Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to Use Bing Maps in InfoSWMM as a Basemap

Note:   How to Use Bing Maps in InfoSWMM as a Basemap

How to Use Bing Maps in InfoSWMM as a Basemap

by dickinsonre
Note:   How to Use Bing Maps in InfoSWMM as a Basemap 
A great feature of Arc GIS 10 is the ability to use background maps from Bing for your model.  A few steps are necessary to set up the coordinates, import the basemap, clip the basemap and set the new extents:

Step 1.  Set the Current Coordinate System for the intended network.

 Step 2.  Add the Aerial Basemap from Bing Maps.
 Step 3.  The Base Map has to be clipped and zoomed.

Step 4.  Zoom to your network and clip the rest of the Map out of the Maximum Extents.

Step 5.  Set the Maximum Extents of your Network using the Data Frame Tab in Data Frame Properties.

 Step 6.  You can also set the background color for the area outside of the clipped Base Map if you so desire using the Frame Tab.
 Step 7.  You now can add nodes and links and view the locale using Google Street View or other using the Tools Preferences. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Connecting Infrastructure To The Internet from the Dish

Engineers can now link a building's rainwater catchment system to weather predictions from the Internet. Alerted city services can then empty water storage basins so that stormwater doesn't flood our sewers:
It may sound like a trivial problem, but the EPA estimates that the U.S. has $13 billion invested in wastewater infrastructure alone. More importantly, the majority of America's largest cities--more than 700 in all--dump millions of gallons of raw sewage into our waterways every time it rains, because their sewer and stormwater systems were designed a century ago. ...
Giving building planners the assurance that they'll always have access to a free water supply means they can actually use it. And putting these on enough buildings could go a long way to solving the problem of combined sewer and stormwater systems being overwhelmed when it rains.
(Photo: Residents try to unblock a sewage grate to free floodwater on Coney Island after Hurricane Irene hit New York, August 28, 2011. By Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images)

Sensitivity Analysis in InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM

Subject:  Sensitivity Analysis in InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM

Sensitivity Analysis in InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM

by dickinsonre
Subject:  Sensitivity Analysis in InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM   
It is easy to perform sensitivity analysis in InfoSWMM and H2oMAP SWMM using the Scenario Manager, Dataset manager, Block Edit in the Database Editor, Batch Simulation and theReport Manager.  For example, we will do a sensitivity analysis for the Subcatchment Width (one the physical parameters in the Subcatchment analysis of SWMM 5 – see Figure 1).  The width is normally the area divided by the overland path length but there are many common means of calculating the width.

Figure 1.  Physical Data used in the Calculation of Surface Runoff using the Non Linear Reservoir Routing method in SWMM 5.
Figure 2.  The base scenario for our sensitivity analysis.
There are seven main steps in the sensitivity analysis of the width:
Step 1.   Use the Scenario Explorer to make Child Scenarios from the Base Scenario.  For ease of understanding we will name each of the Child Scenario's the percent change in the width parameter.  Thus, W-50, will be the Base Width Plus 50 percent.
Step 2.   Use the Dataset Manager to create different Subcatchment Sets that will be used for each of the Scenario's.  Again for ease of understanding we will use the name S_W+50 etc for the Sets to match the change in the Width Parameter.
Step 3.   Use the Scenario Manger to choose the right Subcatchment Set for Each Scenario.
Step 4.   Use the Database Editor to Edit and modify the Width of Each Subcatchment Set.
Step 5.   Use the Block Edit tool to multiply the Base Width Value by the needed value, 1.25, 1.50, 0.75, 0.50
Step 6.   Use the Batch Simulation Command to run all of the Scenario's.
Step 7.   Use Report Manager and the tool Compare Graphs to graph the results of Each Scenario together.
Step 8.   In Report Manager you can produce a table that shows the runoff for each of the different scenarios.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How InfoSWMM and H2oMAP SWMM Reads CUHP Hydrographs

How InfoSWMM and H2oMAP SWMM Reads CUHP Hydrographs

by dickinsonre
Note:  The Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure (CHUP) 2010 version generates a SWMM 5 Inflows Files containing a time series of flow inflows for 1 to many nodes (Figure 4 and Figure 5).    The created Inflows file (Figure 2) can be imported intao InfoSWMM and H2MAP SWMM without any alteration by using the Files command in Run Manager (Figure 1) and graphed using the Output Manager of InfoSWMM and  H2OMAP SWMM (Figure 3).

