Sunday, April 23, 2017

Area of a Manhole in #SWMM5

The default area of a manhole is used if the inverts of the connecting links are all above the invert of the node:
1.     Invert of the node to the Invert of the lowest connecting link, the area of the manhole is 1.2 square meters or whatever the user defines,
2.     If the water surface is between the invert of the lowest connecting link and the soffit of the highest connecting link then the area of the node is ½ of the area of the connecting links
3.     If the water surface of the node is above the soffit of the highest connecting link then the area of the node is zero and the program tries to balance the flow into and out of the node so the total flow is zero

Monday, April 17, 2017

Simple SI Unit Model for SWMM5 LID with 100 mm Rainfall - Part 2

This blog is a companion to the blog post in which a 1 Hectare model with 100 mm of rainfall had a simple Bio-Retention Cell with no LID outflows.  In part 2 of this blog series we will add a drain coefficient of 10 mm/hr (Figure 1).  The internal pervious area is 0.375 hectares, the nonLID area is 0.75 hectares and the two impervious area are 0.1875 hectares each. The example uses 100 mm of rainfall or precipitation to make the comparisons easier.  The LID Drainage outflow of 27.93 mm (Figure 2) is 6.98 mm over the whole 1 hectare Subcatchment (Figure 3).

The BMP removal is still 100 percent of the SF1 pollutant generation

Figure 1 A 10 mm/hr Drain Coefficient to the LID

Figure 2  The LID now has Drain outflow of 27.84 mm

Figure 3 The LID Drainage outflow of 27.93 mm (Figure 2) is 6.98 mm over the whole 1 hectare Subcatchment

