How to turn on the option in InfoSWMM to show the SWMM5 RPT file output table for each node, link and subcatcment; go to the Report Option dialog (1), turn of report all of report selection list (2) and in the output file you will get a time series of the node, link or subcatchment data for making time series (3).
Autodesk Technologist with Information about Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) for watershed water quality, hydrology and hydraulics modelers (Note this blog is not associated with the EPA). You will find Blog Posts on the Subjects of SWMM5, ICM SWMM, ICM InfoWorks, InfoSWMM and InfoSewer.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Saturday, February 10, 2018
How to Compile Older SWMM 5 C Engines in Visual Studio 2012
As I move from one PC to another and want to go back and recompile an earlier version of SWMM5 in a newer version of Visual Studio, I often have file issues. Here is how I cope using the earlier version of SWMM 5 :
- Use Visual Studio 2012 and make a SWMM 5.1011 directory with two sub directories, C and Delphi Code and the model files needed to run your networks,
- Copy the C and H files to the SWMM5 Sub folder D:\SWMMandSoftware\SWMM5.1.011\SWMM5_Code from the SWMM5 engine zip folder
- Rename the vcxproj files so they correspond to the version of SWMM5, SWMM55101_VC2012-DLL.vcxproj in the D:\SWMMandSoftware\SWMM5.1.011\SWMM5_Code\swmm51011_engine folder
- You should be able to compile the Debug or Release versions, the SWMM5.DLL file will be made in the debug or release D:\SWMMandSoftware\SWMM5.1.011\SWMM5_Code\swmm51011_engine\Release You can change this location later for testing.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
PySWMM Documentation which is a Python package the allows seamless interaction with the USEPA-SWMM5
Source of this file is
Start here to begin working with pyswmm.
The pyswmm package allows seamless interaction with the USEPA-SWMM5
data model. Parameter getters/setters and results getters have been
exposed, allowing the user to see results while a simulation is
running as well as update link settings.
Loading a Model
There are three options to load a model. If there is no desire to
interact with the simulation then the simplest way to run the
model is the following:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation
>>> sim = Simulation('./testmodel.inp')
>>> sim.execute()
The following method allows the user to read in a model and
manually step through the simulation and get/set parameters and
results. This scenario is the cleanest solution using a
with statement. It automatically cleans up after the
simulation is complete.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation
>>> with Simulation('./testmodel.inp') as sim:
... for step in sim:
... pass
One feature that pyswmm adds to the modeling world is the simulation
stride function ``step_advance``. Assuming a user has developed all
of their control rules in in a Python script, to reduce simulation
time a user can specify how often Python controls should be evaluated.
For example, let's assume ``testmodel.inp`` has a 30 second routing step
(using the dynamic wave solver, this step could vary significantly). If
complex control scenarios are developed, evaluating rules could add
significant time to the simulation.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation
>>> with Simulation('testmodel.inp') as sim:
... sim.step_advance(300)
... for step in sim:
... print(sim.current_time)
... # or here! sim.step_advance(newvalue)
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2015-11-01 14:20:00
For interacting with nodes a :py:class:`pyswmm.nodes.Nodes` object must be initialized.
See the following example. Once the ``Nodes`` object is initialized,
you can then initialize a :py:class:`pyswmm.nodes.Node`
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation, Nodes
>>> with Simulation('./testmodel.inp') as sim:
... node_object = Nodes(sim)
... #J1 node instantiation
... J1 = node_object["J1"]
... print(J1.invert_elevation)
... print(J1.is_junction())
... #Step through a simulation
... for step in sim:
... print(J1.total_inflow)
For interacting with nodes a :py:class:`pyswmm.links.Links` object must be initialized.
