the myriad ways in which water moves through our world. Whether you're a researcher, an engineer, or just someone fascinated by the world of hydrology, InfoWorks ICM offers a treasure trove of insights waiting to be explored. Dive in! 🌍💧📘

Emoji - ICM InfoWorks- Delving into Ground Infiltration in Drainage Systems 🌍💧

 Delving into Ground Infiltration in Drainage Systems 🌍💧

Navigating the complex landscape of drainage system flows, it's crucial to acknowledge that they often surpass the combined flows from stormwater runoff and domestic/trade inflows. Enter the often-underestimated factor: Ground Infiltration.

Understanding Ground Infiltration: 🌧️🕳️
When you notice that the flow in drainage systems isn't adding up, it's often due to infiltration. This sneaky infiltrate enters the system through cracks, defects, or porous walls. But here's the catch: unlike the quick response of runoff to rainfall, infiltration inflows are the slow pokes of the flow world.

There are two primary culprits:

  1. Rainfall-Induced Infiltration: 🌦️➡️🌍
    After a storm, soil water doesn't just sit tight. Some of it infiltrates directly into the drainage network, impacting flow within hours or even days post-storm.

  2. Groundwater Infiltration: 🌊⬇️
    Rain doesn't just affect the surface. Some of it dives deeper, reaching the groundwater reservoir. Over weeks or months, this can elevate groundwater levels, leading to groundwater seepage into the drainage system.

Incorporating Infiltration in Simulations: 🖥️🔍
To weave in infiltration dynamics into a network simulation, you'll need to craft one or more ground infiltration records. Each record, identifiable by its unique Ground Infiltration ID, lays out the infiltration data blueprint for specific subcatchments. You'll create and tweak these records in the dedicated Ground Infiltration Grid Window under the Subcatchments Grid. Linking them to subcatchments is a breeze – simply specify the Ground Infiltration ID in the Subcatchment Grid Window. And yes, one Ground Infiltration definition can wear multiple hats, associating with various subcatchments.

The Role of the Ground Infiltration Object: 📜
It's the stalwart that sets the stage, defining the unchanging groundwater traits of the subcatchment.

Ground Infiltration Event – The Time Traveler: 🕐
For those dynamic groundwater infiltration patterns, you'll need a Ground Infiltration Event. It paints a time-lapse picture, detailing how groundwater infiltration behaves over a duration.

For a deep dive into the intricate infiltration modeling in InfoWorks ICM, the Ground Infiltration Model topic is your go-to resource. Dive in and let the insights flow! 🌍💧📘

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