#SWMM5 Simple 100 mm Rainfall model for #LID modeling - Part 1

Simple SI Unit Model for SWMM5 LID with 100 mm Rainfall.
Reading this blog and using the embedded SWMM 5 example file, you will run a simple SI unit model based on factors of 1 and 10. The LID (Bio-Retention Cell) is designed to have zero outflows, Figure 1, as the storage is set to 1000 mm. The Subcatchment area is 1 hectare, the prevent impervious is ½ hectare divided into ¼ hectare sections with and without depression storage, the pervious area is ½ hectare (Figure 2). The LID Bio-Retention area is ¼ hectare or 25 percent of the Subcatchment. The SWMM5 divides the Subcatchment into nonLID and Lid sections (Figure 3) and the impervious area and pervious areas are automatically reduced by the SWMM5 engine (Figure 6). The internal pervious area is 0.375 hectares, the nonLID area is 0.75 hectares and the two impervious area are 0.1875 hectares each. The example uses 100 mm of rainfall or precipitation to make the comparisons easier.
Figure 1 SWMM 5 Bio-Retention Cell Example with settings based on 10 so that no flow leaves the LID.  The Berm and Storage Height are set to 1000 mm.
Figure 2 Power of 10 SI unit example for Subcatchment and LID in SWMM5.  The Subcatchment area is 1 hectare, the prevent impervious is ½ hectare divided into ¼ hectare sections with and without depression storage, the pervious area is ½ hectare
Figure 3 Four types of Runoff Surfaces in SWMM5 with LID's
Figure 4 Subcatchment Summary in SWMM5 - there is no Runoff and all of the Pervious Flow Infiltrates.  The pervious infiltration is 37.5 mm which is the percentage of the 1 Hectare Subcatchment covered by the pervious area.
Figure 5 LID Summary - no flow out of the LID, only storage.  The LID area has initial and final storage - the final storage is the total inflow + the initial storage. The total inflow is 100 mm of rainfall + 37.5 mm of Impervious Runoff / 0.25 Hectares or 150 mm for a total of 250 mm.
Figure 6 Division of 1 Hectare Subcatchment into LID and NonLID Areas.  The internal pervious area is 0.375 hectares, the nonLID area is 0.75 hectares and the two impervious area are 0.1875 hectares each.
;;Project Title/Notes
LID Model
;;Option Value
START_DATE 03/22/2017
START_TIME 00:00:00
END_DATE 03/23/2017
END_TIME 00:00:00
REPORT_STEP 00:05:00
WET_STEP 00:05:00
DRY_STEP 01:00:00
;;Data Source Parameters
;;-------------- ----------------
;;Name Format Interval SCF Source
;;-------------- --------- ------ ------ ----------
;;Name Rain Gage Outlet Area %Imperv Width %Slope CurbLen SnowPack
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------
; Name Raingage Outlet Area %Imperv Width Slope Clength
100 1 1 1 50 100 1 0.000000
;;Subcatchment N-Imperv N-Perv S-Imperv S-Perv PctZero RouteTo PctRouted
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
100 0.013000 0.050000 0 100 50 OUTLET
;;Subcatchment MaxRate MinRate Decay DryTime MaxInfil
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
100 50 10 1 999.000000 0.000000
;;Name Type/Layer Parameters
;;-------------- ---------- ----------
Bio-Retention BC
Bio-Retention SURFACE 1000 0.0 0.1 1 5
Bio-Retention SOIL 1000 .5 .25 .10 10 10.0 100
Bio-Retention STORAGE 1000 0.1 0 0
Bio-Retention DRAIN 0 0.5 0 6
;;Subcatchment LID Process Number Area Width InitSat FromImp ToPerv RptFile DrainTo
;;-------------- ---------------- ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------ ----------------
100 Bio-Retention 1 2500 10 0 100 0
;;Name Elevation MaxDepth InitDepth SurDepth Aponded
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
2 101 4.342740 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 102 7.298640 0.000000 0.000000 80000.000000
;;Name Elevation Type Stage Data Gated Route To
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- -------- ----------------
3 100 FREE NO
;;Name From Node To Node Length Roughness InOffset OutOffset InitFlow MaxFlow
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
12 1 2 100 .01 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0
23 2 3 100 .01 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0
;;Link Shape Geom1 Geom2 Geom3 Geom4 Barrels Culvert
;;-------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
12 CIRCULAR 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1
23 RECT_CLOSED 1 1.600000 0.000000 0.000000 1
;;Link Kentry Kexit Kavg Flap Gate Seepage
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
12 0 0 0.000000 NO 0
23 0 0 0.000000 NO 0
;;Name Units Crain Cgw Crdii Kdecay SnowOnly Co-Pollutant Co-Frac Cdwf Cinit
;;-------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
SF1 MG/L 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NO * 0.0 0.0 0.0
;; Sweeping Fraction Last
;;Name Interval Available Swept
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
A 0 0 0
;;Subcatchment Land Use Percent
;;-------------- ---------------- ----------
100 A 100
;;Subcatchment Pollutant Buildup
;;-------------- ---------------- ----------
100 SF1 40
;;Land Use Pollutant Function Coeff1 Coeff2 Coeff3 Per Unit
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
A SF1 POW 0.0 1 1 AREA
;;Land Use Pollutant Function Coeff1 Coeff2 SweepRmvl BmpRmvl
;;-------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
A SF1 EXP 1 1 0.0 0.0
;;Name Date Time Value
;;-------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
A 00:00 0
A 00:05 9.573452431
A 00:10 10.25274205
A 00:15 11.04623792
A 00:20 11.98563822
A 00:25 13.11546308
A 00:30 14.50019616
A 00:35 16.2367101
A 00:40 18.47713325
A 00:45 21.47391061
A 00:50 25.67639064
A 00:55 31.96236514
A 01:00 42.28290598
A 01:05 61.90323665
A 01:10 110.6596749
A 01:15 202.1863528
A 01:20 122.9825837
A 01:25 78.78745972
A 01:30 57.07434496
A 01:35 44.44627995
A 01:40 36.29030405
A 01:45 30.63131568
A 01:50 26.49481575
A 01:55 23.34912428
A 02:00 20.88150483
A 02:05 18.89679137
A 02:10 17.26739526
A 02:15 15.9065854
A 02:20 14.75345383
A 02:25 13.76406613
A 02:30 12.9059759
A 02:35 12.15470506
A 02:40 11.49147541
A 02:45 10.90163374
A 02:50 10.37359955
A 02:55 9.898093036
A 03:00 9.467598431
;;Reporting Options
DIMENSIONS 82757.219 8542.173 83495.650 8753.113
Units None
;;Node X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
2 83134.103 8743.516
1 82811.980 8743.508
3 83462.085 8743.524
;;Link X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
;;Subcatchment X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
100 83119.103 8710.484
100 83119.103 8551.761
100 82790.784 8551.761
100 82793.138 8710.780
100 82813.136 8730.484
100 83099.103 8730.484
100 83119.103 8710.484
;;Gage X-Coord Y-Coord
;;-------------- ------------------ ------------------
1 82983.981 8630.926