See the following example. Once the ``Links`` object is initialized,
you can then initialize a :py:class:`pyswmm.links.Link`
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation, Links
>>> with Simulation('./testmodel.inp') as sim:
... link_object = Links(sim)
... #C1:C2 link instantiation
... c1c2 = link_object["C1:C2"]
... print(c1c2.flow_limit)
... print(c1c2.is_conduit())
... #Step through a simulation
... for step in sim:
... print(c1c2.flow)
... if c1c2.flow > 10.0:
... c1c2.target_setting = 0.5
For interacting with subcatchments a :py:class:`pyswmm.subcatchments.Subcatchments`
object must be initialized. See the following example. Once the ``Subcatchments`` object is initialized,
you can then initialize a :py:class:`pyswmm.subcatchments.Subcatchment`
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation, Subcatchments
>>> with Simulation('./testmodel.inp') as sim:
... subcatch_object = Subcatchments(sim)
... #SC1 subcatchment instantiation
... SC1 = subcatch_object["S1"]
... print(SC1.area)
... #Step through a simulation
... for step in sim:
... print(SC1.runoff)
In the example above we introduce the option to change a link's settings.
PySWMM Controls
The pyswmm package exposes new possibility in interfacing with models. All control
rules can now be removed from USEPA SWMM5 and brought into Python. Now that this
functionality exists, open-source Python packages can now be used in conjunction
with pyswmm to bring even more complex control routines.
The following example illustrates the use of functions for
comparing two depths.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation, Links, Nodes
>>> def TestDepth(node, node2):
>>> if node > node2:
>>> return True
>>> else:
>>> return False
>>> with Simulation('./testmodel.inp') as sim:
... link_object = Links(sim)
... #C1:C2 link instantiation
... c1c2 = link_object["C1:C2"]
... node_object = Nodes(sim)
... #J1 node instantiation
... J1 = node_object["J1"]
... #J2 node instantiation
... J2 = node_object["J2"]
... #Step through a simulation
... for step in sim:
... if TestDepth(J1.depth, J2.depth):
... c1c2.target_setting = 0.5
If an EPA-SWMM5 Model has existing control actions within, any control
rules developed using pyswmm will have the highest priority. All pyswmm
control actions are evaluated at the end of each simulation step, after
EPA-SWMM native controls have been evaluated. If control actions are reported,
any control action updated by pyswmm will be output to the *.rpt file.
Generate Node Inflows
Among the newest features pyswmm brings to SWMM5 modeling is the ability to
set a nodes inflow. This can enable the user to model different behavior such as
runoff or seasonality.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation, Nodes
>>> with Simulation('/testmodel.inp') as sim:
... j1 = Nodes(sim)["J1"]
... for step in sim:
... j1.generated_inflow(9)
Start here to begin working with pyswmm.
The pyswmm package allows seamless interaction with the USEPA-SWMM5
data model. Parameter getters/setters and results getters have been
exposed, allowing the user to see results while a simulation is
running as well as update link settings.
Loading a Model
There are three options to load a model. If there is no desire to
interact with the simulation then the simplest way to run the
model is the following:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation
>>> sim = Simulation('./testmodel.inp')
>>> sim.execute()
The following method allows the user to read in a model and
manually step through the simulation and get/set parameters and
results. This scenario is the cleanest solution using a
with statement. It automatically cleans up after the
simulation is complete.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation
>>> with Simulation('./testmodel.inp') as sim:
... for step in sim:
... pass
One feature that pyswmm adds to the modeling world is the simulation
stride function ``step_advance``. Assuming a user has developed all
of their control rules in in a Python script, to reduce simulation
time a user can specify how often Python controls should be evaluated.
For example, let's assume ``testmodel.inp`` has a 30 second routing step
(using the dynamic wave solver, this step could vary significantly). If
complex control scenarios are developed, evaluating rules could add
significant time to the simulation.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation
>>> with Simulation('testmodel.inp') as sim:
... sim.step_advance(300)
... for step in sim:
... print(sim.current_time)
... # or here! sim.step_advance(newvalue)
2015-11-01 14:05:00
2015-11-01 14:10:00
2015-11-01 14:15:00
2015-11-01 14:20:00
For interacting with nodes a :py:class:`pyswmm.nodes.Nodes` object must be initialized.