Figure 1.  Location of Files Command in Run Manager

The inflows will be read  from the Inflows file, which has this format:

Figure 2.  Header format of the CUHP Exported Hydrograph File

InfoSWMM and H2oMAP SWMM will match the Node Names in the Inflows file to the network node names and import and interpolate the inflows based on the Inflows time step and your hydraulic time step to generate Lateral  Inflow Hydrographs

Figure 3.  InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM Lateral  Inflow Hydrographs

Figure 4.  CHUP Inflows File Descrpiption in the CUHP manual.
Figure 5. Cover of CUHP 2005 User Manual from 2010

Saturday, December 3, 2011

How to Make Contours in InfoSWMM and H2oMAP SWMM

Subject:  How  to Make Contours in InfoSWMM and H2oMAP SWMM

How to Make Contours in InfoSWMM and H2oMAP SWMM

by dickinsonre
Subject:  How  to Make Contours in InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM
It is easy to make contours out of node input data or node output data in InfoSWMM and H2oMAP SWMM using the Contour Tool in the Contour Tab of the Attribute Browser.  You can control the resolution and the type of smoothing for the created contour (Figure 1).  If you haveInfoSWMM Suite you can use the Contour to DEM command in the Subcatchment Manager to convert the created Contour to an Elevation or DEM file (Figure 2 and Figure 3).   The Layer properties for the created elevation can be altered in Arc GIS to make a better visual depiction of the elevation (Figure 4).
Figure 1.  Contour Tool in the Contour Tab of the Attribute Browser.
Figure 2.  Contour to DEM command in the InfoSWMM Subcatchment Manager will convert the created Contour to an Elevation or DEM file.
Figure 3.  Convert the Value Field and  NOT the level Field of the contour.
Figure 4.  The Arc GIS Layer properties can be used to alter the default color ramp and the number of classes used in the color ramp.

Mind The Crap From the Dish

Mind The Crap From the Dish

Sally Aldee fell in the Thames and gashed her leg, a prospect that horrified every medical professional she met. She subsequently traced the river's pollution from Victorian times to today:
The river – which by the way was both the source of the city’s drinking water and the repository for all its poop – became choleric and pestilent. In the summer of 1858, the fumes became so bad they got a name. The "Great Stink" forced members of Parliament to write the legislation that gave the all-clear to Joseph Bazalgette, London’s chief engineer of public works, to build the two massive interceptor sewers that catch London’s sewage and run-off before they’re belched into the Thames. To this day, these brick and mortar Victorian artifacts comprise the backbone of London’s sewer system. ...

Friday, December 2, 2011

Storage Volume vs Depth Equation in SWMM 5

Subject:  Storage Volume vs Depth Equation in SWMM 5

A storage node in SWMM 5 can have either a functional form or a tabular depth/area table.  The area functional form of a storage node is:

Area           =      A * Depth^B + C  and the Volume has the form in  node.c of the SWMM 5 of

Volume     =      A/(B+1)*Depth^(1+B) + C*Depth

For example if C is 25 square meters, A is 20 and the exponent B is 0.5 we get the following values for area and volume and you can also plot a Scatter Plot of Volume vs Depth in SWMM 5 (Figure 1).


Table 1.  Area and Volume for a Storage Node in SWMM 5.
Figure 1.  You can use a Scatter Graph in SWMM 5 to show the relationship between Volume and Depth.

Lambda Calculus in the SWMM 5 Dynamic Wave Solution

Subject:  Lambda Calculus in the SWMM 5 Dynamic Wave Solution

SWMM 5 uses the method of Successive under-relaxation to solve the Node Continuity Equation and the Link Momentum/Continuity Equation for a time step.  The dynamic wave solution in dynwave.c will use up to 8 iterations to reach convergence before moving onto the next time step.  The differences between the link flows and node depths are typically small (in a non pumping system) and normally converge within a few iterations unless you are using too large a time step.  The number of iterations is a minimum of two with the 1st iteration NOT using the under-relaxation parameter omega. The solution method can be term successive approximation, fixed iteration or Picard Iteration, fixed-point combinatory, iterated function and Lambda Calculus. In computer science, iterated functions occur as a special case of recursive functions, which in turn anchor the study of such broad topics as lambda calculus, or narrower ones, such as the denotational semantics  of computer programs ( 

In the SWMM 5 application of this various named iteration process there are three main concepts for starting, iterating and stopping the iteration process during one time step:

·         The 1st guess of the new node depth or link flow is the current link flow (Figure 3) and the new estimated node depths and link flows are used at each iteration to estimate the new time step depth or flow.  For example, in the node depth (H) equation dH/dt = dQ/A the value of dQ or the change in flow and the value of A or Area is updated at each iteration based on the last iteration’s value of all node depths and link flows.  