Friday, April 14, 2017

InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager

InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager is the single utility in InfoSWMM SA to manage all interactions between InfoSWMM SA models and SWMMLive model data exchange. It exports the active InfoSWMM SA scenario as the baseline model to SWMMLive. It allows extension of selected InfoSWMM SA scenarios as additional supporting model data to SWMMLive for scenario switching. It also accepts an exported SWMMLive model for detailed diagnosis run in InfoSWMM SA, supported with all the familiar InfoSWMM SA utilities.

InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager is accessed from the AddOn Extension Manager via its toolbar button or from the Tools menu (Tools - AddOn Extension Manager).
The InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager User Interface is shown below.
The InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager main dialog box has three tabs: Export Model to SWMMLive, Extend Scenario Data to SWMMLive, and Diagnose SWMMLive Model.  All model exchanges between InfoSWMM SA and SWMMLive are made through model definition files with extension inp.
  • Export Model to SWMMLive - Exports the active InfoSWMM SA model for SWMMLive (InfoSWMM SA) to create a baseline model.  All essential information about the active InfoSWMM SA model is exported into the given inp file.  If current InfoSWMM SA model contains scenario data, this option can be used in conjunction with selected scenarios to export scenario-based models with overriding operational scenario data.  All scenario-based model inp files will be exported to their respective scenario sub-folders under the baseline model path.
  • Extend Scenario Data to SWMMLive - Exports additional InfoSWMM SA scenario models based on a provided SWMMLive baseline model.  The operational data from the selected scenarios will be merged into the given SWMMLive reference model to form different scenario models, to be used in SWMMLive.  All scenario-based model inp files will be exported to their respective sub-folders under the given baseline model path.
  • Diagnose SWMMLive Model - Diagnoses a given SWMMLive model using the full utilities available from InfoSWMM SA.  The given SWMMLive model is imported into InfoSWMM SA for any diagnosis analysis in InfoSWMM SA.

Export Model to SWMMLive

In the box of Export Model File to SWMMLive, an inp file is specified for InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager to store the InfoSWMM SA model information.
 Browse for a folder location and specify an inp file name.
If the InfoSWMM SA model is blank, SWMMLive Manager will not export.  Otherwise, SWMMLive Manager exports the active scenario as the baseline model to SWMMLive.  

Thursday, April 13, 2017

How can there be more flow in a pipe than its full capacity? #SWMM5 and #InfoSWMM - Emoji View

🌊🌀 Unraveling the Pipe Capacity Enigmas of #SWMM5, ICM InfoWorks & ICM SWMM 🚀🌐

📌 Spotlight on Innovyze: Our enlightening journey today seamlessly blends knowledge from the Innovyze blog, tailored especially for the champions of #SWMM5, ICM InfoWorks, and ICM SWMM! 🔍🔗 Innovyze Blog Post