See the following example. Once the ``Nodes`` object is initialized,
you can then initialize a :py:class:`pyswmm.nodes.Node`
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation, Nodes
>>> with Simulation('./testmodel.inp') as sim:
... node_object = Nodes(sim)
... #J1 node instantiation
... J1 = node_object["J1"]
... print(J1.invert_elevation)
... print(J1.is_junction())
... #Step through a simulation
... for step in sim:
... print(J1.total_inflow)
For interacting with nodes a :py:class:`pyswmm.links.Links` object must be initialized.
See the following example. Once the ``Links`` object is initialized,
you can then initialize a :py:class:`pyswmm.links.Link`
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation, Links
>>> with Simulation('./testmodel.inp') as sim:
... link_object = Links(sim)
... #C1:C2 link instantiation
... c1c2 = link_object["C1:C2"]
... print(c1c2.flow_limit)
... print(c1c2.is_conduit())
... #Step through a simulation
... for step in sim:
... print(c1c2.flow)
... if c1c2.flow > 10.0:
... c1c2.target_setting = 0.5
For interacting with subcatchments a :py:class:`pyswmm.subcatchments.Subcatchments`
object must be initialized. See the following example. Once the ``Subcatchments`` object is initialized,
you can then initialize a :py:class:`pyswmm.subcatchments.Subcatchment`
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation, Subcatchments
>>> with Simulation('./testmodel.inp') as sim:
... subcatch_object = Subcatchments(sim)
... #SC1 subcatchment instantiation
... SC1 = subcatch_object["S1"]
... print(SC1.area)
... #Step through a simulation
... for step in sim:
... print(SC1.runoff)
In the example above we introduce the option to change a link's settings.
PySWMM Controls
The pyswmm package exposes new possibility in interfacing with models. All control
rules can now be removed from USEPA SWMM5 and brought into Python. Now that this
functionality exists, open-source Python packages can now be used in conjunction
with pyswmm to bring even more complex control routines.
The following example illustrates the use of functions for
comparing two depths.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation, Links, Nodes
>>> def TestDepth(node, node2):
>>> if node > node2:
>>> return True
>>> else:
>>> return False
>>> with Simulation('./testmodel.inp') as sim:
... link_object = Links(sim)
... #C1:C2 link instantiation
... c1c2 = link_object["C1:C2"]
... node_object = Nodes(sim)
... #J1 node instantiation
... J1 = node_object["J1"]
... #J2 node instantiation
... J2 = node_object["J2"]
... #Step through a simulation
... for step in sim:
... if TestDepth(J1.depth, J2.depth):
... c1c2.target_setting = 0.5
If an EPA-SWMM5 Model has existing control actions within, any control
rules developed using pyswmm will have the highest priority. All pyswmm
control actions are evaluated at the end of each simulation step, after
EPA-SWMM native controls have been evaluated. If control actions are reported,
any control action updated by pyswmm will be output to the *.rpt file.
Generate Node Inflows
Among the newest features pyswmm brings to SWMM5 modeling is the ability to
set a nodes inflow. This can enable the user to model different behavior such as
runoff or seasonality.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from pyswmm import Simulation, Nodes
>>> with Simulation('/testmodel.inp') as sim:
... j1 = Nodes(sim)["J1"]
... for step in sim:
... j1.generated_inflow(9)
Thursday, January 18, 2018
How to Set your Model Preferences in InfoSWMM_SA
InfoSWMM SA Preferences
The Operation tab allows the user to control project settings relating to the management of various InfoSWMM SA operations. It should be noted that all the changes made on the Preferences dialog box must be saved prior to closing the dialog box. Many preferences set with this command will be reflected as the default choices on other dialog boxes. You may change those settings as desired on those dialog boxes.