·         A bound or a bracket on each node depth or link flow iteration value is used by averaging the last iteration value with the new iteration value.  This places a boundary on how fast a node depth or link flow can change per iteration – it is always ½ of the change during the iteration (Figure 1).  

·         The Stopping Tolerance (Figure 2) determines how many iterations it takes to reach convergence and move out of the iteration process for this time step to the next time step.

Figure 1.  Under relaxation with an omega value of ½ is done on iterations 2 through a possible 8 in SWMM 5. This is not done for iteration 1.

Figure 2.  if the change in the Node Depth is less than the stopping tolerance in SWMM 5 the node is considered converged.  The stopping tolerance has a default value of 0.005 feet in SWMM 5.0.022. 

Figure 3.  The differences between the link flows and node depths are typically small (in a non pumping system) and normally converge within a few iterations unless you are using too large a time step.  The number of iterations is a minimum of two with the 1st iteration NOT using the under-relaxation parameter omega.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

InfoSWMM Selection Set and Domain Manager

Subject:  InfoSWMM Selection Set and Domain Manager

InfoSWMM and H2Map SWMM Selection Set and Domain Manager

by dickinsonre
Subject:   InfoSWMM and H2Map SWMM Selection Set and Domain Manager

You can use the Domain to easily make selection sets using these two steps.  You make a Domain which is the areas of the network you are interested in at the current time and then save your Domain of Interest in a Selection Set.

Step 1:  Go to Domain Manager and use Map Selection, Query or the Network to make a domain

Step 2.  Go to Selection Sets in the Operation Tab of the  Attribute Browser and make a New Set and load the domain into your set.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM Import and Export of HEC-RAS Geometry Data

Subject: InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM Import and Export of HEC-RAS Geometry Data

InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM Import and Export of HEC-RAS Geometry Data

by dickinsonre
InfoSWMM v11 and H2OMAP SWMM v10 have new import and export features for HEC-RAS interaction.   The echange commands are in the exchange menu (Table 1) and you can import HEC-RAS geometry files (Figure 1), edit imported Transect Data (Figure 2 and 3) and export thedata back to a HEC-RAS geometry file (Figure 4 and 5 and Table 2).

Import Manager
Export Manager
ODBC Exchange
Import Generate File
(Conveyance Nodes)
Conveyance (Links)
(Disable Auto-Length Calculation)
Export Generate File
(Conveyance Nodes)
Conveyance (Links)
(Disable Auto-Length Calculation)
Convert Polyline
Import EPA SWMM 5
Export EPA SWMM 5
Import HEC-RAS Data
Export HEC-RAS Data
Export Hotstart File
Append Nodes
GIS Gateway

Table 1.  Exchange commands in InfoSWMM and/or H2OMAP SWMM

Figure 1.   Import HEC-RAS command imports Geometry Files which will have the extension go1, go2 etc.

Figure 2.   The imported Transects can be viewed and edited in the Operations Tab  of the InfoSWMM Browser.

Figure 3.   The imported Transects can be used as a SWMM 5 Irregular Channel Transect.

Figure 4.   Export HEC-RAS command exports a geometry file containing the active Transects in InfoSWMM.

Figure 5.   Export HEC-RAS allows you to choose a directory and a name for the exported geometry file.


River Reach= CHO
Type RM Length L Ch R = 1 ,5.065 ,471.716902,515.260000,471.716902
River Mile 5.065
#Sta/Elev= 68
       0   214.4      11   213.9      39   212.3      41   211.8     141   209.6
     174   208.0     275   205.1     293   203.9     297   201.6     299   201.3
     307   199.9     313   200.8     316   202.1     329   203.4     329   205.4
     366   208.6     413   208.5     417   208.3     429   206.2     434   205.8
     441   203.4     447   206.3     449   206.4     488   208.1     502   208.1
     506   208.1     550   207.0     559   206.1     566   205.9     566   205.9
     575   205.8     585   206.7     587   206.6     624   205.9     638   206.0
     644   205.9     651   205.8     667   206.8     681   207.3     696   207.7
     723   207.8     724   207.8     739   207.5     763   208.1     787   209.1
     816   209.3     920   210.0     970   209.8     998   209.8    1055   209.8
    1076   209.5    1079   209.6    1097   209.9    1108   210.1    1130   210.4
    1225   210.6    1358   211.1    1372   211.1    1419   211.3    1426   210.6
    1443   211.4    1472   211.5    1647   211.5    1670   211.5    1745   211.7
    1796   212.2    1868   213.4    1888   214.2
#Mann= 3 , 1 , 0
       0     0.1       0     275    0.04       0     366    0.08       0
Bank Sta=274.500000,365.500000
Table 2.   The exported HEC-RAS Geometry File from InfoSWMM

AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...