🤔💡 Puzzling Pipe Phenomenon: Ever had those perplexing moments 🙆‍♂️ when, within #SWMM5 or ICM platforms, a surcharged pipe's maximum simulation flow exceeds its full capacity? Sounds baffling, right? How does more water flow than the pipe's capacity? 🌊🔍

📊 Deciphering Qfull: In #SWMM5 and its ICM counterparts, Qfull (from the link input summary table) is sourced from the revered Manning's equation 📜. While this equation is foundational, it's a tad simpler than the intricate St Venant equations 🧮 harnessed by the engines of SWMM5, ICM InfoWorks, and ICM SWMM for model outputs. This leads to minor variances between Qfull (dictated by slope) and the actual flow discharge as determined by the 1D St Venant Equations. Crucial insight: Qfull serves as a handy reference for us, the users 🧑‍💻, and isn't the engine's yardstick for determining pipe surcharge. 🖥️🔗

🧐 Manning's Equation Unveiled: Manning's equation paints a picture of a pipe that stretches limitlessly 🌌. Resultantly, it's common for a pipe to ferry more water than its nominal capacity sans surcharge. Want a litmus test? 🕵️‍♂️ Extend your pipe or stick to a constant max flow, and voilà, brace yourself for the surcharge spectacle! 🌊🎢

📏✨ The Influence of Length: Pipe length isn't just a number; it's a game-changer! 🚀 A nimble 10-meter pipe might effortlessly channel a flow that its 100-meter sibling grapples with, even if they mirror each other in gradient, roughness, and other traits. It all boils down to friction loss, which magnifies with length! 📈🔥

🎉🎈 Golden Nuggets: As stewards of water 💧 and aficionados of #SWMM5, ICM InfoWorks, and ICM SWMM, it's pivotal to fathom that every modeling marvel, be it SWMM or ICM, amalgamates both time-tested wisdom and sophisticated computations. At times, they might seem at odds, but a deeper dive (literally!) can illuminate and elevate our comprehension! 🌟📚🌍

Stay inquisitive, embrace experimentation, and let's champion the cause of seamless water flow! 🌍🌊🤓🎉🥳🌱🌟🎈📊🌈🚀🌐🔍🔗🌀📜🧮🖥️🧑‍💻🙆‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🎢🚀📏🔥🎊📚🌟🎉🌍🌊🤓🎈🎉🎊🌱🌟🎈📊🌈🚀🌐🔍🔗🌀📜🧮🖥️🧑‍💻🙆‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🎢🚀📏🔥🎊📚🌟🎉🌍🌊🤓🎈🎉🎊🌱🌟🎈📊🌈🚀🌐🔍🔗🌀📜🧮🖥️🧑‍💻🙆‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🎢🚀📏🔥🎊📚🌟🎉🌍🌊🤓🎈🎉🎊🌱🌟🎈📊🌈🚀🌐🔍🔗🌀📜🧮🖥️🧑‍💻🙆‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🎢🚀📏🔥🎊📚🌟🎉🌍🌊🤓🎈🎉🎊🌱🌟🎈📊🌈🚀🌐🔍🔗🌀📜🧮🖥️🧑‍💻🙆‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🎢🚀📏🔥🎊📚🌟🎉🌍🌊🤓🎈🎉🎊🌱🌟🎈📊🌈🚀🌐🔍🔗🌀📜🧮🖥️🧑‍💻🙆‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🎢🚀📏🔥🎊📚🌟🎉🌍🌊🤓🎈🎉🎊🌱🌟🎈📊🌈🚀🌐🔍🔗🌀📜🧮🖥️🧑‍💻🙆‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🎢🚀📏🔥🎊📚🌟🎉🌍🌊🤓🎈🎉🎊🌱🌟🎈📊🌈🚀🌐🔍🔗🌀📜🧮🖥️🧑‍💻🙆‍♂️

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Use Sublime Text to Diff two files in the same folder for SWMM 5 C Code