Contents of the Operation Settings tab of the preferences dialog is described below:
Auto Length Calculation
| |
Auto Length/Area Calculation
| |
Auto Record Saving
| |
Auto Database Packing
| |
Delete Confirmation
| |
Auto Link Node Inclusion
| |
Check Update / Upgrade
| |
Batch Import on Open
| |
Batch Export on Save
| |
Allow Duplicated Report
| |
Store Absolute Conduit Invert
| |
Allow Project Database Editing Buffer
| |
Edit Diameter of (Filled) Circular Pipe in inch/mm in Attribute Browser
| |
Include Extra Summary Data for Map Display
| |
Use the Simulation Task Manager
| |
Display Each Help Item in its Own Window
On some computers you may need to select this option for the online help to display properly
Text Editor
| |
Length Scaling Factor
| |
Area Scaling Factor
| |
Auto Output Relate Update
| |
Auto Output Retrieval
| |
Auto Output Remembering
| |
Enable Output Save As
| |
Auto Link Delete
| |
Single Output Report Loading
| |
Display Calibration Data in Graph
| |
Sewer Interface
| |
Store Absolute Junction Rim
The Display tab controls visual effects and features within InfoSWMM SA. All changes made on the Preferences dialog box must be saved prior to closing the dialog box. Many preferences set with this command will be reflected as the default choices on other dialog boxes. You may change those settings as desired on those dialog boxes.
Contents of the Display Settings tab of the preferences dialog is described below:
Node Locate Map Extent %
| |
Pipe Locate Zoom Factor
| |
Decimal Placement
| |
Roughness Decimal Placement
| |
Default Domain Highlighting Color
| |
Selection Highlighting Color
| |
Default Inactive Element Color
| |
Default Google Maps Link
Google Maps can be launched from the Attribute Browser. Choose the default view that the map will be opened in.
Height of Note Editing Box
| |
Show Inactive Elements at a Default Display
| |
Show Link Direction
| |
Arrow Symbol Size
| |
Show Domain With Color Coding
| |
Show Inactive Elements with Color Coding
| |
Show Subcatchment Linkage
The Preferences - Selection Settings command is used to set the user's preferences during selection of elements in InfoSWMM SA project using the available selection tools. All changes made on the Preferences dialog box must be saved (by clicking the OK button) prior to closing the dialog box. Many preferences set with this command will be reflected as the default choices on other dialog boxes. You may change those settings as desired on those dialog boxes.
A brief explanation of the elements of the contents:
Selection Shape
| |
Selection Mode
| |
Selection Tolerance
This setting describes how many pixels away from the mouse pointer will be evaluated for the existence of map elements. This setting has more significance when you are trying to single-click on a map element instead of trying to select it with the Window or Crossing methods.
The Default Symbols Size tab is used to adjust the size (graphical appearance) of the InfoSWMM SA data elements listed in the dialog editor shown below. All changes made on the Preferences dialog box must be saved prior to closing the dialog box. Many preferences set with this command will be reflected as the default choices on other dialog boxes. You may change those settings as desired on those dialog boxes.
The ID and Description tab allows the user to change InfoSWMM SA defaults for data element naming, data sets, curves, patterns, etc. All changes made on the Preferences dialog box must be saved prior to closing the dialog box. Many preferences set with this command will be reflected as the default choices on other dialog boxes. You may change those settings as desired on those dialog boxes.
Contents of the ID and Description tab of the preferences dialog is described below:
ID Suggestion
| |
Data Type
| |
ID Prefix
| |
| |
| |
This section of the Preferences dialog box provides you with the tools to customize InfoSWMM's SA label settings. All changes made on the Preferences dialog box must be saved prior to closing the dialog box. Many preferences set with this command will be reflected as the default choices on other dialog boxes. You may change those settings as desired on those dialog boxes.
