Monday, October 23, 2023

Emoji ICM InfoWorks - 📊 Scatter Graph Guide 📊

 📊 Scatter Graph Guide 📊

📏 1. Axes Configuration:

  • Select Variables: Choose at least one pair of variables for your scatter graph.
  • 🌈 Dual Display: Want a second pair of variables on the same graph? Check the Show a Second Scatter Plot on the same graph box. This will be displayed in a different color by default.
  • 🛠️ Customization: Adjust plot options using the Graph Properties dialog.

📈 2. Additional Lines:

  • Gridlines: Enhance your graph's clarity by adding horizontal or vertical lines. Simply check the Horizontal Lines or Vertical Lines boxes.
  • Values: Add values for your additional gridlines. For multiple values, separate them using semi-colons.

🔄 3. Reference Curves (Extended Version):

Note: This is available when graphing with an open network & for specific data types.

  • Link Data: If you're graphing Velocity against Depth (or vice-versa), this is for links only. The link's ID you're graphing will be shown.
  • Alternate Link: You can input an alternative link ID. If a link is specified:
    • The link's properties (shape, width, height, gradient) will be displayed.
    • Generate curves such as:
      • ISO-Q 📐
      • ISO-Froude 🌀
      • Manning 🌊
      • Hazen-Williams 💧
      • Colebrook-White 🌪️

🚀 4. Generating Scatter Graphs:

  • 🖱️ Click the Scatter Graph icon (📊) on the Graph toolbar to open the Generate Scatter Graph dialog.
  • 🧭 Choose your variable pairs for the axes.
  • 🌈 For a secondary plot, check Show a Second Plot and pick another pair of variables.
  • 📈 Add gridlines as needed by checking the respective boxes and inputting values.
  • 🔄 If plotting Depth against Velocity with an open network, you can add reference curves.
  • ✅ Hit OK to generate the scatter graph!

🎨 5. Customizing Graph Display:

  • Right-click on your scatter graph and choose Graph Properties for customization options.

Craft compelling scatter graphs with this guide and let your data speak! 🌟📉📈.

Emoji ICM InfoWorks - 📚 1D Erosion/Deposition Model Guide 📚

 📚 1D Erosion/Deposition Model Guide 📚

🌊 Erosion/Deposition Model Selection:

  • Field Name: Erosion/deposition model
  • Help Text: Choose the 1D erosion/deposition model utilized by the simulation engine. For more information, refer to the Conduit Model.
  • Database Field: erosion_model
  • Data Type: Text
  • Size: 12
  • Units: (No units)
  • Precision: 0
  • Default: Ackers-White
  • Error Lower Limit: -
  • Error Upper Limit: -
  • Warning Lower Limit: -
  • Warning Upper Limit: -

Model Options:

  1. Ackers-White
    • Database Value: Ackers-White
    • Help Text: Ackers White Model
  2. Velikanov
    • Database Value: Velikanov
    • Help Text: Velikanov Model
  3. KUL
    • Database Value: KUL
    • Help Text: KUL Model

🌱 Active Layer Depth Method (1D):

  • Field Name: Active layer depth method (1D)
  • Help Text: Method for determining the depth of the active layer.

Method Options:

  1. Explicit:
    • Database Value: Explicit
    • Help Text: Use the value specified in the Active layer depth field.
  2. D50:
    • Database Value: D50
    • Help Text: The thickness of the active layer is calculated as the d50 material size multiplied by the Active layer depth factor.
  3. D90:
    • Database Value: D90
    • Help Text: The thickness of the active layer is calculated as the d90 material size multiplied by the Active layer depth factor.

Choose the right method and model to ensure accurate erosion and deposition simulation results! 📝🌍🌧️.

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