Sublime Text is nice but not a free Text Editor for large files.  However, it does have a limited file difference capability – here is how you can use Sublime Text to Diff two files in the same folder for SWMM 5 C Code.  You can also use this to compare dozens of files in Sublime - which is needed for a program such as SWM 5 which has been continuously updated from 2003 to 2017 with at least 35? major version.  This makes it easy for example to compare the groundwater or rdii code between 2005 / 2012 and 2017, for example.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

EPA #SWMM5 Build 5.1.012 (03/14/17) Updates

SWMM 5.1 Update History
Build 5.1.012 (03/14/17)

Engine Updates:

1.  The direct.h header is now only #included in the swmm5.c file when
    compiled for Windows. (swmm5.c)

2.  Engine Update #7 in Build 5.1.011 (internally aligning the wet time
    step with the reporting time step) was redacted since it caused
    problems for certain combinations of time steps. (runoff.c)

3.  A subcatchment's bottom elevation is now used instead its parent
    aquifer's value when saving a water table value to the binary results
    file. (subcatch.c)

4.  A bug that failed to limit surface inflitration into a saturated rain
    garden LID unit was fixed. (lidproc.c)

5.  Calculation of the maximum limit on LID drain flows was modified to
    produce smoother results at low depths above the drain offset.

6.  A variable used for reporting detailed LID results is now properly
    initialized. (lid.c & lid.h)

7.  The occasional writing of duplicate lines to the detailed LID results
    file was fixed. (lidproc.c)

8.  The conversion from conduit seepage rate per unit area to rate per unit
    of length was changed to use top width instead of wetted perimeter since
    only vertical seepage is assumed to occur. (link.c)

9.  The coefficient of the evaporation/seepage term in the dynamic wave
    equation for updating conduit flow was corrected (from 1.5 to 2.5).

10. The Engels flow equation for side flow weirs was corrected (the original
    equation used in SWMM 3 & 4 was incorrect). (link.c)

11. Crest length reductions for end contractions are no longer used for
    trapezoidal weirs. (link.c)

12. The Slope Correction Factor for culverts with mitered inlets was corrected.

13. An entry in the table of gravel roadway weir coefficients was corrected.

14. The user supplied minimum slope option is now initialized to 0.0
    (meaning none is provided). (project.c)

15. NO/YES are no longer accepted as attributes for the NORMAL_FLOW_LIMITED
    dynamic wave simulation option (only SLOPE/FROUDE/BOTH are valid).

16. Changes were made so that the Routing Events and Skip Steady Flow
    options work correctly together. (routing.c & globals.h)

17. Steady state periods with no flow routing no longer contribute to the
    routing time step statistics. (stats.c and report.c)

18. When compiling statistics on the frequency of full conduit flow the
    number of barrels is now accounted for. (stats.c)

19. Under kinematic wave or steady flow routing, the water level in
    storage nodes that have no outflow links is now updated correctly
    over time. (flowrout.c) 

20. The formula for the depth at maximum width for the Modified Basket Handle
    cross section was corrected. (xsect.c)

GUI Updates:

1.  Profile plots now correctly update the main and axis title text when
    changed via the Profile Plot Options dialog. Also the downstream
    offset height of non-conduit links is set to 0 on the plot.

2.  The LID Control Editor now sets the Storage Layer Thickness to 0 when
    a Rain Garden is selected as the type of LID being edited.

3.  An OnChange event handler was added to each of the LID Control Editor's
    data fields to record when a value is changed.