Contents of the Labeling tab of the preferences dialog is described below:
Node/Link/Subcatchment Label Settings
Enables specifying different node/link/Subcatchment label settings.
Label Node/Link/Subcatchment With IDs
Use this button to label all your nodes/links/Subcatchments.
Clear Node/Link/Subcatchment With IDs
Use this to clear your InfoSWMM SA map node/link/Subcatchment labels by clicking on this button.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Robert Dickinson on Earn.Com
My http://Earn.COM referral link. You can sign up to Earn Bitcoin from emails sent to your email address …

The beautiful code for the Water Quality Treatment Functions in #SWMM5
// treatmnt.c
// Project: EPA SWMM5
// Version: 5.1
// Date: 03/20/14 (Build 5.1.001)
// 03/19/15 (Build 5.1.008)
// Author: L. Rossman
// Pollutant treatment functions.
// Build 5.1.008:
// - A bug in evaluating recursive calls to treatment functions was fixed.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "headers.h"
// Constants
static const int PVMAX = 5; // number of process variables
enum ProcessVarType {pvHRT, // hydraulic residence time
pvDT, // time step duration
pvFLOW, // flow rate
pvDEPTH, // water height above invert
pvAREA}; // storage surface area
// Shared variables
static int ErrCode; // treatment error code
static int J; // index of node being analyzed
static double Dt; // curent time step (sec)
static double Q; // node inflow (cfs)
static double V; // node volume (ft3)
static double* R; // array of pollut. removals
static double* Cin; // node inflow concentrations
//static TTreatment* Treatment; // defined locally in treatmnt_treat() //(5.1.008)
// External functions (declared in funcs.h)
// treatmnt_open (called from routing_open)
// treatment_close (called from routing_close)
// treatmnt_readExpression (called from parseLine in input.c)
// treatmnt_delete (called from deleteObjects in project.c)
// treatmnt_setInflow (called from qualrout_execute)
// treatmnt_treat (called from findNodeQual in qualrout.c)
// Local functions
static int createTreatment(int node);
static double getRemoval(int pollut);
static int getVariableIndex(char* s);
static double getVariableValue(int varCode);
int treatmnt_open(void)
// Input: none
// Output: returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
// Purpose: allocates memory for computing pollutant removals by treatment.
Cin = NULL;
if ( Nobjects[POLLUT] > 0 )
R = (double *) calloc(Nobjects[POLLUT], sizeof(double));
Cin = (double *) calloc(Nobjects[POLLUT], sizeof(double));
if ( R == NULL || Cin == NULL)
report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_MEMORY, "");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void treatmnt_close(void)
// Input: none
// Output: returns an error code
// Purpose: frees memory used for computing pollutant removals by treatment.
int treatmnt_readExpression(char* tok[], int ntoks)
// Input: tok[] = array of string tokens
// ntoks = number of tokens
// Output: returns an error code
// Purpose: reads a treatment expression from a tokenized line of input.
char s[MAXLINE+1];
char* expr;
int i, j, k, p;
MathExpr* equation; // ptr. to a math. expression
// --- retrieve node & pollutant
if ( ntoks < 3 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
j = project_findObject(NODE, tok[0]);
if ( j < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[0]);
p = project_findObject(POLLUT, tok[1]);
if ( p < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[1]);
// --- concatenate remaining tokens into a single string
strcpy(s, tok[2]);
for ( i=3; i<ntoks; i++)
strcat(s, " ");
strcat(s, tok[i]);
// --- check treatment type
if ( UCHAR(s[0]) == 'R' ) k = 0;
else if ( UCHAR(s[0]) == 'C' ) k = 1;
else return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[2]);
// --- start treatment expression after equals sign
expr = strchr(s, '=');
if ( expr == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, "");
else expr++;
// --- create treatment objects at node j if they don't already exist
if ( Node[j].treatment == NULL )
if ( !createTreatment(j) ) return error_setInpError(ERR_MEMORY, "");
// --- create a parsed expression tree from the string expr
// (getVariableIndex is the function that converts a treatment
// variable's name into an index number)
equation = mathexpr_create(expr, getVariableIndex);
if ( equation == NULL )
return error_setInpError(ERR_TREATMENT_EXPR, "");
// --- save the treatment parameters in the node's treatment object
Node[j].treatment[p].treatType = k;
Node[j].treatment[p].equation = equation;
return 0;
void treatmnt_delete(int j)
// Input: j = node index
// Output: none
// Purpose: deletes the treatment objects for each pollutant at a node.