Graphing Infographic for #InfoSWMM

Graphing Infographic for InfoSWMM. Three different ways to run models :
1. Batch Mode
2. Single Run Manager
3. Changing Scenarios and then using the Single Run Manager
4. Your number one debugging tool is the System graphs, it tells you the total rainfall, runoff, flooding, outflow and storage in one easy to see graph or table

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Six Depth and Flow Processes in #SWMM5

This is a backup post to go with the EPA hydrology manual (Manual I) which can download in PDF format here

There are three runoff surfaces on a SWMM5 Subcatchment: Impervious with depression storage, Impervious without depression storage and pervious area with depression storage (Figure 1).  The depression storage can be zero in all cases.
Figure 1.  Three Runoff Areas for Subcatchments in SWMM5
You can see the flow from all three areas (Figure 2).  If you look at the following graph the flow in the impervious and pervious area with depression storage is delayed as the depth in the area has to increase enough to reach the depression storage as you can see in Figure 3-2 from the EPA Manual.
Figure 2. Graphs of Three Runoff Surfaces or Areas + Total Runoff
You can see the depth from all three areas (Figure 3).  If you look at the following graph the flow in the impervious and pervious area with depression storage is greater than the depth in the impervious area with depression storage as the runoff commences right away in the area without depression storage.

Figure 3. Graphs of Three Runoff Surfaces or Areas

In Figure 4 you can see the Runoff from the Pervious area does not occur until the depth in the pervious area is greater than the depression storage of 1 inches.

Figure 4.  Depth in the Pervious Area (right axis) versus flow in the pervious area (left axis)

Saturday, March 4, 2017


The following is based on the readme.txt for compiling that EPA distributes with the SWMM5 install

1. Open the file swmm5.c in a text editor and make sure that the
   compiler directives at the top of the file read as follows:
       //#define CLE
       //#define SOL
       #define DLL   or the DLL will be created

2. Create a sub-directory named VC2010_DLL under the directory where
   the SWMM 5 Engine source code files are stored and copy SWMM5.DEF
   and VC2010-DLL.VCPROJ to it.

3. Launch Visual C++ 2010 and use the File / Open command to open
   the VC2010-DLL.VCPROJ file.

4. Issue the Build >> Configuration Manager command and select the
   Release configuration.

5. Issue the Build VC2010-DLL command to build SWMM5.DLL
   (which will appear in the Release subdirectory underneath the
   VC2010-DLL directory).

NOTE: The VC-2010 project file includes Open MP support which is
      only available with the Professional and higher versions of
      the compiler.

A SmartArt view of the process

How it looks in the Windows directory


Arbitrary Windows directory name with a Subfolder of the SWMM 5 engine followed by a Subfolder called VC2010_DLL with files SWMM5.DEF
   and VC2010-DLL.VCPROJ

How it looks in Visual Studio 2012

And here is how it compiles right away
1>  Generating Code...
1>  Compiling...
1>  shape.c
1>  snow.c
1>  stats.c
1>  statsrpt.c
1>  subcatch.c
1>  surfqual.c
1>  swmm5.c
1>  table.c
1>  toposort.c
1>  transect.c
1>  treatmnt.c
1>  xsect.c
1>  Generating Code...
1>     Creating library C:\SWMMandSoftware\VisualStudioSWMM5\swmm51010_engine\VC2010_DLL\Debug\VC2010-DLL.lib and object C:\SWMMandSoftware\VisualStudioSWMM5\swmm51010_engine\VC2010_DLL\Debug\VC2010-DLL.exp
1>  VC2010-DLL.vcxproj -> C:\SWMMandSoftware\VisualStudioSWMM5\swmm51010_engine\VC2010_DLL\Debug\VC2010-DLL.dll
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

If you want the Release version use Build/Release

Note on April 28, 2017 - I am including a link to a zip file of a working directory in VS 2012 and the directory C:\SWMMandSoftware\swmm51012_engine
You can download the entire directory (working using this link)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Innovyze Releases InfoSWMM SA Product Portfolio of Next-Generation GIS-Based Sewer Modeling Solutions

Innovyze Releases InfoSWMM SA Product Portfolio of Next-Generation GIS-Based Sewer Modeling Solutions

Revolutionary Release Powers Advanced GIS-Enabled Sewer Network Modeling Applications in Stand-Alone Environment, Dramatically Expands Geospatial Simulation Capabilities and Flexibility for High-Performance Analysis

Broomfield, Colorado, USA, February 21, 2017

Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced the worldwide release of the InfoSWMM SA (Stand-Alone) product portfolio. Marrying the most advanced engineering-GIS capabilities and functionality with the physics-based world of wastewater and stormwater network simulation, the new InfoSWMM SA product family provides a complete stand-alone infrastructure that addresses all sewer network modeling applications. It is the next-generation of the H2OMAP SWMM product portfolio.