int p;
if ( Node[j].treatment )
for (p=0; p<Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++)
Node[j].treatment = NULL;
void treatmnt_setInflow(double qIn, double wIn[])
// Input: j = node index
// qIn = flow inflow rate (cfs)
// wIn = pollutant mass inflow rate (mass/sec)
// Output: none
// Purpose: computes and saves array of inflow concentrations to a node.
int p;
if ( qIn > 0.0 )
for (p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++) Cin[p] = wIn[p]/qIn;
for (p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++) Cin[p] = 0.0;
void treatmnt_treat(int j, double q, double v, double tStep)
// Input: j = node index
// q = inflow to node (cfs)
// v = volume of node (ft3)
// tStep = routing time step (sec)
// Output: none
// Purpose: updates pollutant concentrations at a node after treatment.
int p; // pollutant index
double cOut; // concentration after treatment
double massLost; // mass lost by treatment per time step
TTreatment* treatment; // pointer to treatment object //(5.1.008)
// --- set locally shared variables for node j
if ( Node[j].treatment == NULL ) return;
ErrCode = 0;
J = j; // current node
Dt = tStep; // current time step
Q = q; // current inflow rate
V = v; // current node volume
// --- initialze each removal to indicate no value
for ( p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++) R[p] = -1.0;
// --- determine removal of each pollutant
for ( p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++)
// --- removal is zero if there is no treatment equation
treatment = &Node[j].treatment[p]; //(5.1.008)
if ( treatment->equation == NULL ) R[p] = 0.0; //(5.1.008)
// --- no removal for removal-type expression when there is no inflow
else if ( treatment->treatType == REMOVAL && q <= ZERO ) R[p] = 0.0; //(5.1.008)
// --- otherwise evaluate the treatment expression to find R[p]
else getRemoval(p);
// --- check for error condition
report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_CYCLIC_TREATMENT, Node[J].ID);
// --- update nodal concentrations and mass balances
else for ( p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++ )
if ( R[p] == 0.0 ) continue;
treatment = &Node[j].treatment[p]; //(5.1.008)
// --- removal-type treatment equations get applied to inflow stream
if ( treatment->treatType == REMOVAL ) //(5.1.008)
// --- if no pollutant in inflow then cOut is current nodal concen.
if ( Cin[p] == 0.0 ) cOut = Node[j].newQual[p];
// --- otherwise apply removal to influent concen.
else cOut = (1.0 - R[p]) * Cin[p];
// --- cOut can't be greater than mixture concen. at node
// (i.e., in case node is a storage unit)
cOut = MIN(cOut, Node[j].newQual[p]);
// --- concentration-type equations get applied to nodal concentration
cOut = (1.0 - R[p]) * Node[j].newQual[p];
// --- mass lost must account for any initial mass in storage
massLost = (Cin[p]*q*tStep + Node[j].oldQual[p]*Node[j].oldVolume -
cOut*(q*tStep + Node[j].oldVolume)) / tStep;
massLost = MAX(0.0, massLost);
// --- add mass loss to mass balance totals and revise nodal concentration
massbal_addReactedMass(p, massLost);
Node[j].newQual[p] = cOut;
int createTreatment(int j)
// Input: j = node index
// Output: returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
// Purpose: creates a treatment object for each pollutant at a node.
int p;
Node[j].treatment = (TTreatment *) calloc(Nobjects[POLLUT],
if ( Node[j].treatment == NULL )
return FALSE;
for (p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++)
Node[j].treatment[p].equation = NULL;
return TRUE;
int getVariableIndex(char* s)
// Input: s = name of a process variable or pollutant
// Output: returns index of process variable or pollutant
// Purpose: finds position of process variable/pollutant in list of names.