Available today, the unique InfoSWMM SA architecture enables organizations to leverage all the GIS capabilities and functionality of ArcGIS-integrated InfoSWMM to deliver comprehensive geospatial network modeling. The GIS-based stand-alone architecture comes equipped with everything wastewater/stormwater utility owner-operators need to best plan, design, operate, secure and sustain their collection systems. It comprises InfoSWMM SAInfoSWMM SA 2D (two-dimensional surface flood modeling), InfoSWMM SA Sustain (optimal selection and placement of green infrastructure) and InfoSWMM SA SFEM (dynamic sewer flow estimation model).

These advancements propel the InfoSWMM SA family of solutions into the next generation of stand-alone engineering-GIS modeling, furthering Innovyze’s time-honored practice of continually adding critical value to its software and bringing unsurpassed modeling and design capabilities into the mainstream. The suite has the robustness and feature set needed to handle the most demanding analyses. Yet it’s intuitive enough for new users to master without a drawn-out learning curve, making it the ultimate GIS-based decision support tool for sewer collection systems. Like all Innovyze products, InfoSWMM SA is backed by unparalleled high-touch technical support. For an even faster return on investment, organizations may opt to call on Innovyze Implementation Services to accelerate deployment, integration and implementation of best modeling practices.

“The InfoSWMM SA product portfolio represents the most significant leap forward in stand-alone GIS-based network modeling,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, Dist.M.ASCE, NAE, President, COO and Chief Innovation Officer of Innovyze. “We’re excited to offer this breakthrough GIS-based framework across our entire H2OMAP SWMM portfolio, along with our mission-critical two-dimensional surface flood modeling (InfoSWMM SA 2D) and green infrastructure optimization (InfoSWMM SA Sustain) applications for the first time. This powerful  portfolio will create a compelling advantage for wastewater/stormwater utilities worldwide, making it easier for them to operate, manage and sustain high-performing, highly efficient collection systems — imperative in today’s economy — and meet the needs of their customers. No other company in the world can match the comprehensiveness of our collection system modeling solution set or provide the same level of GIS integration. Our superior smart sewer network modeling and management solutions suite provides wastewater operators and engineers with the ultimate decision support tool for optimal results.”

Pricing and Availability
InfoSWMM SAInfoSWMM SA Suite and InfoSWMM SA Executive Suite are now available worldwide by subscription. Special upgrade prices are available for all existing H2OMAP SWMM users. Contact your local Innovyze Client Service Manager/Channel Partner for information on purchasing or upgrading.

About InnovyzeInnovyze is a leading global provider of wet infrastructure business analytics software solutions designed to meet the technological needs of water/wastewater utilities, government agencies, and engineering organizations worldwide. Its clients include the majority of the largest UK, Australasian, East Asian and North American cities, foremost utilities on all five continents, and ENR top-rated design firms. Backed by unparalleled expertise and offices in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, the Innovyze connected portfolio of best-in-class product lines empowers thousands of engineers to competitively plan, manage, design, protect, operate, and sustain highly efficient and resilient infrastructure systems, and provides an enduring platform for customer success. For more information, call Innovyze at +1 626-568-6868, or visit

Innovyze Contact:Rajan RayDirector of Marketing and Client Service Manager
+1 626-568-6868
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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Innovyze Releases InfoWater SA Product Portfolio of Next-Generation GIS-Based Water Modeling Solutions

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Innovyze Releases InfoWater SA Product Portfolio of Next-Generation GIS-Based Water Modeling Solutions
Revolutionary Release Powers Advanced GIS-Enabled Water Network Modeling Applications in Stand-Alone Environment, Dramatically Expands Geospatial Simulation Capabilities and Flexibility for High-Performance Analysis

Broomfield, Colorado, USA, January 31, 2017 – Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced the worldwide release of the InfoWater SA (Stand-Alone) product portfolio. Marrying the most advanced engineering-GIS capabilities and functionality with the physics-based world of water network simulation, the new InfoWater SA product family provides a complete stand-alone infrastructure that addresses all network modeling applications. It is the next-generation of the H2OMAP Water product portfolio

Available today, the unique InfoWater SA architecture enables organizations to leverage all the GIS capabilities and functionality of ArcGIS-integrated InfoWater to deliver comprehensive geospatial network modeling. The GIS-based stand-alone architecture comes equipped with everything water utility owner-operators need to best plan, design, operate, secure and sustain their distribution systems. It comprises InfoWater SAInfoWater SA 2D (two-dimensional water spill modeling),InfoWater SA MSX (multi-species, temperature, and particle transport/deposition modeling); InfoSurge SA (surge/transient analysis); and InfoWater SA UDF (unidirectional flushing).

These advancements propel the InfoWater SA family of solutions into the next generation of stand-alone engineering-GIS modeling, furthering Innovyze’s time-honored practice of continually adding critical value to its software and bringing unsurpassed modeling and design capabilities into the mainstream. The suite has the robustness and feature set needed to handle the most demanding analyses. Yet it’s intuitive enough for new users to master without a drawn-out learning curve, making it the ultimate GIS-based decision support tool for water supply and distribution systems. Like all Innovyze products, InfoWater SA is backed by unparalleled high-touch technical support. For an even faster return on investment, organizations may opt to call on Innovyze Implementation Services to accelerate deployment, integration and implementation of best modeling practices.

“The InfoWater SA product portfolio represents the most significant leap forward in stand-alone GIS-based network modeling,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, Dist.M.ASCE, NAE, President, COO and Chief Innovation Officer of Innovyze. “We’re excited to offer this breakthrough GIS-based framework across our entire H2OMAP Water portfolio, along with our mission-critical two-dimensional above-ground water spill modeling (InfoWater SA 2D) and unidirectional flushing (InfoWater SA UDF) applications for the first time. It will create a compelling advantage for water utilities worldwide, making it easier for them to operate, manage and sustain high-performing, highly efficient water systems — imperative in today’s economy — and meet the needs of their customers. No other company in the world can match the comprehensiveness of our water modeling solution set or provide the same level of GIS integration. Our superior smart water network modeling and management solutions suite provides water operators and engineers with the ultimate decision support tool for optimal results.”

Pricing and Availability
InfoWater SAInfoWater SA 2DInfoSurge SAInfoWater SA MSX and InfoWater SA UDF are now available worldwide by subscription. Special upgrade prices are available for all existing H2OMAP WaterH2OMAP Surge and H2OMAP SA MSXusers. Contact your local Innovyze Channel Partner for information on purchasing or upgrading.

About Innovyze
Innovyze is a leading global provider of wet infrastructure business analytics software solutions designed to meet the technological needs of water/wastewater utilities, government agencies, and engineering organizations worldwide. Its clients include the majority of the largest UK, Australasian, East Asian and North American cities, foremost utilities on all five continents, and ENR top-rated design firms. Backed by unparalleled expertise and offices in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, the Innovyze connected portfolio of best-in-class product lines empowers thousands of engineers to competitively plan, manage, design, protect, operate, and sustain highly efficient and resilient infrastructure systems, and provides an enduring platform for customer success. For more information, call Innovyze at +1 626-568-6868, or
Innovyze Contact:
Rajan Ray
Director of Marketing and Client Service Manager
+1 626-568-6868

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