// --- check for a process variable first
int k;
int m = PVMAX; // PVMAX is number of process variables
k = findmatch(s, ProcessVarWords);
if ( k >= 0 ) return k;
// --- then check for a pollutant concentration
k = project_findObject(POLLUT, s);
if ( k >= 0 ) return (k + m);
// --- finally check for a pollutant removal
if ( UCHAR(s[0]) == 'R' && s[1] == '_')
k = project_findObject(POLLUT, s+2);
if ( k >= 0 ) return (Nobjects[POLLUT] + k + m);
return -1;
double getVariableValue(int varCode)
// Input: varCode = code number of process variable or pollutant
// Output: returns current value of variable
// Purpose: finds current value of a process variable or pollutant concen.,
// making reference to the node being evaluated which is stored in
// shared variable J.
int p;
double a1, a2, y;
TTreatment* treatment; //(5.1.008)
// --- variable is a process variable
if ( varCode < PVMAX )
switch ( varCode )
case pvHRT: // HRT in hours
if ( Node[J].type == STORAGE )
return Storage[Node[J].subIndex].hrt / 3600.0;
else return 0.0;
case pvDT:
return Dt; // time step in seconds
case pvFLOW:
return Q * UCF(FLOW); // flow in user's units
case pvDEPTH:
y = (Node[J].oldDepth + Node[J].newDepth) / 2.0;
return y * UCF(LENGTH); // depth in ft or m
case pvAREA:
a1 = node_getSurfArea(J, Node[J].oldDepth);
a2 = node_getSurfArea(J, Node[J].newDepth);
return (a1 + a2) / 2.0 * UCF(LENGTH) * UCF(LENGTH);
default: return 0.0;
// --- variable is a pollutant concentration
else if ( varCode < PVMAX + Nobjects[POLLUT] )
p = varCode - PVMAX;
treatment = &Node[J].treatment[p]; //(5.1.008)
if ( treatment->treatType == REMOVAL ) return Cin[p]; //(5.1.008)
return Node[J].newQual[p];
// --- variable is a pollutant removal
p = varCode - PVMAX - Nobjects[POLLUT];
if ( p >= Nobjects[POLLUT] ) return 0.0;
return getRemoval(p);
double getRemoval(int p)
// Input: p = pollutant index
// Output: returns fractional removal of pollutant
// Purpose: computes removal of a specific pollutant
double c0 = Node[J].newQual[p]; // initial node concentration
double r; // removal value
TTreatment* treatment; //(5.1.008)
// --- case where removal already being computed for another pollutant
if ( R[p] > 1.0 || ErrCode )
ErrCode = 1;
return 0.0;
// --- case where removal already computed
if ( R[p] >= 0.0 && R[p] <= 1.0 ) return R[p];
// --- set R[p] to value > 1 to show that value is being sought
// (prevents infinite recursive calls in case two removals
// depend on each other)
R[p] = 10.0;
// --- case where current concen. is zero
if ( c0 == 0.0 )
R[p] = 0.0;
return 0.0;
// --- apply treatment eqn.
treatment = &Node[J].treatment[p]; //(5.1.008)
r = mathexpr_eval(treatment->equation, getVariableValue); //(5.1.008)
r = MAX(0.0, r);
// --- case where treatment eqn. is for removal
if ( treatment->treatType == REMOVAL ) //(5.1.008)
r = MIN(1.0, r);
R[p] = r;
// --- case where treatment eqn. is for effluent concen.
r = MIN(c0, r);
R[p] = 1.0 - r/c0;
return R[p];
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